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The Kappish Union Official Website

Attention: This is the only Official Website of the Kappish Union. If you come across another one that claims to be the only official website, DO not believe it!



The Kappish Union: An Overview

The Kappish Union was formed during the seventh grade year of Mr. Kaplan. As it happened, that year was also the year 2000, my seventh grade year, and also the seventh grade year of many of the people who eventually joined the Union. The Kappish Union is in fact a country, although one lacking in any tangible surface area, you might say. The government is still in a developmental stage, but the idea is to combine all the forms of government known to man, or, more specifically, known to the Kappish Union Secretary and other officials involved in the “constitutional convention” of the Kappish Union. The name of the Union obviously originated from the name of its founder, but it also has a longer, much less used name, developed after much consideration by the Head Executive Secretary in Chief, Mr. John. It is much too long to type right now, seeing as my lunch hour (which is actually only half an hour) is almost over.


Well, I don’t think you noticed, but several hours passed between the last period in the previous paragraph and the first letter in this sentence. Now that School has ended, there is much more time to discuss the Kappish Union. Now, the longer and less commonly heard name of the Kappish Union:


The Interprovincial Kappish Confederation of Local Commonwealths and Surrounding Kingdoms


That, as opposed to this:


The Kappish Union


Is much more difficult to type, for one thing. For another, the word “Union” is not located in the longer version, and the word “Union” is easy and fun to type. In fact, the word “Union” is so much fun to type that the word “Union” is being reused over and over again repetitively just so that I can type the word “Union” several times more. Another thing is that the word “Interprovincial” is not a word at all according to Microsoft Word 2000, and “No custom dictionaries are available for update” on this computer (seeing as it is a school computer used by many hundreds of stupid kids every day, that is probably a very good thing). Anyway, the typing of such a long word over and over again is no fun (especially when compared to the word “Union”), not to mention that the red squiggly line that Word puts under it every time you try to get away with typing it is annoying. Plus, think of how much longer it would take to read this if the three words “The Kappish Union” were replaced with the ten words shown above. Even an acronym wouldn’t help because you’d see the letters “TIKCOLCASK” and you’d say, “What in the world does that stand for!?” And then you would have to scroll back up to the top of the page (or come all the way back here from some other site) to find out what in the world it stands for. And then you would probably be annoyed and offended and think, “What a huge inconvenience the Kappish Union has caused me!” At that point, you would most likely be seriously considering killing someone for being so stupid, and no one wants to be killed for simply being stupid (and the person who most people would blame for such a dumb mistake is me, being the Head Executive Secretary in Chief, and I certainly don’t want to be killed for any reason). And so, if anyone asks why the Kappish Union is hardly ever called by its real name, you can now answer them with the correct answer, or direct them to this site to see for themselves.


Well, that concludes this section of the Kappish Union Official Website (the only official one in existence). You can now continue scrolling down by using the wheel on your mouse, the arrows on your keyboard, the scroll bar on the side of the browser window, and/or any other method that you feel comfortable scrolling with. If you want to, however, you can scroll up and reread this section of the Kappish Union’s Official Website (the only official one in existence). The choice is purely, exclusively, and solely yours, unless it is someone else’s.


Click on the links below to be instantly transported to an area of this site that may or may not answer every single question you ever had about the Kappish Union


The Theories of Kappish Origin



          The Cow Theory

          The Lightning Fish Theory

          The Zoo Theory

What is the Kappish Union?

A General Idea

          Kappish Equivalents

The Basic Layout of the Administration