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Tainted Nights
Thursday, 30 July 2009
The Return

Theraphix thrives, a comforting presage to the future. Adament have I been upon my return, relinquishing my devotion to the betterment of Thorn.  Much is in development...much to be considered.

The Mourning Cross Fortress whispers with activity, a silent grave resurrected by the arrival of ghosts from the past.  Gunther, Vigrid, Wolf...It is a matter of time before the flood wears on Theraphix.

My concerns have been heightened. Gunther speaks for Taint, thus my sway is limited. The symbiote has begun to pull from reality, not only in him, but as a reprocussion of our connection in myself as well. I have always existed as a creature of fury and defiance, though recent tempers have exceeded any extreme reached before.  With aid, I have managed to remain on the plateau...though the edge is near. Should I have not relied on a new demon I might very well be lost to the demands of Gunther. Despite his desire to retract or replenish the symbiote within me, I strive for another solution.  I know he has only accepted the two options.  War may be waged soon.

Cathal is to hear of my return. Hopefully by my own hand far sooner than the manipulative words of Gunther.  I cannot afford his displeasure at this crucial time, though I know it to be inevitable. As Gunther stated, it is a matter of time before I will be forced to explain my return.  At this moment I hold steadfast to the better hand I have to play: I am Cathal's favorite.

Another return has settled within Theraphix: Vigrid.  Our immediate past plays vividly in my memory. The cold of his empire, the maddening chill that did not scathe his people.  They do have a far greater size individually than is imaginable for what appears to be human.  His blockades forced me to flare against him.  Thus it is with surprise that I have found him upon my doorstep. Our past was far too complicated to deal with business objectively.  Though he speaks of trade agreements I know it does not end there. He has reflected on remaining after our business is handled.

I have yet to speak with Wolf. His arrival brought him immediately to my side, curling upon my feet as if we had never parted.  Our reunion was so casual it is as if it was a distant memory and our time has been together daily since.  There is much to discuss.

A shadow has fabricated into a demon of desire. He and I ventured upon each other years prior, and it seems fate has dealt him a hand to be played with my own. A moth to the flame. Our roles interchangable.  My body screams for his touch...and my mind clouds. Even now I cannot place how it is I have agreed to share my chambers with him.  He is an addiction I cannot deny....and the danger is: he knows it.

I am left with only one option: to draw upon my resources in prevention of a catastrophe. Damian DeLa Cruz has been appointed to deal directly with Vigrid, as well as to discreetly watch the actions and intentions of Gunther and Crash. A letter of correspondence has been sent to Cathal Cross, and for the moment Gunther remains passively in the shadows. Time shall tell all of our fates.....

Posted by empire2/fallondeliacross at 2:12 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 30 July 2009 2:47 AM EDT
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Thursday, 2 December 2004
Arranged Marriage: The Destiny of Damnation
Distance does indeed make the heart grow fond. The destruction that lay in the midst of my fate is one that perhaps I avoid with more pertinent accomplishments than usual. Indeed it is often a flight of fancy to return to my Isle of Theraphix despite the research and progress that continuously press forward. My chambers never disturbed, but more importantly the newfound Fiance' known as Mikkail has yet to step foot in my lands. Guards have been sent by the hand of my uncle to return me to my home at Cross Keep. How refreshing to escape their imprisonment time after time. Granted they each pay dearly for their faults, though one must understand I have been raised in the ways of assassins and wicked spirits...retreat from armed guards seems child's play. Regardless, I may now rest upon my Isle and await the fate I must return to soon enough. Marriage to a man originally hired to kill me, now bidding upon my title to become his in marriage in acheivement of further tortures he may bring to my life.

Posted by empire2/fallondeliacross at 12:01 AM EST
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Sunday, 11 July 2004
Child Lost, Child Found
A day of grieving. An uprising with the Phix, the commoners of our island Theraphix, occurred along the Vega caverns this past eve. The setting of the sun served as the shroud of secrecy in which a small entourage of men attempted to enter the caverns for their own benefit of gathering Vega Gems. I can only concur they saw the gems as an outlet for power as opposed to wealth, for though they do hold significant value, the Phix live comfortable lifestyles and want for very little. I have always arranged for THORN?s successes to spill past our walls and spread comfort for the commoners, a silent ode of thanks for their lands. Ironic in a sense I suppose, for much bloodshed coated the earth with our claim of the island. Regardless, a night of pain is certainly felt once more along the villages of the Phix. The entourage had been intervened by the Knights of THORN before entering the caverns, paying with their life. The heads of the invaders were staked above the doors to their personal cabins as a warning. I truly enjoy the electricity of tension within the air, though many condolences and my sympathy reach past my tainted heart towards them. One particular man united with a brothel slut previous years to this day, resulting in her pregnancy, and finally her run from the Desolate THORN in fear the final months would give her away as expecting a child. She had indeed stayed hidden long enough to have her child, a child left without a mother upon the Tainted THORN tracking her and killing her for disloyalty. The child had been allowed a life with the father until now. Unfortunately, the man lost his life to his greed, the child becoming orphaned. I have arranged for the child to be taken within the walls of THORN. The child will be cared for, schooled, and trained in the ways of THORN for future service as a free being in whichever clan of THORN inclination falls more closely towards. I must remember to speak with Viletto, my Luminary, on the matter. He may have other plans for the child, perhaps one that holds a better future than my coddling would allow. Alas I shall cross the threshold of consciousness to that of slumber, serenaded by the far off wails of despair in the distance, to rest until tomorrow brings a new day.

