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New York City - October 2004

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It had been a while since Patrick had seen his bar. I think he missed it. Tequila, tequila and tequila.
Walking downtown near Chinatown/Lower East Side. The other bar owner, Dylan, and Jeremy.
The dance floor at Turntables on the Hudson. Ryan found a big toy outside in the form of a 1,000 pound skillet. (Click on pic - there's more).
Dylan, Jeremy, Scott in a cab on the way to another bar. Kinda speaks for itself.
Patrick. Me, Mischa and Dylan - somebody got ahold of my camera so I'm actually in some pictures.
Keits, Patrick and me at a bar on Friday night. Ryan's self portrait with another bar patron.
Me and cozy Jeremy. After we got kicked out of the bar things started falling apart.
It was a long stumble home at 4 a.m. Said stumbling.
Sometimes a rest was required. "Wake me up in the morning."
Back to Barrio Chino in the "morning" for brunch with Susana, Elisa, Dylan and Patrick. Scott, Mischa, Keits.
Appropriately rested we donned our costumes for Halloween night. Dyl was an Ali G character, Babat. Ryan was 30-year-old Hairy Potter.
Mischa was Luke Wilson's character: Ritchie Tenenbaum. No need to tell you who Elisa and Lori were.
I was a hanging chad. Yeah, lot's of other people in NYC couldn't remember back to the 2000 election either. After drinking too much the night before Jeremy was a little cock-eyed all evening. (This made the other guy in the picture's night.)
Hairy sans mustache. Dylan and the girl that got us into the club (forget her name).
Slash and Axl relieving themselves. Halloween 2004 came and went.

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