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..::..what you're seeing is a genius at work..::..

"I'm going to make a change. And my change is going to make a change through the community. And through that, they gonna see what type of person I truly was. Where my heart was. This Thug Life stuff, it was just ignorance. My intentions was always in the right place. I never killed anybody, I never raped anybody, I never committed no crimes that weren't honorable-that weren't to defend myself. So that's what I'm going to show them. I'm going to show people my true intentions, and my true heart. I'm going to show them the man that my mother raised. I'm going to make them all proud." -Tupac Shakur 1995

- Jedi Code -

There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is the Force.

What is up?! Welcome to my little hole on the web! There should be a webpage of the week or month or something! What do you need to know about me? I'm 19/m/In. I have 4 tattoos, and I'm planning my next one, which will be the big one! I live with my mom and brother, but I leave for San Diego, California this month to undergo Marine basic training. I've had a pretty hard time the last few years, but it'll only get better. I have 5 dogs and 2 cats. Well, that's enough about me, so enjoy the rest of my page!!

- Soldier's Creed -

And when he gets to heaven
To Saint Peter he will tell,
One more soldier reporting sir,
I've severed my time in hell...

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