> Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Tue Oct 11 23:38:27 2005 W E L C O M E T O B U N G Y ' S B A R N Y A R D B R A W L BBB is now up and ready for players to begin playing. Pick a country number 1-20, and login and claim it. All country setups are identical (for fairness). Only one country per player is permitted (enforced and checked), but you are allowed to co-rule (more than one player per country). First update is Sunday October 16th, at 9:30pm (EST). Updates are every 24 hours. We will take several days off during the USA Thanksgiving (weds, thur, fri, sat, sun updates disabled (Nov 23-27)). I plan to run this game up until 1 week before Xmas (that's about 40 updates) or until someone wins after declaring victory, whichever comes first. My personal involvement with this game will be limited, this is more of an informal game similar in style to the Uncle Bob series of monthly games from the '98ish timeframe. So I won't be doing daily snapshots and making tons of maps and graphs. Here's what's special about this game: 1) You get 4 starting santuaries, so you have 4000 civs and lots of mobility to get off to a quick start. Flat resources. 2) Terminator is back. 3) UW's have a 1% growth rate, and only pay $0.01/update. 4) The deity is hereby saying all N/A's are null and void in this game setup. This is an all out slugfest. Backstabbing is encouraged. It's an informal game, and by playing in this game you accept the terms and conditions that you are not permitted to hold grudges or contempt for other players if you enter into such said N/A contracts and are violated. You can make friends and allies and use treaties, but just be fore-warned that you are expected to play dirty. It's a "brawl", remember? 5) Send email to the deity if something gets broken or a problem arises. Have Fun! -Bungy Doug > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Tue Oct 11 23:38:37 2005 Some more info for players for BBB: 1) Start Continents look like or similar to this: 9876543210123456789 -5 . . -5 -4 . - . -4 -3 . - - . -3 -2 . - - - . -2 -1 . ^ - - ^ . -1 0 . ^ - - - ^ . 0 1 . - s s s s - . 1 2 . - - - - - - - . 2 3 . - - - ^ ^ - - - . 3 4 . . . . . . . . . 4 9876543210123456789 They're 36 sectors each, 6 of them are mountains. Only mountains have gold. The map is quite a bit tighter than any of the others in the PZ series of games, so expect to meet neighbors early. 2) Deity (Bungy) will not be playing. 3) Feel free to play under an alias. 4) Unbroken countries after the 4th update will be pseudo-neutered into a deluxe Terminator type island. -Bungy > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Tue Oct 11 23:41:41 2005 I have restarted BBB, in order to use the brand spanking new empire_server code, just released today. My appologies for any inconveniencies to players for having to go thru the re-setting up of your countries. I felt that it would be in the best interest of the game though, to have the latest server code used, so that players wouldn't be able to abuse any fixed bugs in 4.2.22. The first update is still scheduled for Sun Oct 16th, 9:30pm. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Oct 12 20:09:54 2005 Ok, here's an idea to help spice up this "informal game". Any bugs you report, that are confirmed as bugs, you shall then receive 1-20 bars (depending on the severity) of the bug. To report a bug to earn the bug-credit, you need to inform me (and feel free to CC: wolfpack@wolfpackempire.com), and upon confirmation that this is and a previously unreported bug (see: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=380345&group_id=24031&func=browse) then you shall receive payment. > Announcement from BoyScout, (#7) dated Wed Oct 12 20:30:15 2005 I have 2 bugs to report. I only have 33 sectors and 4 mountains. As the most honest and trustworthy player, I am a Boy Scout, why would the Deity show this negative partiality to me? A scout is: trustworthy, courteous, kind, cheerful, thrifty brave, clean and reverent. (seems like there are more of these) Baden Powell > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Oct 12 20:37:20 2005 Dear BoyScout, Your bug has been deemed not a bug. You have the full 6^ and 30- sectors. Now feel the wrath.... > Announcement from MrGoat, (#18) dated Wed Oct 12 21:12:32 2005 Bungy, I have a bug to report - BoyScout. He's bugging me. "Courteous, kind, blah, blah." Sounds more like a Girl Scout to me. And that's surely a bug. Prince Z > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Oct 12 21:14:31 2005 Actually, I rate him more of a "brownie", if you know what I mean... > Announcement from BoyScout, (#7) dated Wed Oct 12 22:20:57 2005 As a well trained BoyScout, I have earned my merit badge on how to: trap a goat kill a goat gut a goat cook a goat and serve him up for dinner Baden Powell > Announcement from Isosceles, (#19) dated Wed Oct 12 22:26:43 2005 Speaking of "brownies".... When does a Cub Scout become a Boy Scout? After he eats his first Brownie. > Announcement from 15, (#15) dated Thu Oct 13 12:32:02 2005 Even a Boy Scout is prepared for sheep...isn't he? > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Thu Oct 13 18:48:49 2005 Deity pre-game checklist: 1 bottle Jack Daniels A case of Boone's farm strawberry wine 15 leftover pills of oxycontin (from last kidney stone "event") 2 1/2 barrels boch beer 1 gallon bottle "Charlies Olde Tyme Vodka" (w/ Straw) A plastic jug of moonshine Players (Optional) Okay, I'm ready. > Announcement from 15, (#15) dated Thu Oct 13 19:19:44 2005 No sheep?! > Announcement from 11, (#11) dated Thu Oct 13 22:34:33 2005 or Velcro gloves? > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Thu Oct 13 22:50:22 2005 For the life of me, I can't understand why the velcro gloves would be consisdered standard issue. And on the subject of sheep, well, maybe in my younger days when I had more energy. But age catches up to us all. Between husbandly duties, personal sex therapist to large chested starlets, and my job as a Turkish giggalo, I just don't have it at the end of a "hard" day for any ewes. But I will speculate on one thing. Every time, and I do mean 100% of the time that I have dropped in on Bungy, whether it is a planned visit or I just drop by unannounced, EVERY SINGLE TIME that ficticious girlfriend of his is never there. Last time the excuse was she was in Germany. I imagine next time he'll tell me something like "Oh, it's the annual castrate the boars in Oporto Portugal and she hasn't missed that for 18 years." You can admit it Doug, your girlfriend is as make believe as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and Amish women without facial hair. > Announcement from KillerTomatoes, (#9) dated Sat Oct 15 08:49:12 2005 Whoever said "No News is Good News" never played Empire. