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Goal Setting: by Matt Lowther

Setting Goals

Setting goals is a very important part of becoming physicaly fit. You can't just go into weight training with no plan and expect to get good results. At the very least, you should have a list of excercises you are going to do to become stronger, loose weight or just tone up your muscles.

If you're trying to lose weight, build muscle or excel at a sport, you'll need specific goals. When you don't have a specific goal, it's difficult to keep exercising and to track your progress to see how far you've come. Before you get busy, take a moment and ask yourself these questions:

1. What do I want to accomplish with this exercise program?

2. Is my goal realistic and attainable?

3. How do I reach my goal?

4. When do I want to reach my goal?

5. How will I reward myself when I reach my goal?

After you set your goal, find out how to reach it. If you want to lose weight or become better at a sport, you need to figure out how that is accomplished by hiring a trainer or fitness expert, or hit the Internet or a library for some research. Know what you have to do before you get started. Many people are surprised at the daily effort it takes to reach their goals.