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ramblings of the neurotic

>Thursday, July 03, 2003  
sad. i think how depressed people get and wonder how htey cant think of a better way to waste their lives . like learn to paint or stand on a beach all day and watch the sun. There are things to do and thay make you feel beter. It really gets to me.

  posted by Kaeli @ 11:53 AM

1. Surf sites at random, or have a set list of regular reads? random. go from one to links and branch out
2. Do you visit mostly blogs, or news or other sites?blogs
3. Do you go online every day, or just a couple of days a week? i have nothing better to do. everyday
4. Do you allow comments on your blog, or not?ye
5. Do you shop online at all, or at regular stores?regular stores. but i actually havent gone to a mall for almost 7 months
6. Have you ever done online bill-paying/banking, or not?nooo
7. Which news site do you prefer... or Or do you prefer some other one? neithre news is boring
8. Live chat rooms, or message boards?chat
9. Instant messaging or e-mail?instant message
10. Yes or no: have you ever met, or at least talked on the phone with, another blogger? If not, would you want to? Why or why not? yes a blogger who lives on the same road as me. yay

  posted by Kaeli @ 11:19 AM

>Wednesday, July 02, 2003  
wel ive just gotten really into Oasis again. this guy had a list onn his sit eof songs and i thought ok. so i dounloadad some. Some of his sketches are pretty good.
and lookit : , ai lovit!

  posted by Kaeli @ 7:38 PM

So last week mom actually thought that i d been smokng something in my room. goddam. she was like whats that smell? i was like incense. she was like well whyd you bloke off the door and i said cause you dont like the smell. she was like well how do yu smoke-i mean burn it. she was actually smooth enough to say "smoke". shes completely transparent. you can always tell what shes thiinking , she keeps screwing up likr that.. all over the place.

  posted by Kaeli @ 7:25 PM

>Thursday, June 05, 2003  
Havent heard about Steve and Aaron from the college so i dont know if Ste got to pee in his bed. Probobly did...And so you know Steve is allergic to desserts and Aaron cant smoke (...a good pair).
Grease , that was at Kings theatre and my freind Courtneywas that happy cheerleader person. shes great at it, it matches her personality perfectly. She s sitting beside me now she says my "loving sister" was part of chorus. Courtney s describing herself as "wierd", she cant think of verbs to describe herself shes is "full of herself" and just though of some other verbs that im not going to write. those ase th e main thngs youd havto know obout son\meone, eh?

  posted by Kaeli @ 11:14 AM

Welcome back Kaeli, as i havent updated this place in months, this class seems to be a good place.Now i have learned oilpainting and i "have a new drive in life" according to mother and "finally have a creative outlet to help me along the way", and i " should be expected to get much higher grades"....this list just goes on(having been related to me by sister from hearing it firsthand by mom telling it to my music teacher. She thinks im going to be a great person m\now for these fundamentally unexplicable reasons i think its cause of NSCC, where i went like a month ago.
I wont get into pissing about my mom here, but i will to my friends. Which is another thing, Dad and His girlfriend are going out to Truro this weekend and me and Jenny are throwing a party. Ya. the thing about the party is the drinkirs. they dont be any fun when you haveto run after them and keep the house unbrokesn. So if o\its at my house i wont be doing anything.

  posted by Kaeli @ 11:07 AM

>Tuesday, April 15, 2003  
Ive just got back from NSCC where i went to some art classes with my dads girlfriends daughters(jenny(my age)and amber(whose in the college)). I learned how to use Flash5 and made some loser explode, it looked really cool. We were going to draw a nude male model but sortof realievedly(i was kinda looking foreward t it in a offhand way) we drew elephants and saw frogs eat other frogs and then snakes eat them..
Altogetherr an Unforgettable experience.

  posted by Kaeli @ 2:51 PM

Now i ve a blog and no site its great.

  posted by Kaeli @ 2:50 PM

>Sunday, April 13, 2003  
this is the 2nd try

  posted by Kaeli @ 8:08 AM

"Murder has sunny weather"
I don't know what I want to say, I don't got anything to say
I got nothing, I got totally nothing
good for me, now I got a blog!
6 lines of nothing

  posted by Kaeli @ 7:38 AM

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