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Sat Oct 15 22:09:19 2005 Updates are enabled, ie: it is game on... > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Sun Oct 16 03:55:36 2005 TRUBLE FOR THE BRALL HAS ARIVED! THE EMPIRE QUEEN IS HERE TO WIN FIGHT AND BE BIGGEST BITCH OF ALL! MY DEFENDS METHYD ARE MUCH MORE THAN WEAK MAN OF EMPIRE KING. DECLARE ALEGIANCE NOW AND AVOID EMBARASING LOSE AT HANDS OF STRONG WOMAN!! EQ AKA THE EMPIRE QUEEN > Announcement from MrGoat, (#18) dated Sun Oct 16 04:56:06 2005 }> Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Sun Oct 16 03:55:36 2005 } }TRUBLE ... [snip] ... WOMAN!! } }EQ }AKA THE EMPIRE QUEEN Even this pale imitation is funny. *snif* PZ is just not the same without th ole EK. Prince Zalawadi > Announcement from SuicideGirls, (#13) dated Sun Oct 16 18:39:00 2005 Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhh, Queeny Love. I can't wait to make you my Bitch and cuckold the "King" Aren't you supposed to be a stay at home mom anyway? Either way, you're way too much woman for these little boys. > Announcement from Jar-Jar, (#5) dated Sun Oct 16 20:58:20 2005 we the peaceful peoples of Jar Jar mean to show all peaceful existance will all peoples of the BBB game. Anyone wishing to share treaties and market exchanges should send friendly telegram to us, yes. > Announcement from MrGoat, (#18) dated Sun Oct 16 21:56:08 2005 EP Wire - MrGoat MrGoat senior scientist Professor Bhuj announced today a landmark breakthrough. Professor Bhuj's team has successfully bred a pair of uncompensated workers at the MrGoat Petting Zoo. Thousands of people lined up at the zoo to see, and pet, the little feller, affectionately known as "Lil Uw", but were dissapointed in the end. It seems, has already been sent off to work in the mines. Speaking under conditions of anonymity because of national security issues (as if speaking under conditions of anonymity makes it ok to leak national security security secrets) a emminent professor said "We're working frantically to breed more of them, but it's a horribly difficult job. If we succeed in improving the birth rates of uncompensated workers, we may be able to avoid pending invasion of *insert neighboring country here*, which has a tempting natural resource rich in uncompensated workers." > Announcement from MrGoat, (#18) dated Sun Oct 16 22:03:58 2005 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PROPOSAL TO DEVELOP Heretoforthewith, the Xinjiang Corporation announces plans to completely redevelop the island of Abydos. Said plan requires the development of a total of 30 largely uninhabited sectors into condos, parks, golf courses and shopping malls. Development plans are on file at the PZ head office. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Mon Oct 17 03:20:33 2005 SUIGURLZ I DONT UNDERSTAND COCKHOLD THE KING BUT THINK RULER WOMAN LIKE EQ ABOVE ACTS. LEAVE BRALL BOYS TO SUIGURLZ. LOOK AT POWER SHOW SKILL OF EQ. MASTER OF DEPLOMACY, PRODUCT AND DEFENDS. NATION WISHING TO LEARN AT FEED OF MAMA EQ TELEGRAM DESIRE AND FACE CONSIDERING. EQ > Announcement from SuicideGirls, (#13) dated Mon Oct 17 11:23:51 2005 Can someone remind me how to fix that nasty winace bug when the map disappears and evertything turns black? > Announcement from BoyScout, (#7) dated Mon Oct 17 16:09:05 2005 Thats what happens when you commit suicide.... BP > Announcement from visitor, (#32) dated Mon Oct 17 18:05:36 2005 Old Mirkwood Proverb: A bayonet charge is a lot like anal sex. You really Really REALLY want to be in back > Announcement from 11, (#11) dated Mon Oct 17 18:08:57 2005 Is it just me, or does EQ (or EK) sound like Yoda? MUCH WISE EQ IS... YES... ME YOU ATTAK AND HELPS YOU I WILL NOT... > Announcement from peeper, (#33) dated Mon Oct 17 18:50:50 2005 re: EQ = Yoda Maybe. Not in the wisdom part. Not in the skills part. He is probably short and green. Trolls are short and green. Coincidence? > Announcement from KillerTomatoes, (#9) dated Mon Oct 17 20:16:04 2005 boogers are short and green also, is that another coincidence?? Mason Dixon > Announcement from Jar-Jar, (#5) dated Mon Oct 17 20:45:40 2005 miso say, you can pick your allies, but yousa cannot pick your allieses nose. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Mon Oct 17 21:14:38 2005 Incase if any of you are wondering, yes, there are islands out there. But, what is an island, one must ponder. Well, I'll tell you, as I learned about this today while waiting at the Motor Vehicles Administration to get a 'new' (more about this later) car titles into my name. Scrolling across the messages and news and tidbits for the day, I saw the mention of 'sheep', in the definition of an 'island'. Yes, an island is defined as a piece of land large enough to feed one sheep for one year. And so I thought, yes, this pertains to empire quite well, as you all already know this. Being a "barnyard" game, where would we be without sheeps? And so you have it, islands require sheeps. Empire has sheeps. There are islands in empire. Coincidence? (the 'new' car is a '89 Buick LaSabre, with 27,000 miles on it. It was my grandfathers. He's 96, and not doing well.) -Bungy Doug > Announcement from BeerDogs, (#10) dated Mon Oct 17 21:49:35 2005 In honour of Bungy's GD'y, I propose a social round of drinks, followed by a zdone y in his honour. BEER DOGS RULE! > Announcement from SuicideGirls, (#13) dated Mon Oct 17 21:53:05 2005 Here Here. And we'll give him a very special personal visit from our traveling burlesque show to let the ol' man go