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Welcome to WWW.Drift-wood.cjb.net!!
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I am glad that you have decided to come to this site, as it has screenshots of MY latest scenario, has info, and has links. If you wish to contact me, send me an email at: mail@drift-wood.cjb.net Maybe you want to hear about my life... The Gripings of the Emperor of ALL. Or maybe want my opinions on the top 10 computer game reviews
Sometimes you want a home page with all your own links... I have a link to a segment on that below. My home page can be used as an example and be found here Do you need some music on your home page but don't know how to get it on? just use this:
change [ to < and ] to >.

[embed src="http://www.musiclocation.mp3" autoplay="true" loop="true" hidden="false" volume="100"][/embed]

KEEP QUOTES IN! autoplay means if you go there do you want it automatically to play. loop is if you want it to repeat. hidden is if you wan the people to see the plugin for it(see mine below). volume is self explanatory. On a message board, use [doHTML]THE CODE[/doHTML] to get it to work, or put it directly in the footer of the board wrappers to use. To get your music an address, you need to upload it. For example, this musics address is:
https://www.angelfire.com/empire2/fall0/waterfall.mp3. http://www.WEBSITE/nameofmusic.wav/mp3, etc.

Please visit my chatroom also here
What is l33t? here
Empire Designs
What Web-browser to use? There are so Many!
Build your Home Page!

Please enjoy your stay!

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Lehre der konträren Aussagen-
Regla de declaraciones contrarias-
Règle des rapports contraires-Righello delle dichiarazione contrarie-
Régua de indicações contrárias-
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~~~Thanks again!!!

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