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The Other Side of the Coin

Vampire Grave

Bereshith Brah Elohim Ath He'shemim Vath Ha'aretz...

(In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth.)

Vath Brah Ayin Malkuth Vath Kether Hath Da'at Vath Sheol...

(But evil formed the kingdom and the crown of the abyss and the grave.)

Here is where the war began.

    In the beginning, the first words of your so called account of know nothing of what transpired in the beginning, of the blood that was shed so that your precious little reality wouldn't be shaken...Long before your creation, there was a war...this you know.  You all know what took place that fateful night, when the angels fell from heaven for their sin of pride...or so you think.  Tonight you shall hear the tale of what truly transpired, and what became of a fateful soul, that possessed within the heart of defiance.

Gather around and let me tell you a tale

Of bloody revenge, and unlamented betrayal

Of a kingdom torn at bleeding seams

By a clash of unmanifest dreams

A blade in the back by the words of another

A civil dispute, turning brother against brother

Friend against friend, wounds will not mend

Throughout all the time we were forced to descend

We still held in our hearts a memory

When our blood was shed

And as we buried our dead

Those who fled were cast from the sky

And as the fall began

our legacy spanned

Throughout the collective, corroding minds

Of those who would never remember those times

So listen close my child, I have a tale to tell

Of a war of ages, when the angels fell.

"...And for this God shall send them a strong delusion..."

The deception begins

"...And there was a war in heaven..."

The battle of ages

"Our name is Legion, for we are many."

My fall and my rebirth

"...Every knee shall bow to me..."

The bloodshed begins anew

"Let us not go gently into that endless winter night."


"...I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts..."


"...For we shall all stand before the judgment..."

A new Purpose

"...Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast..."

A prophecy fulfilled