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Chore Help

Chores are a very important part of a slave's life when one is not serving. It keeps a slave busy and builds one's skills. It is the best way to practice description and bringing a slave's personality into all that they do.

Clean the Servery
Same as in a earth kitchen but think of times before plumbing.
The Servery:
There are always dishes to be done, and the servery to be kept clean. Goblets, bowls, platters, plates, tankards, etc., are to be washed and checked for flaws
**Make sure you get the dishes and vessels about Fortress if any**
then returned to the shelves. Any broken crockery is to be taken out to the basket behind the servery and smashed so it is not useable, when the basket is filled it is to be brought to a place just outside the home, a hole dug and the pieces well burried, and the basket returned. The floor is to be swept out and washed down, The counters need to be scrubbed, and clean.
Also, slaves are to check the supplies in the servery and refill them as necessary (or possible) from the supply room. Obviously some things cannot be replenished easily, such as special botas of wine or rare earth spices, let the Guard of the suppys know and He will inform the Ubara and She will see to it.
sweeping/mopping servery:
now this is self explanatory but here goes.
1. gather a broom and dust pan from the closet in the servery.
2. sweep the servery
3. pick up the dust and toss to the trash.
4. gather the mop and bucket from that same closet.
5. fill with hot water from the firehearth/ add soap.
6. mop the servery, the same way you do at home, use personality.
7. place all away.

sweeping/mopping the main room:
see above..its the same as the servery

1. gather a tray from the servery, making your way around the hall picking up any dishes from the Free's tables that need to be washed.
2. get the 2 wash tubs from the servery storage room.
3. fill both have way with hot water from the fire hearth.
4. place new water in the kettle, and place back to cook again for tea.
5. add soap bits to one of the basins, then enough cool water to both so that your hands will not burn.
6. place the vessels in one of the wash tubs, gather a repcloth... wash, then rinse, setting them aside to dry a bit.
7. dry when all of them are washed, putting them back where they belong.
8. dump the water outside, drying the inside of the tubs and put them away.
9. use the damp cloth to wipe the counter down. Toss to wash later.

cleaning slave kennels (only My slaves are to do this visiting slaves may help in else is needed doing) :
the kennels are in the basement, you need to sweep, dust, gather the furs and clean them. use your imagination.

preparing food:
another item you need to research..learn the foods, what goes with them and plan and cook for that day.

gathering wood
larger logs will be outside stacked by the building or coup or stable...wherever you wish to get them from, then collect smaller twigs for kindling from the ground. you bring the large basket by the fire with you, fill it, and place it back by the fire.

furs should always be kept clean, brushed out, and ready for Free and for Guests.
**No FreePerson should ever have to arrive at our fires and sit upon a mess.**
Slaves are responsible for making sure the furs are beaten clean of dust and brushed every day. If a FreePerson requests that a slave clean their furs, then the slave is to do that as well.
(Note: Some Free have restricted Their slaves from entering Another's chambers, so this would be considered as acceptable for RESPECTFULLY declining the request to clean Free's furs)
cleaning the furs
1.gather the unused furs from the central room, and privite chambers.
2.drag them outside
3.hang them from the line or a tree branch
4.take a broom from the closet and beat them, the dust clearing from them.
5.comb through them with fingers to be sure they are clean
6.let them air a bit, then bring them back in, folded and ready to put away.
**remember the furs are big and heavy, so one trip is not enough ~smiles~

Cooking Meals
See Cooking page for how to cook each item.

preparing food:
another item you need to research..learn the foods, what goes with them and plan and cook for that day. There are baskets and bushels, and containers of vegetables, fruits, and such in the servery. Be creative!

baking sa-tarna bread:
items needed:
2 1/2 cups of sa-tarna flour (on the dry goods shelf in servery)
1/4 cup white crystals (yeast)
2 large spoons (tablespoons) of levener
1/2 small spoon (teaspoon) red salt
1/4 cup of cooking grease
2 vulo eggs
1 1/3 cups of bosk milk
one round baking pan
1. gather all needed.. grease the pan with some oil, swirling to be sure all areas are covered.
2. in a large bowl, combine the flour, crystals, salt, and levener(bakingpowder), and mix together.
3. in a smaller bowl add the milk,eggs,and cooking grease, mix well.
4. add the liquid ingredients to the dry, slowly, stirring with a wooden spoon until well blended, it will still be lumpy.
5. knead the dough, then place in pan making it even, maybe rising a bit in the middle.
6. place in the fire over for about 15 ehn..minutes)... insert a broomstraw (toothpick) to center, when it comes out clean, the bread is done.
7. remove the bread, letting about 5 minutes go by to cool..slice in 8 good size pieces, and place on warming tray, covered, (atop the firehearth)

