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A favorite intro to one of my favorite books..

"As I walked through the wilderness of this world, I lighted on a certain place where was a Den, and I laid me down in that place to sleep: and, as I slept, I dreamed a dream. I dreamed, and behold, I saw a man clothed with rags, standing in a certain place, with his face from his own house, a book in his hand, and a great burden upon his back. I looked, and saw him open the book, and read therein; and, as he read, he wept, and trembled; and, not being able longer to contain, he brake out with a lamentable cry, saying, 'What shall I do?'"....... "The Pilgrim's Progress" - John Bunyan

I have space here...what shall I do with it?


Answer coming soon....


In the meantime, visit my other website and give Jesus Christ some praise! ;-)

Additionally, you may want to check out the forum I often browse. Visit us at! :-) back to brainstorming as to what to put on this site...:-\

God bless!

Misc. sites of interest:

Truth or [The truth on internet rumors etc.]

Biblical Answers [Nice apologetics site] [Ditto]

His [Apologetics training]

JW Reasearch: Research and Opinions on Jehovah's Witnesses [Research the beliefs of the JWs]

Classics for Young People [Many good {classic} e-books here] [Find it cheap!]

Levenger [..and not so cheap :-)]

Carnivorous Plant Store [Who could resist a carnivourous plant?]

Pet Fly [ case the above wasn't enough] [Pics of Area 51!] [Awsome pics of various tornadoes]

The Tornado Project [..more tornados]

National Weather [Check your local weather..]

Magic Rocks [Still fun after all this time]

Descriptions of 100+ versions of the Bible [Good for research]

Bible [Self explanatory]

Tim [If you're a futurist {personally, I'm an eschatological agnostic}, you'll love this site] [Relaxing Christian forum]

An Online Textual Commentary on the Greek Gospels by Wieland Willker [If you don't have Metzger handy, this will suffice for the time being]

The Recluse Community Project [..I just find this site interesting...don't know why..:-)] [..and more spider info..] [Honestly, I don't know why I included this link :-) but they're good for you!]

Stryper [Retro Christian Rock! :-)]

Christian Library [I do not agree with ALL material on this use caution]

Heaven's Gate [This is a mirror site of that strange cult - Listed as a 'novel curiosity' only!]

Securitas [Another one of those "I don't know why I put this here"]

Nova Space [Cool Space Art]

Longnow [Strange Clock Project :-\] [Has an offer for an interesting free book]

The Trinity Foundation [I list this because you can get a copy of Machen's 'NT Greek for Beginners' for $10.95 (!)]

Net Zero [Cheap Internet Service - Listed in case I need to save some money!] [Add this ticker to your site]

Who is I AM [I still need to preuse this before endorsing it....use caution (?)]

Catchmaster [Sticky Traps! You only think your home is critter-free :-T]

Lunar Registry [Buy property on the moon!...(But what are you gonna do with it?) :-\]

Cedars of Lebanon [A project to restore the famous and once plentiful cedars as found mentioned in the Bible!]