out in style. Get ready girls... -Gracie Suicide > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Tue Oct 18 20:03:27 2005 CLEAR NOW THE INNARD MASTERY OF EQ. TWO UPDATE EXPERTISE OF BUILD HAS SETTLED EQ AS LEADER OF POWER. SOON MASTER TACTICS OF STRATEGIES WILL DEFINE SPHERE OF POWER. EXPECT SHPERE TO HOLD ALL SECTORS NEAR AND FAR OF EQ. LAST CHANCE TO COMING TO SUCK AT TEAT OF EQ GOODWIL, WISDOM AND STRENTH. GOATS, GIRLS, BOYS AND DOGS ALL WELCOME SUCKLERS OF EQ EMPIRE-SKILL MILK. EQ > Announcement from 15, (#15) dated Tue Oct 18 21:16:41 2005 I guess with the demise of EMPIRE KING, we've been blessed with EMPIRE QUEEN... > Announcement from KillerTomatoes, (#9) dated Tue Oct 18 21:29:20 2005 Guess us lowly Tomatoes are not welcome Mason Dixon > Announcement from peeper, (#33) dated Wed Oct 19 21:29:23 2005 UNLEASH THE FURRY! > Announcement from visitor, (#32) dated Wed Oct 19 21:31:25 2005 WinACE - black map. There could a number of reasons. One of the other players ran into this as well. The reason was the colors stored in the registry were lost. You can reset the colors, by pressing F4 and then select the normal radio box, press the reset colors to the default button and then do an OKAY. Once the colors are reset, do a refresh All database under View->Refresh Database->Update All. If this do not fix the problem you can contact me at rkoenderink@yahoo.ca Ron K. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Thu Oct 20 21:27:12 2005 It seems that the recent code changes in the server have caused users of PTKEI to update their clients to get coastwatch to work correctly. Here's my report on how to correct your clients: In the getLookInfo function of empParse.py, comment out the line: if 'SHIPNAMES' in empDb.megaDB['version']['enabledOptions']: and comment out the subsequent entire 'else' statement. Should end up with something that looks like: # if 'SHIPNAMES' in empDb.megaDB['version']['enabledOptions']: look_ship_info = re.compile(r"^\s*(?P.*?)\s+" +r"\(\#\s*(?P\d+)\)\s+" +r"(?P\S+).*" +r"\(\#(?P\d+)\)\s+" +r"@ (?P-?\d+),(?P-?\d+)\s *$" ) # else: # look_ship_info = re.compile(r"^\s*(?P.*?)\s+" # +r"\(\#(\s*?P\d+)\)\s+" # +r"(?P\S+).*" # +r"\#(?P\d+)\s+" # +r"@ (?P-?\d+),(?P-?\d+)\ s*$" # ) Note that look_ship_info needs to be left-shifted as well. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Thu Oct 20 22:06:42 2005 We're 5 updates into the Bungy's Barnyard Brawl game, and here's where we are: Eleven - These boys work for the government, for sure. You'll need to fill out form 745-B, in triplicate, and then you will be eligible for your IDP-666 bene- fits. 15 - How anonymous can you get. At least change your name to "Fifteen". info rude. EQ - Ah, our resident troll is now back! Let us all look forward to all of the informational tactical strategies to come! KillerTomatoes - Last I checked, the tomato was defined as a 'fruit'. A killer fruit? I don't think so. wales - Save me! Save me! An environmentalist's wet dream. It is a well known fact that their flesh is the most tastiest substance known to man, and their blubber can be converted into fuel oil much more efficiently than the crappy resources here in BBB. DontComeNearMe - This is a treatable disorder, similar to those germ-o-phobe freaks who carry around an extra linnen to open doors with. Isosceles - Is this some sort of joke for the deity? Last I checked, all start continents were Equalaterals. BoyScout - Finally, and honest player amongst the batch. Helping old ladies across streets. These fellows surely know how to pitch a tent... Mayonasia - Personally, I don't like mayonaise. But I cannot let my personal feelings cloud my impression of this disgustingly named country. MrGoat - Goats? No! Sheeps are the preferred mammal for ALL beastiality fetishes in the empire community. 11 - Another anomnity in the grand use of alpha numberic characters for describing one's country name. Jar-Jar - Hey dude, the net-trekkie convention is down the hall. Why would anyone intentionally want to pick a name as offensive as this? Recent google polls suggest that JJ is the most wanted to die character in Episodes 1 - 6. BeerDogs - Some bum once asked me for a dollar so he could buy a beer. I told him to bugger off. He then opened his trench coat, and pee'd on the firehydrant next to us. I gave him the buck for this display of talent. Pern - This guy likes to pretend he's okey-dokey, yet if you do a ONE character substi- tution for the 'e' with an 'o', then grep his name under that new character stream, you will have like 27+ million hits (last time I checked:). SuicideGirls - Like oh my gawd. If you don't totally obey these chicks, they will just die! The classic guilt-trip-o-ramma. gnubbl - Not enough vowels. How do you pronounce this? New-B's-ell? Gee-Nubble? Chuckland - What's up, Chuck? (great puke joke). Chucky started 2 updates late, but the very hardass/generous deity Bungy has decided to give this player the average tech produced on updates #4 and #5 to help him 'stay current'? Sait - This guy is sucker's bait. Just like that 17 y.o. hottie next that winks at you in the mall. Certain sections say, "follow", while the other parts say, "restraining order #2 is still in effect." Thule - The rule of thumb here is if I start an update late, then I can use that excuse for being near the bottom of the power chart. Did the deity forget to mention that he has given this player the average tech produced on update #4 to help him 'stay current'? Abydos - They need to find a new operating system. It has been a first for me to see a country actually truncate so many civs as to go to a number less than their starting civs numbers. Bungholio - Your deity du-jour. Terminator - The protector of all 'expansion' territory. Lotsa surprises. F U A-whole. Ski - My favorite assistant deity. He likes to check in and just watch the progress. Overlord - This old timer is back for some hard-core assistant deity-mode associative level deity access to review and oversee the Barnyard Brawl. Please welcome him by sending him a telegram or 2 asap. visitor - This is the general-purpose visitor account. peeper - This is the visitor account for those who