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First all, let me say thanks for taking the time to check out this website. This website is going to be centered around my exquisite girlfriend and me. We meet through the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Explorer Post, and from there it has just taken off.

Julie, my precious Mami, is someone in my life that I cherish every second that I am with her. We share lots of common aspects, but I will try to describe and say a little about her. I can remember the first time I meet her in person. The location was in her local city at the Marketplace, but when I first saw her...well... I was speechless. I couldn't believe that I had meet such an all around person. I stared into her eyes and I knew that I was going to be happy with her. She is really close to her family and that makes it even more better. What makes this relationship better is that we will be going to the same University studying the same major. We are also huge Los Angeles Lakers fans, which we know they will be back this coming season to take the Championship from San Antonio. Every time I see my Mami, I still can't believe that I am her boyfriend. I never take her for granted. There has not been a day since I started talking to her, when I have not told her how much I cherish her. I want to give her the world, and I will. I am so much in Love with her. There is nothing that I dislike about her or her family. She is perfect. I guess that what makes it more perfect. It is like a fairy tail story where to people meet from different parts of life and come together to spend the rest of their lives together. I know that every fairy tail has an end, but this story is and will be different. I can honestly see myself being with this beautiful woman, my goddess, for the rest of my life and I am not scared to admit it. I will always go far and beyond to keep my Mami happy and satisfied, and be there to support her.

As for me, well...this is me. Raised in a small town Northwest of Julie hometown. I am going to college and already making huge plains of my career. My only goal in life is to become what I have dreamed about since a child. That is to become a CHP Officer. I just turned 20, and I can start my process to get into the academy. As of right now, I am currently working for my campus as a police dispatcher and I am a CHP Explorer. But that is enough about me.

This website is going to be about us, and I want to post pictures and hopefully keep this website updated so everyone can know what is going on in our relationship. Julie and I plain on doing many stuff together and we want you people to see what that will be.