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« Blane 33 »

The Empire is proud to welcome Tony Cicconi into the family. Tony has long competed in the IWA under DOOM/MOB initials with his main wrestler, Awesome Anthony Cicconi. Tony presently competes in the ESL and LJL with a few more leagues in the works. Watch out for the "AAC" IE's newest thumper.

The BWL saga continues, former IE member David Mims has foudn out that The Senator and his band of Merry Wrestlers are alive indeed. Taking a few regionals ,League Tag and League of those regionals just happend to belong to Mr. Mims.

The league has come along way and due to activity problems the IWA announced this cycle in the bulletin that if there wasn't an increase the league would surely close next cycle.

However Help might be on the way..with IE members Nelson Carvalho,Tony Cicconi,Francis Guy and Paul Pratt are about to join the league.

WOW Paul Pratt???!! indeed the younger Pratt borther has decided to come back to the game in full force. Set to compete in the NLL and BWL for now until he gets a feel for the game again. Paul, a former LPPF,VILE,KOC and brief XXX member hopes to regain his old form from yers past.

Derek Nordio seems to be returning to old form getting edged out for various titles int he IWA report this past cycle! Way to go Derek!!

Talking about being in form! That's just the case for IE member Nelson Carvalho! Boy has he hit a streak in his legues. Nelson is envolved in a grapple with IWA wanna be tough "BOY" Scot Bernes. However there are no doubts that Nelson will educate this kid on how things are done IE style!

Keith Looney Also snagged an IWA wide from the QPL this cycle in the IWA report way to go Keith!!!

For those of you that missed it Ryan Fertuck..former Manager of Legendary Wrestler Rock will make his debut in Jade fed this cycle in the JDL and ICL. Ryan is truly excited about being in the game again and apart of IE.

The Empire continues to gain strength and will set up it's Kingdom throughout the IWA,however it will take all of us to do so..

Hail the Empire and it's body for they deserve to be honored.

Let's show some support for Fellow IE member and brother Francis Guy, who should have won Ladie's World this cycle with a 500 from the WUL, however a 499 was awarded the title. Francis Hopefully this will be corrected soon and you will receive the credit that you deserve bro!