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In memorial of my two baby boys

Joshua Lewis and Malcolm Thomas
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My two baby boys died of a rare genetic heart condition very soon following birth.My 1st son Malcolm Thomas was born on the 24th of september 2000 on a sunday morning at 4:52 am he weighed 5lbs 8 oz and he was the most beautiful little boy i had ever seen.he lived for just one hour and 21 minutes and spent all of that on a vntilator. He lost his fight for life at 6: 13 am. He had black hair altho not a lot of it and and a tiny little button nose and the most beautiful misty blue eyes.My 2nd son was Joshua Lewis who was born on the 1st of August 2004 also on a sunday morning at 1:38 am he died 3 minutes later at exactly 1:41 am in my arms . He weighed in at an ample 8lbs and also had jet black hair lots of it unlike his brother! The trademark button nose and the same misty blue eyes.He measured 21 inches thats one long baby ! I miss both my little angels so much and there always in my heart.

My page is still under contrusction so please be patient and bear with me keep visiting i will try to add everyday :)

my photo album
