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Discordiea DeMortique

Age: 421
Eye Color: Onyx with crimson swirls from time to time
Hair Color: Black with red streaks
Race: Mostly vampiress/siren, minorly demoness/succubus/all creatures of evil
Ability: Master at the whip and chains, can withstand battles very well with her demonic bloodline

Background: With a heart of stone and a short tempermental rage about her, this morbid creature is most likely to kill an annoyance than converse with it, enjoying making 'masterpieces' with her sharp nails and weapons for a blissful torture. Shapeshifting is her weakest attribute, only able to become either bat or panther only with the abilities of that creature. However, being the mold of each type of morbid creature, she has many tricks up her sleeves when it comes to fighting. Pains comes to her like pleasure, pleasure coming to her just the same if not moreso.

Her past is hazed, but bits and pieces have already been put together in her memory. She was born to a group of wild races she considers shameful, growing up with the one goal to strengthen them all and create turmoil wherever they go. By the time she's a young woman, she takes over as a dictator after giving birth to two children. Unfortunately, she kills off her entire clan in a blind rage after one had commented on one of her children being weaker than theirs in a sort of jealousy. Having no control over what she was doing, she almost killed her children along with them, but they were saved before she could get to them, deciding to make her own way without having to deal with clans.