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Keiko Murakami

Age: 17
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Race: Android/Human
Ability: Master huntress, Scientist
Background: Having lived a life that could have driven any child to insanity, she never tells anyone about her past except for her true love. Living alone in a small cabin at the age of 11, she hunted her own food to survive, gaining her huntress skill early in her life. By the age of 12, she met a stranger in the forest, giving him shelter when he asked. Unfortunately, that would be the last time she give anyone help or kindness after being raped that night by the unknown wanderer. Living three days without food and curled up in her bed, her heart was left cold to anyone, devoting her life to the death of all criminals accompanied with a deteste and hatred of men.

While walking down an empty street, she saw a flier that advertised wanted hunters and huntresses, but she was too young then, only allowed to do small tasks for the hunter's guild. Seeing potential in her, she was enrolled in the Hunter's Academy by the age of 14, soon appointed one of the head huntresses by the age of 16 on her Birthday, but she rebelled against blatant orders and would not only take jobs for simple tasks but deadly ones. Through that span of time, she almost died a number of five times, recreating herself with the science of machinery. Her rage left her blinded, realizing too late that her thirst for revenge created a 'beast' out of her as she called it, mentally and physically. Although appearing a beautiful woman on the exterior, she was comprised of most metal and advanced wiring.

Seeing that she could be a danger to the lives of many, she was released from her position after her last rebellious stand against the Hunter's Guild. Aimlessly living to take jobs as a huntress, never losing her liscence, she came across a man who was the only one able to melt her heart. He was the kind of man she had saught to kill throughout her lifetime but came to love after he chose not to give up on her. And now, the past is gone, forgotten and lost in an everlasting stream of passion and love for the one who had won her heart forever.

Other Pic(s) of Keiko
