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A story for Madspell

Once upon a time (well not really) there were seven best friends. All of which were baby neopets. The pets had always been the best of friends . oO_Penguin_Oo was a baby bruce, Tequiero2000 and soft_cloud88 were both baby cybunnies, iiRahiaki was a baby ashia, horsewithahorn22 was a baby uni and Syplon was a baby eyrie. But there was another pet too, Madspell. Madspell was an adorable baby eyrie. All of the other babies wanted to be his friend because he was very kind.

Now my story really begins on the first day of BK. (That stands for baby kindergarden, not burger king). Only the luckiest of baby neopets were chosen to go to the school. Mainley because it was run by all of the faeries in neopa it was one of the best schools around. BK is not a school that you can pay your way into you know, you have to have a pure heart to be accepted.Madspell along with his other six friends had all been selected to join the school. They were all excited. And they got more anxios when Aika dropped them in front of the golden gates to BK. There waiting to greet them was the faerie queen herself.

"Welcome to baby kindergarden", said the faerie queen in such a magnificent voice that it dazzled the young neopets. "Please follow me", said the faerie queen. She led the pets through a very baeutiful garden and into the school. " Now that you have arrived I want you to know that each of you are very special to have been accepted into the school. But I want you to be very carefull as well. Please do not wander around the school alone."

Through out the rest of the day the pets spent their time playing with the baby shaped toys and eating strawberries and cream baby food. They learnt a lot of things from the kind faeries too. But the pets were beginning to feel a bit worn out from playing for so long. So the water faerie decided that they should have a nap and rest a bit.

One by one each of the baby neopets fell asleep. But while they were asleep Jhudora, the dark faerie, had been skeeming a plan. Jhudora was furios with Fyora, the faerie queen, because she had not been allowed to teach dark magic in the school due to her bad history records. So to get even, she planned to kidnap all of the babies from BK. Jhudora hired a baby bruce nmed Boochi to be a spy for her.

Jhudorah cast a spell over all of the other faeries and they all fell into a deep sleep. Meanwhile Boochi put all of the sleeping neopets into a large bag and snuck them outside. "Good! You have brought all of the babies I suppose?" said the dark faerie." Yes every single one.", replied Boochi. But what Boochi and Jhudora didnt know was that they had indeed forgotten ONE neopet.

(If you havent guessed by now, that pet was MadSpell) Madspell had been sleeping peacfully in a corner of the room and had not been seen. So Jhudora and Boochi left without the baby eyrie. About 10 minutes later, Jhudorah's spell began to wear off. And when Fyora woke up, she was outraged at what had happened.

"Madspell, I need you to help me find the missing pets", said Fyora "I trust that you can help to bring them home." "Ill do the best I can.", answered Madspell. After saying goodbye to Aika and the other faeries, Madspell left to begin his long journey in search of the dark faerie Jhudora. He wasnt quite sure what he would do if he did indeed find her though.

Madspell travelled through the Haunted Woods where he met Balthazar a very mean looking lupe. However Balthazar took pity on Madspell and so Balthazar gave Madspell faeries which helped him to gain new abilities.Then Madspell travelled through the Lost Desert where he met King Coltzan. The king introduced Madspell to a small creature called a droolik. The droolick wanted to help Madspell fight against Jhudorah so Madspell allowed the droolick to come along on his journey, and name it Droolie.

While Madspell travelled with Droolie they fought lots of tough neopets and climbed cold mountains in the Ice Caves. But it seemed that where ever they wen no one had seen Jhudora or Boochi. By now now Madspell and Droolie were feeling like they should just give up until they came to Mystery Island. One of the natives adviced Madspell to visit the Island Mystic and so he did.

The Mystic brough out a deck of cards and laid them in front of Madspell. All of the cards were face down. the Mystic told Madspell to draw three card. The first card he drew showed a sun. The second card he drew showed two faeries with their backs facing each other. On one of the faeries sides of the card is was bright and happy, but on the others' side it was dark and gloomy. The last card showed a battle arrow.

At fist the mystic looked worried but them suddenly he looked more happy. "I know you have had troubled times before and you should always remember to be carefull. But soon you shall use all of what you have learnt in a battle aginst the one whom you search for. Head towards the land of clouds and you shall find what you are looking for.", said the Mystic. "The land of clouds? What do you mean by that?", said Madspell. "You must go now...", replied the Mystic and with that he closed his eyes.

Madspell and Droolie left the Mystic's tent, but suddenly Droolie began to act very strange. He began to start squeeking and flapping his wings. "What's wrong with you?", asked Madspell. All of a sudden the little droolick ran off. Madspell quickly followed him, trying to wonder what was wrong with his friend and where they where going.

Droolie led Madspell to a deserted beach. "Squeek! Squeek!", said Droolie. "I cant uderstant a word you are saying", replied Madspell. So Droolie pointed up at the sky. And there was a giant castle. It looked as though it was on top of clouds. "Droolie! Look its Faerieland! I thought it was only a myth but you found it. Now we can rescue our friends.", said Madspell. (Thats what the Mystic meant be the land of clouds.)

"How are we going to get way uo there though? Neither of us can fly yet." "Psst! Over here..." Madspell looked around until he saw a faerie ixi hidding in the shadows of a tree. "I can help you get up there. It wont even cost you a thing. But i want you to help me meet the faerie queen." Madspell agreed and then he and Droolie got on the ixi's back. When they reched Faerieland the ixi told Madspell to remember his promice and then she left.

Faerieland was full of all types of creatues like faerie neopets, and pixies and faeries and winged petpets. Madspell walked around faerieland looking at all of the shops and different people until he almost forgot why he had come until he heard something. "No! Come here now! Ow! Let go of my cape you anoying little brat!" "Jhudora, we cant keep going on like this much longer!" "I know, I know. But i have a feeling that Fyora will pay the ransom for these THINGS soon. Ow!"

Madspell didnt need to hear anymore to know who the voices were coming from. (Well dugh! It was Jhudora and Boochi.)So Madspell followed the sound of the voices until he could see Jhudora, Boochi and all of the other missing pets. Madspell was shocked to see all of his friends in a huge cage.Madspell sprung into action. He jumped up on landed right on top of Jhudora's head, while Droolie fiddled with the lock on the cage that the other neopets were in.

Jhudora ran around madly waving her arms around and screaming. She caused such a cumoshion that people came to see what was going on. Jhudora became very angry and she pick up Madspell and threw him! But luckily he landed on a soft bit of grass. Finally Droolie managed to break open the lock on the cage and all of the babyneopets were set free. Some of the people who had been watching what was going on left to go and get help. But Jhudora and Boochi had run off before the Neopean Police had arrived.

Soon the story about the brave eyrie had spead all over Neopea, and Madspell had become a hero. To thank him the faerie queen awarded Madspell and he was now known as 'Madspell the Great'. The baby neopets were all returned to their homes. And scince Madspell and Droolie had become very good friends Aika agreed to let Madspell keep Droolie. So now my story ends with everyone living happily ever after (exept for Jhudora and Boochi who had become fugitives).

The End