Heated Paga:
fill it 1/2 full of paga, add honey and spices and let sit and steep over the fires and stir before serving.. this is to be done every day

making blackwine:
1. take 3 repcloths from the storage shelf in the servery. Fold them in half and stack them atop each other on the counter.
2. take down the container of blackwine beans from the side shelf, placing 3 scoops on the cloths.
3. get a piece of rence cord from the storage shelf...gather the corners of the rep-cloth and tie tightly, forming a bag.
4. get the mallot from beneath the counter, pounding the beans to a fine texture.
5. get a kettle, wipe it clean with a rep-cloth, fill it with fresh water from the caske by the door.
6. toss the bag of blackwine to the kettle, place high on the spit at the fire hearth to cook slowly
7. clean any mess made, putting the beans and mallot away.

Making Kalda:
1. gather a pan, wipe it clean with a repcloth.
2. get a bota of kalana from the rack by the fire hearth.
3. a pitcher of citrus juice from the coolery.
4. empty the kalana (all of it) and the pitcher of citrus juice, (all of it) into the pan.
5. gather the mixed spices from the shelf behind the counter, (say gathering the strong spices)..sprinkle (just enough to flavor) into the pan.
6. place the pan on the spit at the fire hearth to cook slowly.
7. clean the counter, placing the bota and pitcher to be washed later.

Churn butter
1. Skim off the cream from the milk vat and pour into butter churn.
2. Pump the handle up and down, as the paddle pumps the contents will start to feel thick and it will be harder to move the handle. Eventually one will feel a ball of butter in the churn.
3. Take the butter and press it into a mold and pour off the whey (buttermilk).
4. Put the butter in the cooler, put cheesecloth over a pitcher and pour in the the buttermilk, this take out any lumps.
Store in the cooler.

Make cheese
Pour some of milk into the cheese vat and take to the fire. Add starter and cook until curds (lumps) form, then add rennet and any flavorings one would like. Cook until it is the right thickness and consistency, drain the vat then wrap the in cheesecloth. Set it in the cooler to age.

Gather Fresh Fruit
See food page on where what grows.
The food can be set out, placed in cooler, cooked, baked, or dried.

bread can always be baked, butter churned from milk and cream, or foods prepared for Fortress consumption.

behind the servery cold storage room inside that room the meats that have been slaughtered that day by the Free of the home, take of the meat, and with spices and anything else you wish create you main dish,
** Remember--there is vulo and you can fish as well, these need to be tended to properly though, gutted and cleaned and prepared to cook**

Curing Meats
Meat can be dried and made into jerky, hung up and smoked liked hams, salted down in barrels, canned or frozen in the winter.

Cleaning Animals and Fish from the Hunt
This is a large chore can be fairly elaborate, one hangs the meat on hooks or packs it in the cooler when finished.

Cleaning game killed
1. Remove the horns, if the Free who killed the animal is there ask if They would like the horns, if not store them away.
2. Skin the animal carefully, keeping the hide in one piece.
3. Gut the animal save the insides (including bladder) in a solution of water and disinfectant, then hang to dry.
4. Cut the meat into roasts and such, place in cooler or hang on hooks in quarter sections.

Cleaning Fish
1. Scrape off scales.
2. Cut head from body.
3. Looking for bones.
4. Rinse fillets and take to cooler.
5. Take scrapes to feed to sleen.
6. Store any fine bones to dry, needles are often made of these.

Gathering Scraps
Scraps are gathered and fed to the sleen.
Put hay into their feeding troughs, but remember sleen need raw meat as well.

Gathering Fuel:
There are dung sacks to collect dried bosk dung which is used as fuel for the Foretress's fires. Fuel must be gathered every day, as the Fortress's fires should never be allowed to burn out. Slaves are to stack the sacks of dung for easy access.

gathering wood
larger logs will be outside stacked by the building or coup or stable...wherever you wish to get them from, then collect smaller twigs for kindling from the ground. you bring the large basket by the fire with you, fill it, and place it back by the fire. Take a walk and pick up sticks, tie into bundles and stack against the outside wall of the servery. Or if wood all ready chopped, one can stack it in the shed.