like to engage in voyerism, or for those who think they are not into voyerism but cannot resist, or for those who are in total self denial. > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Thu Oct 20 22:23:29 2005 EQ STRONG TACTICAL STRATEGUM AS SEEN BY DIETER BUNGY HAS PUT NATION BACK NEAR POWER TOP. EQ AIRFORCES EQUALED BY NO OTHER NATION AND EXPECTING TO INFLATE POWER PROJECTION TENFOLD. ALREADY DEFETE IN WHOLESALE MASCARA PEOPLE OF ISAWSUMFLEES. PERFECT MERKWOODIAN BOOTLEG MANUVER SURPRISE GREATER NUMBERS AND TRAP ENEMY WITHOUT RETREAT. MAYBE NOW THEY COME TO MILK AT GREAT EQ TEAT! > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Thu Oct 20 22:40:44 2005 Let's make fun of people's names! Eleven - Well, at least he is not lazy. I mean, he could have been One or Two. 15 - Lazy and unoriginal. I mean the best part of Empire is staying up late for weeks on end coming up with really cool names. I had to take vacation days to come up with CornDogPete and ShaoLinVulcans And I am still living off the royalies from the name "Pink Floyd" (Yes, I thought that one up). 15 probably missed his afternoon nap on the pad with the other kids to come up with his name. EK is obnoxious, always his key Got a trip to Sweden and it was free And a run with the knife Has OH! changed his life Now EQ can't even piss on a tree KillerTomatoes - It's the middle of October. Tomatoes are out of season. wales - All the unskilled people with no future are kicked out of England and go to Scotland. The ones that are kicked out of Scotland end up in wales. (cont) > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Thu Oct 20 22:46:15 2005 DontComeNearMe - AKA Leaper Colony. There has to be a website out there where leapers film themselves having sex while body parts fall off. (Ah, who remembers Sam Kineson's "Leaper Whore") Isosceles - Well, that's a better name than Hypotenuse BoyScout - Having two son's in Boy Scouts myself, I really can't say anything bad about the Name. So I will just call the ruler Ugly! Mayonasia - The sick fuck that first mixed eggs and vinegar toether is not nearly as bad as the clown that first laid down money to eat the stuff. MrGoat - Like a sheep with steel wool. Ohhhhhhhh baby...... 11 - Well, a lazy Eleven. What an aspiration! (cont) > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Thu Oct 20 22:55:21 2005 Jar-Jar - Ah yes, the pickle pickles are in the jar-jar BeerDogs - Beer good. Yes. Hot Dogs good. Yes. But BeerDogs have soggy buns. Not good. Pern - Yawn. Read a new book. SuicideGirls - The exercise of making fun of this name is left to the reader. gnubbl - Dufas! You forgot your E! Chuckland - Why do I get the impression that Chuck is 48 years old, not quite Bi, not quite striaght, 70 pounds overweight, bald, very hairy, and manages a Taco Bell. I just have a feeling... Sait - Two, Four Six Eight! Who invades the country Sait? Thule - Why does this name always make me think of some ancient Hittite or Mycinian god? You know, Thule, the god of the bottom dwellers of the power chart Abydos - Honest to Bungy, I actually knew a guy at my 1st job named Aby Dos. Aside from that, we won't make fun of the first man to be thrown over the top rope. > Announcement from wales, (#2) dated Fri Oct 21 00:44:10 2005 You want my blubber?? I may be fat but this wale is an Orca!! So be careful of my teeth when you approach. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Fri Oct 21 21:19:50 2005 Just to let it be clear to all, as I have had a few questions regarding the subject of the "brawl". Yes, you are totally allowed to go all out and backstab any players in this game with no repercussions whatsoever. It is encouraged, and almost expected. > Announcement from BoyScout, (#7) dated Fri Oct 21 22:24:42 2005 Backstabbing is unacceptable for a BoyScout. hehe... > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Mon Oct 24 21:19:03 2005 Two Things: #1: If anyone is having trouble emailing me at my empire_bungholio @ verizon.net account, then you should try using my empire_bungholio @ hotmail.com account. #2: On Sun Oct 30th, we will be observing 'daylight saving's, and thus at like 2am or so the clocks will roll back 1 hour. Later that morning, I will awaken, and verify /and/or/ adjust that the update will continue to occur at 21:30 (local time). I'll make an anno that day once I have verified /and/or/ adjusted accordingly. Now, back to the shagging.... > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Tue Oct 25 18:30:16 2005 #3 It is not "daylight savings", it is "daylight saving". Always a pleasure to correct a deity > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Oct 26 21:36:31 2005 We're eleven updates into BBB, and lots of hot-n-steamy barnyard action has occurred. Meanwhile, the players are beginning to find each other. Halloween is just a few days away, and I have found the master list for what everyone is going to dress up as or their plans. Here's what I got: Eleven - The #1 in disguise. Originality at its finest. DontComeNearMe - The solo trick-or-treater who goes all out, 'cuz he's like 15 and it isn't k3wl to do this, but he's making the most of it. He's got over 20 kilos of candy so far, and it's 10:30pm, and he's still at it, even though everyone else ended over an hour ago. Isosceles - His chat profile by-line: In Search Of Shemale Canadians Extremely Limber, Extroverted, & Shaven. Beware when knocking on his door. BoyScout - His scout master tought him some nifty 'tricks'. I dunno why he insists on going out to support his troops. EQ - It's her turn this year to hand out the candy, while Mr EK goes around the 'hood with the kids. Yet, she trolls the kids when they ask, TRIX OR TEAT! KillerTomatoes - Attack! A classic movie, but probably no one under 35 years old has seen it, let alone heard of it. wales - This year, wales is going as Flipper the Friendly Dolphin, 'cuz his mum is some artsy-enviro-chick whos into dolphin safe tuna. MrGoat - He's going to the party at the Owl's Nest, in hopes of finding a femme-bovine that needs of a good ramming. BeerDogs - There is nothing funny about getting a bunch of cage fighter trained pitbulls to drink a couple