Posted by empire2/fallondeliacross at 5:00 PM EDT
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Monday, 5 July 2004
The Insanity of Viletto Orleander, Luminary to THORN
My weary hand guides this ink across the vellum of paper so crisp and pristine before me. With grace of a gifted swordsman these words appear, brimming the delirium of my mind with a fond remembrance to the comparison of the sword and the pen. Yet here I have rambled without cause, even the shadows of my chambers beginning to shift with impatience. On to business.....

Great trepidation lingered within the depths of my blackened soul as I sought the guidance of Aedan Cross upon my journey to Nadea. As of late, my time from the Cross Keep or my empire in Theraphix has been solely to expand, strengthen, and secure the name and achievements of THORN. This very passage I speak of was traveled to file the proper papers and gather documentation needed for records of the lands of Theraphix, as well as to establish a branch of The Mourning Cross in which would house and sell the first two levels of Vega Gems. Funds would drive the mining efforts, not to mention a few lavish additions to my own lifestyle. A woman must have her fancy, hmm? As success found its roots within my plans and finale of conversation with Aedan Cross, my return to Cross Keep gives birth to the purpose of this entry within this guarded journal.

Firey spirit goes hand in hand with a spontaneous whim of nature. My demeanor of such was in full bloom this previous eve, spurning an oddity of desire to venture along the kitchen. It had been a quiet afternoon, only muffled footsteps of silent servants offering a weak facade of life within the keep walls. With no incantations or trickery I began attempts of cooking, drawing upon a need to tie myself to traditional feminine tasks. It is most difficult to be surrounded with men, brawny and crude if not intelligent and studious. Regardless the bowl and flour seemed to fall into my hands, frustration soon to follow as recipes were not by my side, and experience of cooking had yet to be created. Hours paralleled to mere moments in my mind. Aggitation littered the kitchen with broken porcelain. Then it had begun, the arrival of the madness...

Viletto took presence before me, yet he seem out of place within the space he occupied. Something was different, the hood covering his features could not mask tremors of energy pulsating past his form. Even his voice seemed lined with disdain and arrogance unlike his nature. Trifle quarrels, sparked by his offensive comments, brewed into a storm of challenge against myself and all I had created. It had become quite evident Viletto was not in the right state of mind. Upon demanding his resignation from position of Luminary (for I found he gave me no other choice than to demand he return only when he found new respect and reclaimed his loyalty and dedication to THORN), physical force replaced use of words. He certainly was something other than himself. He had mentioned before consuming and developing an idea with the use of Vega Gems, two to be exact. During the physical confrontation it had become increasingly clear it would be taken to the death. Finally I stepped in, best as I could, driving a level III Vega beneath the skin of an already open wound. Mixed with my blood, it seemed to subdue and control whatever madness had claimed my once so devoted advisor. Increments of time lapsed. A general incantation was used to clear his mind and stabilize countenance. Events to follow delayed our discussion of the incident, one that will inevitably occur in immediate time to come.

Severe alarm now claws into dominance over cool calculation I so often cling to. His experiments relate either a failing in his own powers, or that of the Alchemy of THORN should they have been the ones to aide him in his experimentations. I remain torn on the matter, wishing to find steady assessment of my decisions to come. Should I lay limitations in order to avoid such incidents to come? Yet power and progress never achieves great heights when held at bay by impending factors. Alas, my fingers lay stained with this ink, a mirror to the clouded process of my thoughts I currently battle. Viletto seems to be doing well, perhaps ashamed, but a bruised ego heals over time.

Until I hold counsel with my Luminary, I shall not waste energy on my endless thoughts. Glorious imported silk awaits my resting form. I truly adore the luxury of life, it welcomes and comforts despite any toils of life. Soothing embrace is always offered. It never betrays.....

Posted by empire2/fallondeliacross at 12:30 AM EDT
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