Refilling Torches:
There are torches around the Fortress's parameters, and walls These must be kept filled with oil so that they do not go out. The oil is kept in small casks in the supply room.

The supply Room:
must be kept straightened and organized so that we have easy access to supplies, and are kept aware of what we run low on.

Hauling Water:
There are barrels throughout Fortress, many by various rooms, that are to be kept filled with water. They are placed about so that in case of attacks, fires can be extinguished easily and quickly, (the importance of keeping them filled, not to mention that it is much more fun to be tossed into a barrel of water than to an empty barrel should the Free become engaged in a kajira tossing contest) Again, buckets to haul the water, and a yoke capable of holding 4 buckets at a time can be found in the supply room, as well as buckets in the servery.

Filling botas:
collect up all the empty botas about the Fortress, compile with any that might be in the basket in the servery, fill a kettle of water and heat it, use to clean the botas thoroughly, once done fill the botas with paga, kalana, tawine from the barrels that sit on the outside of the servery, each has a spiget to fill the botas with. When filled and enough of each is done, bring a respectful amt within the servery and the others to the river. Know about how many should be in each of each drink.

fires are to be kept burning always throughout the day, dried bosk dung is to be used as the fuel. sacks should be left by each fire for easy use.

~~~Chores should be taking pride of the home, showing your honor in the ko'lars you wear and were you live, be creative and not boring like a robot, be graceful in them, and show the Free you love your home ~~~


to be done AFTER main chores

Making Candles:
Tallow from the bosk and tarsk, (scented maybe with talender and flaminium oils for the FW) can be melted and formed into candles, the wicks made from rep... Candles are always something that can be used.

Weaving baskets:
collecting reeds along the river, allow them to dry by the fires and weave into a sterdy handy basket, may get creative if wish to be used as gifts to FW by using talenders, dinas, flaminiums (flowers)

in the servery may be marred flagons that can be sanded down and made smooth, painted with pleasant creativity, with kaiila haired brushes, use imaginations but make them respectable

polish, wax, buff (such stuff you will find in the supply room upon the shelfs) you will also need a redcloth and buffer brush that is there.

mending clothes:
needles and sinew of bosks as thread to mend tears of Free's or slaves clothes...this is done with care and remember all camp owned slaves tend to the Free of the home that have not a slave of Their own...personally owned slaves tend their Master's first then to Others.

Making Kurts
Braid strands of the whip, handles can be made from horn or wood.

Making Needles
Carved bits of bone sharpen one end place a eye in the other take an ulo and make a small hole.

Making Healing Salve
Combination of kanda leaf and brak bush cooked with bosk lard and put in small containers.

This is very versatile; earrings, belly chains, bracelets, etc. Can all be made of bina (beads) with wire, thread, or chain .

Painting Goblets and Bowls
Take a plain item and use one's creativity to portray an animal, a ship, or one's favorite memories.

Making Bandages
Find rags in good shape (not silk) wash them, then rip them into long strips then boil them so they're sterile, dry them and then roll them up and store them in the medical room.

Make a pattern, cut out the leather, then sew the leather. One may then tool a design on the leather, tooling is cutting slightly into the leather. Dye the leather with a design or leave it plain.

Embroidery, Mending, and Make Fabric

Weaving cloth
1. Warp the loom putting the thread/yarn, warping is to affix the threads to the loom.
2. Weave by going under and over each thread, using a shuttle, push what one has woven tightly together.
Remember to pull on it every other row.
3. Finish by tying the ends and cutting it from the loom . A special shell is used for the cutting.

Working a needle and thread in a colorful pattern upon fabric to create a design. This is a chore that can be completed while sitting in the furs.

Fixing Shelves
Bottles rearranged so shelves have a "fronted" appearance, bottles are all pushed towards the front of the shelves.

Weeding the Pathways
Merely check for rocks and sharp objects, during the summer months remove any unwanted plants from the path.

Picking Flowers
One could put them in vases, hang them to dry, or weave them into a garland.

Gathering Herbs
Same as flowers, just decide what herb one is looking for. Can then be dried, placed in the cooler, or crushed for oils.

All to Be posted to the egroup the subject line should read "chore (name of chore), the date, time of day (morn, evening, afternoon )...
you post your chores every day!!!

Fortress Links

Main Fortress page
Chore Rules and main list
Chores animals
Chore Wall
