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Board: Life, the Universe, and Everything | Topic: 5857470 - May it be forever known that j10jep is a goat! | Moderation ID: 1038836
From: DaNo1Stunna | Posted: 1/3/2003 6:11:03 PM
Moderated at: 1/3/2003 6:12:19 PM | Reason: Flaming | Action: Topic Deleted

It's true. We must forever associate him with a goat.
Compare your computer to mine:

Your message was found to be violating the following section of the TOS:
Flaming (Insulting Other Users)
Posts clearly insulting other board members, individually or as a group, directly or indirectly, are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Name-calling ("You're an idiot", "You moron")
  • Direct insults ("Screw you")
  • Offensive orders ("Go kill yourself")
  • Insinuations ("Are you stupid or something?") or insults towards family ("Your mom...")

This message was deleted with No Karma Loss. It is considered a minor or administrative moderation.

You have sent the following comments:

He SAID it! He SAID it! So that means if he says hes a genious, I can't call him a genious! Hypocritiness

You have already contested this moderation on the grounds that it was not a TOS violation. It has not yet been reviewed by a moderator.

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