King RTS' Hey Arnold! Site

Last Updated: July 3, 2006

Current Date: 

Site Best Viewed in: 1024 X 768 screen size (it'll still work in others).

Hey Arnold Stories-By: King RTS    Hey Arnold Stories-By: Other Authors    Future Fanfics

Other Stories By: King RTS    Story Submission Information    Deviant Art Site     Links

HA Affiliates: Arnold's Eyes by: Hannah   

Hello, and welcome to my Hey Arnold! site! Mostly Hey Arnold! fanfiction is here, created by me, King RTS, and even other authors (if anyone else sends me their stories that is). 

Currently there are 3 author submissions: Arnoldluvr (Vane12005), Celeibi, and KndmHearts (OathKeeper).


July 3: Happy 4th of July to all! ...Alright, down to business. First off, I do have a new fanfic posted. My non-Hey Arnold! fanfic, "The Jewel of Four Souls". It can be found in 3 places:
My Deviantart Page:

Also, I have a major HA! story on hold at the moment... "The Great War". At this current time, No More future stories of any kind will be written Unless I can get some sort of feedback to my current ones out, or some sort of support to continue. If you wish to see this story, or any others, please e-mail ( or IM (Aim: ArnoldHelga4ever)(Yim: IndianaRacer13) me. If I can get enough support for the story (or any other(s)), I will consider finishing it.

All future fanfics (even non-HA ones) will be listed at my "Future Fanfics"

Hey! If you're really excited or really want to see one of my future stories... send a e-mail in encouraging me to write which ever story(s) you want to see! I might put it on higher priority to work on, complete, and post.

Have a HA Pic of some sort? Send it in (e-mail to me or a note with the link through Deviant Art), and you could see it here for all to see!

Updates: (June 21st)

-Updated "Future Stories" Page

-Chapter 1 of "April Fool's Day Disaster" is up

-E-Mail or IM me! Please?




-Links Page...Have a Link? Send it on in! (Note: I will check where it goes...just to be sure.)

Don't Forget, you can E-mail me or IM Me (Address and S/N is lower on this page) if you have any questions/comments! Please! I would like to keep this site up, but I won't if no one is interested in it.

Keep checking the "Hey Arnold! Stories-By: King RTS" and/or the "Future Fanfics" page for any new story announcements.

(Please tell me if a link or something else doesn't work! I'll get right on it!)

And yes, I drew every picture you see on this huh? (So yes, I do own the pictures.)

Disclaimer: As you can see, I'm a Hey Arnold! fan. However, I do not own the show or anything about it (Nickelodeon, Viacom, Snee-Oosh, etc. own it). The purpose of this site is mostly to show fictional stories that I (and maybe other's in the mere future.)
made up for the reading enjoyment of other fans.


You can E-Mail me at: 

(Comments on stories, the site, sending your story in, or whatever you feel like saying. I'll try to get back ASAP.)

You Can Also IM me on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)