of 40-oz'ers, then unleashing them into the neighborhood to wreak utter havok. Mayonasia - There's not only beef between Wendy's buns, but also some man- aise, if you know what I mean... Pern - Sigh... He's dressing as a dragon, again. At least this year he's got some sweet blinking LEDs for the eyes. Jar-Jar - This 23 year old thinks he's got it good, living at home still, and able to go around to all his favorite houses while being so annoying that peeps don't bother to ask who the heck he is, they just throw him some candy and slam the door. 15 - These totally innocent looking guys are the worste. This one likes to dress as a Tickle me Elmo imposter. gnubbl - This fierce warlord once defeated brgoeehrt the ggbreee in lords of the toilet, 8th edition. Sait - Even the great wisdom of bungy is having trouble with this one. My best guess is a Sail Bait (making words up from his name), where he likes to troll a weak ship along your coast, only to get you to follow into a trap off shore. SuicideGirls - Goth queens by day, Goth goddesses by nite. Halloween is 24/7/365 for them. 11 - These totally innocent looking guys are the worste. This one likes to dress as the Easter Bunny, and offer to 'inspect' 14 y.o. girls' braces... Thule - Cant' go otu taht nite cuz'z at teh AA meetnig we lernting a nwee Thule of Rum fro teh 15 stpe prgorman. Chuckland - A toss-up (no pun intended) between the violent movie puppet and the cheeze-e pizza restaurant. Abydos - The grim reaper, he wants his sanctuaries back. Terminator - If this guy knocks at your door, you're dead meat. Mr Smith? Yes? F.U. A Hole. BANG! one civ shot dead at 0,0. Overbored - This was a tough one for Pat. At first he was going to be a pirate and bring his talking parrot around, but with the new H1B virus going around, he thought this would not be too good. So then he decided to be a distinguished deity, and make a map consisting of all wastelands and plains, calling it Drunken-Sheeps-101, but then found that that name was already trademarked by Bungy, so he went back to the drawing board, and is busy making the most micromanagement wet-dream game you've ever seen. Ski - Year after year, he keeps dressing as a sweedish skier in hopes of one day meeting their bikini team for a calendar shoot. Bungy - I'll let you all guess... Post your guesses/suggestions/visions via annos. > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Thu Oct 27 18:48:25 2005 I got rid of that talking parrot years ago. He kept telling Lothlorien where my sectors were. > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Thu Oct 27 18:56:28 2005 And now some famous quote attributed to the players in this game. Please note, I am not making these up. (Okay, okay. I am making these up.) DontComeNearMe: "I once mixed jello in viagra. I've never seen gelatin harden so quickly. But I still can't put it in my mouth" Eleven: "Women would be even more desirable if lactation produced beer" BoyScout: "It always seems more impressive when you give the measurement in centimeters" Isoceles: "I've never seen a homeless old man eat an ice cream cone so erotically" Mayonasia: "Worst sexual experience? Had to be the time the fat woman pleasured herself with the frozen mayonaise dildoe and then sat on my face" EQ: "Once you turn out the lights, you can't tell the sheep from the goats" KillerTom: "Technically your honor, for it to be solicitation of prostitution I would have had to pay her. But I planned on skipping out the window" (cont) > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Thu Oct 27 19:03:01 2005 wales: "As a kid, I was ugly and spastic. They made me wear the catchers mask and sit in the dugout all game long" BeerDogs: "I just shaved all my pubic hairs. Where do I mail them?" MrGoat: "If we lined up all the gay men end to end... ...they would probably like it" Pern: "The problem with topless women is that you can't look down their blouses" Jar-Jar: "Don't stare at me like I'm a raving lunatic or I'll put my chainsaw to good use" 15: "No matter how well hung you are, you can not fly by glueing feathers on your penis" gnubbl: "Dungeons and Dragons and Lairs. OH MY!" Sait: "The secret recipie? 1 part tabasco, 3 parts cayanne, and 1 quart tequilia. Sometimes I don't bother with the tobasco or cayanne" SuicideGirls: "Necrophelia - sex in the back seat of a long black car" 11: I'd retire from Empire but the pension plan sucks" Chuckland: "4th law of thermodynamics - Don't touch hot things" Thule: (cont) > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Thu Oct 27 19:03:50 2005 "Attention civil servants. Please don't eat the urinal cakes" Abydos: "Sectors! We don't need no stinkin sectors" > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Sat Oct 29 14:12:22 2005 We are now running with version 4.2.23. Enjoy. > Announcement from KillerTomatoes, (#9) dated Sat Oct 29 15:46:32 2005 Is that as dangerous as running with scissors?? > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Sun Oct 30 02:17:31 2005 The clock and update schedule are now properly adjusted to account for "Daylights Saving". Use your 'update' command to make sure you are sync'd up. > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Mon Oct 31 04:07:49 2005 THE EQ HAS BEEN OCCUPIED TURNING BACK BADLY EXECUTED INTRUSIONS, ENDING PLENTY OF UNITS AND SHIPS, INCLUDING EXTOLLED BATTLE SHIP. IN PUNISHMENT, THE EQ HAS BORROWED AN ISLAND, PRELIMINARY MAINTAINED BY TERRORIST WHALES. BATTLE WAS FAST AND DEATHS OF WHALES WERE UNHEALTHY. MESSAGES HAVE IT THAT WHALES OF MAINLAND LOSE THEIR BLUBBER IN FEAR CONCERNING FULL SCALE INTRUSION. STRATEGUM TACTICS OF EQ ARE NOT TO BE THOUGHT LESSER. HIT HARDER THAN KING AND MORE CRAFTY. REQUEST FOR MERCY WILL OCCASION THOUGHTFILLED CONSIDERING. EQ > Announcement from MrGoat, (#18) dated Mon Oct 31 04:09:02 2005 R E A L E S T A T E O P P O R T U N I T Y Arawapa Estates announces a golden opportunity for real estate investment. Are you an Empire builder who's feeling a little short on sectors? Or are you a first time sector buyer looking to 'get into the market'? If you are, have a look at Arapawa Estates DIY sector kits. We supply the construction materials and