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There are 10 points maximum alotted to each requirement. A + sign at the end of a question means that you gain points if the answer is yes and lose points if the answer is no. A - sign means you lose points if the answer is yes and gain points if the answer is no.

*Originality* Is this site totally individual or the first of its kind +? Or are there many sites like it on the ROC -? Is the name original +? Are there many/any original activities +? Does the webmaster's character have an original personality/species +?

*Creativity* Does the site contain much of the owner's own work +? (i.e. Art, Stories etcet). Are there activities that "force" members to be creative in their response +? Does the site have a creative design +?

*Updates* Is the site updated frequently +? Or, if it's something like the Redwall encyclopaedia, is there enough information to ensure that frequent updates are not needed +? Or, if it's an ezine, are the new issues ready on the day that they are due +?

*Navigability* Is the site easy to get around +? Can you find the links easily +? Consider how the links are laid out. Are there any/many broken links -?

*Effort* Ok, so the site may be tacky, but I'll bet the owner put loads of effort into it. Contact him or her and ask him or her about the site - what they plan for it, what they want it to end up like, etcet.

*Activities* Are there many activities +? Are there contests +? Are the activities diverse +? (i.e. if they are all crosswords it's bad, but if there's a crossword, an art contest and a mission section it's good). Because ezines etcet don't tend to have activities an average of all the other 9 marks will be taken to find out this mark for them.

*Achievement* Has the site fulfilled the owner's purposes +? Has the site improved since it was first built (ask the owner and some long-standing members) +?

*Initial Impression* What's the front/first page of the site like - does it make you want to continue into the site +? Does the front page have a good design +? From the front page, do you expect the site to be good +?

*Legibility* Is the text easy to read +? Can you understand what the owner is trying to say +? Is there good grammar and spelling +? Do the graphics load quickly +? Does the site load quickly +? Is the site [too] cluttered -? Do the forms (if there are any) work +? Or, if not, is this explained to the viewer (and apologies made for the provider of the forms... heehee!) +?

*Atmosphere* Does the owner react pleasantly to you and to the members +? If the site has rivals which it battles with, are the battles honourably fought +? Or are they disrespectful to each other and have horrid, underhand ways of fighting -? If there's a club message board, is it used +? Do the folk who use it get on with each other +?

Each section is worth up to 10 marks. There are 10 sections, so there's an absolute maximum of 100 marks. If there is a particular section which doesn't apply to the club BECAUSE OF THE TYPE OF CLUB IT IS (ie, Activities wouldn't apply to most ezines, but would to a very tacky member club that just doesn't have any) then an average of all the other marks is given for that section. At the end of the review, there is a "Viewer Appeal" mark, which is the total of all the marks given as a percentage (total number of marks / 100)

All review sites will be asked to put up this "button" somewhere on their sites, and link it back to us.

redwall awards