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Health Term Project

3 Principles of Fitness


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Health Term Project

The point of this site is for you to learn about health and learn health related links. It is also my term project for Mr. Legault's period A class. On this website you will find the 3 prinicples of fitness, the 5 components of fitness, core training and other stuff.

One of the most biggest myths about health is that you have to be incredibly strong to be physically fit. The truth is, all you have to do to be pyhsically fit is have a stable core (abs, lower back), eat healthy, and stay away from destructive activities. The definition of physical fitness might vary by individual but most experts agree that there are five basic components of physical fitness which involve your heart, lungs, strength, endurance, and agility or flexibility. Beginning an exercise program can be very confusing if you are new to it. But whatever your goal is, the links below will help you get started. They will help you find out how to set goals, how to set up a complete program and more.

Holliston's webpage | Xtreme Riders | Angelfire |

Health and Fitness Related Links

5 Components of Fitness
Muscle Groups
Benefits of Exercise
Mr. Legault's Webpage
Excercise and Fitness
BBC Learning's Webpage
Physical Fitness Webpage
Weight Training Card (Core Training)
Cardiovascualr Excercise
Strength Training
Set up a Complete Program