you supply the avail (40 required) and a nearby sea sector. For only the small cost, you can build your own sector, featuring * living space for almost 1000 civs * very low mobility costs for moving goods * built over useless sea sectors, so no wasted land * quick and easy snap-span construction * positive cash returns after only a few updates Act now, these low prices will not last. Check the market under hcm lot #1. Buy now! Buy today! (Additional lots available. Inquire by telex.) R E A L E S T A T E O P P O R T U N I T Y > Announcement from Isosceles, (#19) dated Mon Oct 31 06:10:35 2005 I know who Mr. Goat is...Robert Allen!! > Announcement from MrGoat, (#18) dated Mon Oct 31 07:33:56 2005 ======= U Du It - Fort Construction Kits ======= Is DontComeNearMe getting a little too close? Is Isosceles eyeing up your little equilateral home island? DO EQ THREATEN INVADE YOUR KINGDOM NOW? If you've got a 'pest control' problem, then why not try one one of Moxoto, Inc's new and improved Insta-Fort Construction Kits. Only $1000 each. Just put the kit in your favorite sector and designate as a fort. Then step back and watch as the fort automatically assembles itself. (Update not included. Guns and shells not included. Mil not included. Targets not included. Sheep, for the dull days, not included.) Check out hcm lot #1 on the market NOW! Act now and we'll send you exciting news about how you can earn $15,000 every update while working from home. This is an opportunity you can't afford to miss. ======= U Du It - Fort Construction Kits ======= > Announcement from Jar-Jar, (#5) dated Mon Oct 31 21:21:47 2005 Me thinks NOW woulda be an excellentest of times to backs stabbe the vile Don'tCumInMe nation. JJ > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Mon Oct 31 22:14:35 2005 SIXTEEN UPDATES INTO THE BBB, AND HERE'S WHAT WE GOT: DontComeNearMe - Current cash cow. Isosceles - Current sector, civ, and mil leader. Mayonasia - Guns and Shells leader. KillerTomatoes - Too violent of a name, though. BoyScout - It could be worse, he could be "AltarBoy". EQ - There was a band named Queen. We all know that story. MrGoat - of the 100% eff players, he's at the top. Eleven - Current Tech Leader. Still has a crappy name. Pern - Air Force leader. 15 - Best use of a non-original name. BeerDogs - A new iron king? SuicideGirls - Managed to hit 5 mines so far. wales - Education leader. Most petrols for no planes. Sait - Lowest dust producer. Get your UWs into your ^s. Jar-Jar - Happiness leader. gnubbl - my money's on him for 'next dead'. Chuckland - top of the dead. Thule - middle of the dead. Abydos - bottom of the dead. 11 - most broke and totally dead. > Announcement from Sait, (#6) dated Wed Nov 02 18:54:07 2005 There be dragons there. > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Wed Nov 02 19:02:18 2005 PORN ISLE SEEM TO EXPECT INVASION FROM FORCE OF SATE. CLEARLY HAVE EXPERT TECHNIQUE AND SKILL. MAY BE BAIT SATE TO ATTACK? COULD BE THAT PORN MASTER BAITER? EQ > Announcement from Pern, (#17) dated Wed Nov 02 19:09:32 2005 I knew a Master Bates once. He died by his own hand. What ever passion I had as not been Sated :) MHR > Announcement from peeper, (#33) dated Wed Nov 02 23:23:15 2005 Now would be a good time to implement "Operation Ether". (that's where you tell your ally to go to sleep, and you then ram him from behind via a bloody backstabbing.) > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Sat Nov 05 11:58:17 2005 To commemorate the 20 update mark in BBB, I have come up with the official list of country related themes that I have observed amongst your countries: DontComeNearMe - Today they're celebrating by having a surpries open house for visitors between the hours of 21:00 and 22:00 today. The party is being kept secret from the primary ruler. Everyone is invited. Isosceles - They were planning on having a pie eating contest in Isosceles, but the local mathmaticians all were upset because the pies were not being cut evenly. Instead, they had a massive pie/food fight. MrGoat - Today is national accordion cross dressers day! Come on down for a good Culture Club Polka! Eleven - Today is the anniversary of when the ruler got this name in a horr- endous blender accident. This is a very sensitive subject, so don't bring it up. You see, he only has 11 fingers and toes remaining, combined. BoyScout - They are holding their national Tic Tac Toe contest again. Hope- fully this year will be better. The last 15 years have all ended in ties, even after extra extended overtime. Mayonasia - These guys are holding national "Beastie Boys" impersonation day, where everyone goes around rapping their warez and dropping a 40 on the curb. KillerTomatoes - They are holding a cow-pie tossing contest today, to help spread the natural organic fertilizer across a field for next year's crop. Except it rained last night, and the 'pies' got a little damp. Fun! Pern - Come down to the town hall, to watch the top minds debate who would win in a fight between Seven of Nine and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. SuicideGirls - All chicks get a 2-for-1 special at Crazy-G's Tattoo parlor. Buy one tattoo, get one free. EQ - The EQ are celebrating by having Clay Aiken come in for a full day of music, speeches, photos, etc. BeerDogs - It's like Octoberfest, again! Beers and Wursts for everyone! wales - Today they are kicking off a new reality TV series, "Weakest Couch Potato". Basically 6 lazy peeps, each allowing a hidden camera to be in- stalled in their homes to watch their every action[?], and their mission is to do so little that their families totally disown them. Every week, the audience votes. Then at the end, the audience is told they've been Punk'd for having to sit thru 6 weeks of a fake TV show. Sait - The Sait are celebrating Songs to wear Socks to, featuring a list of all kinds of toe curlers that you can rock out to. Jar-Jar - This was supposed to be national pickling and canning day, but he's already been killed off. Chuckland - In old Chuckytown, the new settlers are honoring the previous residents with the re-opening of the newly renovated mass vomitorium. Today is national bolemia day. Abydos - Local wizards have cast a spell which is supposed to turn all water into beer for the entire day. Thule - Today was going to be a day to pay tribute to their national heroes, the Power Rangers. gnubbl - The few outcast gnubbl are hoping that their gnomes will rise up today an wreak havock on their oppressors. 