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Make Sure Everything That Is Checked And Set On These Pictures Is Check And Set On Your Script !!!

(For Excursion XDCC Set Up)



Step 1: Do What It Shows!!!!


Step 2: Make Sure You Click “XDCC” in the serving choices!!!!


Step 3: Make Sure You Click “Packet Editor” To Get To This Point!!!!


Step 4:  Find The Packet You Want To Add To The XDCC List And Double Click It Or Click Once And Hit “Open”


Step 5: Enter Name Of  The Packet (ex. If the file name u clicked was Doom3-CD1.rar you can put Doom 3 CD 1) And Hit Ok!!! Repeat Step 3 – 5 to add more packets!!!


Step 6: Right Click In Channel #0day-war3z And Go To “Serving Ad’s” Then “XDCC Ad’s” then “Long Ad” And Then To “Start System” And You All Done!!!!!