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Tahari Meez Kajira Room
Ubar Python is the only one that can invoke these tags from the standing they are as of right now.
Order of:
1. your Master/Mistress.
2. Ubar of HomeStone your at if Not your Master.
3. 2nd in Command of HomeStone your at if Not your Master.
4. All other Masters in room.
5. Ubara of HomeStone if Not your Mistress.
6. All other Mistress's in room.
7. all aka'ams and aka'abs.
-When you greet, you will greet each Master and Mistress separately. You will also greet each differently. With aka'ams and aka'abs, they can all be greeted at once. 1st girl, 2nd girl etc.

Greetings my Master, ~smiles softly~, girl is most happy to see You again and prays Your journeys have been filled with pleasure.
Greetings Master Ubar, ~smiles warmly~, girl is pleased to see You and prays this nash has brought much happiness.
greetings aka'ams, girl 1 and girl 2, and aka'abs, boy 1 and boy 2, girl hopes all is well.
-When greeting Free People, always use Capital letters, with aka'ams and aka'abs, use small letters.
- When already in the room and A/anyone comes in new to the room, you Must ask permission to greet, after that P/person has acknowledged your Master/Mistress, or the Ubar of the HomeStone your visiting. -If you wish to speak freely, you Must ask permission to or wait until you are told you can.
Slave Conduct

GOR is NOT fair.
GOR is NOT just.
GOR is NOT for all.
But for some, it is heaven.
On GOR a slave always has the last two words
in any conversation with a Master:
"Yes, Master."

Blackwine: urth coffee (smuggled from earth) expensive drink also grown in thentis mountains.
Needed: tray, small blackwine cup, small saucers of white and yellow sugars, real and powdered bosk milk
Serve: get all utensils and supplies from bar, then fill from the firepit the cup with the hot blackwine, kneel before the person and ask if they wish sugars and or either of the bosk milks add the sugars and powdered bosk milk, then offer it up to them

Ka-la-na: a dry red or BLACK wine, made from the fruit of ka-la-na
Needed: ask which is prefered, goblet and a bottle of ka-la-na (sometimes served in botas - skins)
Serve: fill the goblet at the Masters feet, then offer it up
Mulled Ka-la-na: Heated ka-la-na, with mulling spices. Usually garnished a piece of ka-la-na fruit or tospit, served. Needed: goblet
Serve: kept warm in a pot at the firepit, ladle it into the goblet, add a garnish and take to the one you are serving
Paga: a heady, distilled grain alcohol, sometimes served warm in a footed bowl
Needed: footed bowl, and a bota of paga
Serve: served at the Masters feet.
Sul-Paga: alcoholic beverage made from suls (similar to potatos); akin to vodka, served in a footed bowl.
Needed: footed bowl, and a bota of sul paga
Serve: again poured as you kneel before the Master.

Ta-Wine: a dry wine made from grapes, served at room temperature, in a goblet.
Needed: goblet and a bottle of ta-wine.
Serve: pour at the Masters feet.
Kal-Da: made of ka-la-na wine mixed with citrus juices and spiced, served hot, in a bowl. (hot stinging spices not like the sweet ones of mulled ka-la-na)
Needed: footed bowl.
Serve: ladle the kal-da from a pot at the firepit, into the footed bowl, then take and present to the Master.
Sa-Paga: made from the sa-tarna grain, served warm (it is kept near the hearth in a kettle), ask if the Master would like it lumpy or strained?
Needed: from the bar, a bowl, a cloth if the master wishes it strained.
Serve: pour the sa-paga into the bowl (if strained remove the cloth and make sure the bowl is full, then serve kneeling.
Bazi Tea: a herbal beverage served hot & heavily sugared; traditionally drunk 3 tiny cups at a time, in rapid succession.
Needed: from the bar, a tray, 3 small bazi tea cups, and small saucers of different sugars, teapot.
Serve: steep the tea, then pour out a small amount testing it before going to the Master, kneeling and adding the sugars to each cup, and offer each cup up one at a time.
Gorean Ale: closer to a Honey Lager than to an ale or beer...a deep gold in color, brewed from the grains of Gor and hops imported from Urth in the early years, served in a goblet.
Needed: goblet and a bottle of gorean ale.
Serve: kneeling at the Masters feet.

This is our Training to you as we wish them to be followed here and hoping you carry them with pride and live a happy life in Gor!!!

This is made to teach the slaves of Tahari Meez

Master's Kiss : The master takes the slaves hair in his hand and yanks back her head hard as he pulls back on her hair exposing her neck and face to him. He attacks her lips with his own kissing her passionately and powerfully, taking her top lip in his teeth he bites down on it and then takes her bottom lip and sucking on it bites down on it as well as he continues to kiss her.. He then kisses her exposed neck. and drags his tongue across her neck and into the warmth.

Submission Position : girl kneels back on her heels, her arms extended, wrists crossed and her head between her arms. Alternately the slave kneels, bending at the waist, places her cheek to the floor, takes the Master's right foot and places it upon her neck, placing her arms behind her back, crossing them at the wrists.