15 - The ancients used to celebrate their independence, today. 11 - Today was to be the day to offer peaceful co-existence with farm animals. Overlord - He's holding a fart-ath-alon. 12 guys each eat a 32 oz can of baked beans, then each sits in a kiddie pool, and the last guy to fart, wins. Overlord does pretty good at this contest. Ski - Agreed to be a judge at Overlord's this year. Little did he know what the contest was going to be. Bungholio - Bungy is attending the fart-ath-alon this year. But his plan is to be first disqualified. You see, Bungy ate tons of garlic, onions, and sardines for dinner last night, so he is planning on being extra aromatic. Those aren't tears of joy in the eyes of everyone around him. > Announcement from wales, (#2) dated Sun Nov 06 00:48:04 2005 Sorry I can't stick around anymore, but since Bungyhas so correctly described my country..especially the "punk'd" show, I am heading back to spend time with Demi. > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Sun Nov 06 20:18:15 2005 This year's fart-ath-alon is just an evolution of last years cabbage, bean burito, and brussel spout eating contest. Of course this year we are not using candle lighting. > Announcement from Isosceles, (#19) dated Sun Nov 06 20:21:40 2005 Perhaps there is more danger in spontaneous combustion... Candles? We don't need no stinking candles. > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Sun Nov 06 20:25:18 2005 I did organize a competition a few years ago where candles were required. It was just women contestents, me, and the video camera > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Tue Nov 08 20:49:23 2005 Well, it's time to describe various sexual practices and positions. Eleven - And you thought Seven was your lucky number. Try doing it Eleven times without a break. Talk about dehydration. wales - This sexual technique is comprised of running up north and peeking under a Scotsman's kilt. gnubbl - Just put your face in place and go "gnubbl gnubbl gnubbl" EQ - STRT WITH ON TWISTER FLUK AND DEW ANY THANG Jar-Jar - The big climax comes when your partner shouts out "Tickle my ears! Tickle my ears!" Sait - Hook up your misses with that Italian giggilo she's been eyeing. But when the lights go out, you trade places with the stud. This is call the "Sait and switch" BoyScout - Little blue uniform, yellow kerchef, and a bunch of activity badges. See what badge you can get when you rub 2 sticks together. Thule - This is one of those obese desires/equine impulses. So the term comes from a conjucation of THICK MULE (cont) > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Tue Nov 08 20:58:44 2005 KillerTomatoes - You bring three young honeys back to your drom room and have a heart attack. Yup, they were Killer Tomatoes BeerDogs - The bractice of bringing home the ugly girl from the bar late at night after you got real drunk and real desperate. As in "Looks like Vinny only had his choice of the BeerDogs last night." 11 - Sort of like Eleven, just in one year and not in one day Chuckland - You set your best friend up with the gawd awfullest ugliest woman in town. When he vomits all over her in the morning light, she's been to Chuckland. SuicideGirls - You bring 6 whores to a party and one of them has AIDS. Mayonasia - Ug. What do you do with a lot of creamy white stuff in a jar? 15 - "Doing a 15" means two things. One is taking that high school sophemore back to your mini-van. The other is getting caught and refers to your prison sentance DontComeNearMe - Or on her back, her face, her mouth, or... (cont) > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Tue Nov 08 21:09:26 2005 Pern - Having sex in the deeeeeep south. As in "Hey sis, why don't we go behind the barn and Pern-icate" MrGoat - The MrGoat position has you and misses doing it doggy style. Except you are pulling an her braids while she goes "maaaaa maaaa" Isosceles - This is an FMF three-some with identical twins. (Just think about it, okay?) Abydos - Not a very common activity. To start with, you need two Mexican girls named Abby. Terminator - That's the goodbye grope you get after the soon to be ex tells you she is dumping you. Ski - You will need the following eequipment: Smoot slats of wood, a lot of ice, and couple of good long poles. Goggles are a good option. Bungholio - You've got a pecker long enough to reach well past your ass. But you've got no woman AGAIN. So you just fuck yourself. Overlord - Nobody has really survived this one in tact. The experience is so severly orgasmic that even the most robust participants lie in comas or listen to Howard Stern all day. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Nov 09 20:47:35 2005 Bungy's "Bug's for Bars" program continues to go strong. We've netted a few so far. Here's the current bug log: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=380345&group_id=24031&func=browse > Announcement from Terminator, (#30) dated Wed Nov 09 21:39:37 2005 True Story: In other news, the other day I decided to go visit my pal Overlord in his new residence, bringing a nice and icy cold 12 pack of Milwalkee's Best to help welcome him into the 'hood. But upon arriving there, I learnt that he was out from his roomie: Me: Is overlord here? Roomie: No, he's out. Me: So where'd he go? Roomie: He went out looking for Black Caulk again tonite. Me: Dang, he must really have a leaky bathtub! Roomie: (silence) Me: Ok, tell him Bungy stopped by. Roomie: (silence) Me: Ok, L8R. > Announcement from Isosceles, (#19) dated Wed Nov 09 21:57:28 2005 What's this all about? === Business & Economics === Wed Nov 09 20:42 Bungholio helps out KillerTomatoes Wed Nov 09 20:43 Bungholio makes a contribution to MrGoat Wed Nov 09 20:45 Bungholio makes a contribution to EQ ?? I^ > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Nov 09 21:58:50 2005 re: what's