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(Triple is standing backstage when Mattthews comes in Josh begins to speak)

Josh-Trip as youve probly seen i had an interview with your old friend Shawn Micheals and he said that he has mixed feelings about DX whats your thoghts on that?

HHH-My Thoghts? Well here are my thoghts Shawn me and you we were friends and we were like brothers in the old WWF Shawn you have a beutiful women and im very glad to see it you deserve Torrie Wilson but i will say this.

Josh-Say What?

HHH-Shut Up and let me talk! As i was saying Shawn im sorry for not mentioning you in that Promo and im sorry for all that shit in WWE it was entirely my Fault so im going to go to that ring tonight and make a very very Big Announcement excuse the Pun hahaha.

Josh-Whats that suppose to mean?

HHH-Well just wait untill i get to that ring tonight youll see what i mean.

(HHH gives the mic back to josh and heads out the door and heads to the ring the cam cuts to Coach and Lawler at ringside)

Coach-Im Filling in for JR who got sick this morning to a Virus.

Lawler-Lets get to bussiness ok we just heard HHH say he had a Very Big Announcement what is it?

Coach-I dont know my sources say that someone may be comeing back but i dont know who.

Lawler-I wonder who it is man i hate long waits.

(Are You Ready blares over the PA System and out walks The Cerebreal Assasin Triple H)

Lawler-Good Here Comes Trip maybe he knows who it is.

Coach-Well duh hes the one bringing whoever back.

(HHH Begins to walk to the ring he gets on the apron and does his taunt)

Lillian-And makeing his way to the ring from Greenwhich,Conneticut Representing The Degeneration-X Triple H!

(Trip Gets in the ring and begins to talk)

HHH-Well i guess everyone is wondering who it is thats going to be the third member of the DX well thats for later right now i want to talk a little about Shawn Micheals Shawn you have talent you have chrisma and you have Torrie well Shawn you are one of the founding members of DX so Shawn im extending a Join Proposel to you you dont have to join. But it would be like old times right Fans?


HHH-Well now that thats over with its time to introduce that person right well here it is the moment you have all been waiting for ladys and gentelmen the introduction of the new DX Member here is Stephine McMahon!

(Are You Ready hits and out walks steph trip begins up the ramp they meet half way steph steps back but trip gives her a hug and proceeds back to the locker room steph continues to the ring)

lillian-And would you plz welcome also from Conneticut The Third member of DX The Billion Dollor Princess Stephine McMahon!

(Steph walks to the ring and gets in she gets a mic and speaks)

Stephine-Well everyone im the new member to the DX im back and you better belive im not just here to be in DX im also here to take on a few matches my self and maybe even win the Womens Championship but what i want to say is this Shawn come on join DX and bring Torrie Along to itll be fun i gurrentee that i know i had fun in the old WWF times in the DX.

(Steph looks around a little and begins to take in her new Federation she speaks agin)

Stephine-Well everyone its been a plesure but ive got to go now cya later.

(Steph drops the mic and walks out of the arena the cam goes to the Announce Position)

Coach-Wow i cant belive it it was Steph The Billion Dollor Princess That Triple H was bringing back my god this changes everything.

Lawler-Ya it changes things alot i wonder what Shawn and Torrie are thinking about right now?

Coach-I dont know but i hope we find out soon maybe we will find out monday night on Raw well we will cya on raw!

Lawler-Wait a...

(The Cam cuts Lawler off as the XWF Goes Off The Air)

--------------------End Roleplay-------------------