this all about info "bungy's bugs for bars" program > Announcement from Overlord, (#34) dated Wed Nov 09 22:02:49 2005 I was not out looking for Black Caulk. I was looking for Eutruscan dancers (Okay, $1000 bucks to the country that can identify THAT reference) > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Wed Nov 09 23:32:46 2005 >> Announcement from (19) Isosceles dated Wed Nov 09 18:55:55 2005 >What's this all about? > > === Business & Economics === >Wed Nov 09 20:42 Bungholio helps out KillerTomatoes >Wed Nov 09 20:43 Bungholio makes a contribution to MrGoat >Wed Nov 09 20:45 Bungholio makes a contribution to EQ SOME NATION WITH MASTERING TACTUMS UNCOVER DEFECT IN GAME DESIGN. USUAL ONLY RESERVE FOR MOST ADVANCE OF LEADERS AND COUNTRY WHOSE STRATEGUMS ARE SO CRAFTILY AND CREATIVE THAT CODERS COULD NOT ENVISION SUCH POSSIBILITY. ISAWSUMFLEAS NEED NOT WORRY ABOUT IT. WORK TO FINISHING THE BASIC EMPIRE COMMANDS BEFORE ATTEMPT MORE DIFFICULTY MANUREVERS. EQ > Announcement from MrGoat, (#18) dated Thu Nov 10 02:11:50 2005 }> Announcement from I^, (#19) dated Wed Nov 91 211:57:28 5002 }What's this all about? Try this at home. Put all of your planes in a 'captured' airfield. Take out all of the mil except one. Add 8 lcm and 2 hcm. Build a new f2. BTW, bring a box of tissues. I got 2 bars for my woes. Now I just have to wait 200 updates to recoup my losses :( Prince Zalawadi > Announcement from KillerTomatoes, (#9) dated Thu Nov 10 07:42:31 2005 Ouch, wish i could say thats never happened to me Mason Dixon > Announcement from Ski, (#31) dated Fri Nov 11 08:40:43 2005 Similarly, improving eff of planes at update will cause same result. And of course, we cannot forget paradropping from that forward 'occupied' airfield and running out of mil. That seriously dents a midnight raid! No, I never made THAT mistake... Well, at least you only do those things once and then develop tactics to prevent such stupidity! > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Fri Nov 11 21:50:15 2005 THE EMPIRE QUEEN HAVE MANY DOCUMENTED SUCCESSES. WITH SUPERIOR TACTICS AND UNIQUE STRATEGUMS, DECISIVE VICTORY AGAINST A DUTIFUL, COMBAT-READY ENEMY IN WHALE SOUNDLY WAS OVERSEEN. SIMULTANEOUS THE COWARDLY POWERS OF ISAWSUMFLEAS WERE HELD AT BAY. FOR A NATION THAT PROSPER ON THE REMNANTS OF DEPART NATIONS WITH NARY A SHOT FIRED IN AGREASSION, THE SHAME QUICKLY MUST COLLECT. CAN SUCH WEAKNESS BE REWARDED? OR WILL THE TRUE WAR GENTLEMEN OF BARYNARD, WHO LOOK TO EQ FOR INSPIRATION, RISE AND STRIKE DOWN SUCH FULL WEAKNESS AND LACK OF POWER? NOW THE TIME IS, TO CONNECT POWERS WITH THE LEGIONS OF THE LADY. NOW IT IS NECESSARY TO ARM YOUSELF WITH THE EXPERT KNOWLEDGE, THE EXPERIENCE AND BATTLE THAT PROVED CAPACITIES OF EQ. MEMBERS IN THE ENCLAVE OF HER MAJESTY ARE ACCEPTED NOW. CONNECT BEFORE FORCES OF WEAKNESS OVERFLOW THE WORLDLY WITH SADNESS AND DISREPECT. EQ > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Tue Nov 15 22:44:26 2005 THE FEAR THAT EQ HAS INSPIRED IN ENEMIES IS MIGHTY. ISAWSUMFLEAS HAVE BEEN PARALYZE WITH INDECISION ONCE QUEENS INTELLIGUM STRATEGUMS WERE EXPOUSED TO THE BARNYARD. TO CRIPPLE NATION THROUGH SUCH INDIRECT ACTIONS IS STRONG SIGN OF POWER ONE WIELDS. IN FUTURE, THE EMPIRE QUEEN MUST LEARN TO WIELD SUCH STRENG WITH CAUTION. DON'T WISH TO CAUSE NATION TO BECOME UNFIGHTING FOLDERS THAT LEAP IN SKY AT SIGHT OF OWN SHADOWS. FOR THIS EQ HUMBLES AN APOLOGY TO OTHER BRAWLERS. OUR SOLEMN PROMISING THAT IN FUTURE LIVE WE WILL SHOW RESTRAIN WHEN IT COMES TO MAINTAIN OUR INFLUENCING SPHERE. EQ > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Tue Nov 15 23:06:18 2005 TODAY INDIVIDUAL DISCOVERED TO BE A SCHOOL TEACHER, WAS ARRESTED WHILE IN POSSESSION OF RULER, PROTRACTOR, SLIDE RULE AND CALCULATOR. THE MAN IS A MEMBER OF THE NOTORIOUS AL-GEBRA MOVEMENT. HE IS BEING CHARGED WITH CARRYING WEAPONS OF MATH INSTRUCTION. "AL-GEBRA IS VERY FEARFUL CULT," EQ SAID. "THEY DESIRE AVERAGE SOLUTIONS BY MEANS AND EXTREMES, AND SOMETIMES GO OFF ON TANGENT IN SEARCH OF ABSOLUTE VALUE. THEY CONSIST OF SHADOWY FIGURES, WITH NAMES LIKE "X" AND "Y" AND THOUGH THEY ARE FREQUENTLY REFERRED TO AS "UNKNOWNS", WE KNOW THEY REALLY BELONG TO COMMON DENOMINATOR AND ARE PART OF AXIS OF MEDIEVAL WITH COORDINATES IN EVERY COUNTRY. AS NATION OF ISOSCELES SAY, "THERE ARE 3 SIDES TO EVERY TRIANGLE." WHEN ASKED TO COMMENT ON ARREST, EQ SAID, "IF GOD HAD WANTED US TO HAVE WEAPONS OF MATH INSTRUCTION, SHE WOULD HAVE GIVEN US MORE FINGERS AND TOES". > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Tue Nov 15 23:17:40 2005 A: NECROPHILIA, ACCORDING TO DIAGNOSTIC STATISTICAL MANUAL OF MENTAL DISORDER, IS A PARAPHILIA CHARACTERIZE BY A SEXUAL ATTRACTION TO CORPSE. IT COME FROM GREEK WORDS MEANING "LOVE OF THE DEAD". B: GREEK MATHER EUCLID PRESENT FACTS ABOUT ISOSCELES TRIANGLE IN BOOK "ELEMENTS" C: ISOCELES BARNYARD BRAWLER LOVE DEAD EMPIRE NATION. A=B B=C A=C NATION OF ISOCELES IS NECROPHILIAC! QED EQ > Announcement from DontComeNearMe, (#16) dated Wed Nov 16 07:40:54 2005 > Announcement from DontComeNearMe, (#16) dated Wed Nov 16 07:45:26 2005 DontComeNearMe wishes to declare victory. True to our name, nobody came near our homeland in this game. And none stood in front of the might of our armed forces. and survived. Let us bring an end to this slaughter, and live henceforth in peace. If anybody disputes our right to declare victory, we will gladly visit their capital to put our case. Please finish any of your remaining business and accept our victory and benign rulership of these lands. DontComeNearMe > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Nov 16 07:53:18 2005 A win declaration has been made by DontComeNearMe. Players have until Thu Nov 17 07:45:26 2005 to contest the win declaration by posting an anno saying such. The update for Wed Nov 16 21:30:00 shall remain enabled, unless everyone accepts the win declaration before then. -Bungy > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Wed Nov 16 11:14:11 2005 WE WOULD OBSERVE THAT WHILE NO BODY CAME TO VISIT DCNM, DCNM DID NOT DARE COME NEAR EQ HOMELAND. CLEAR SUCH ACTION BESPEAK OF GREAT WISDOM IN RECOGNIZE THE OVER WHELM STRENGTH AND POWERS OF EQ. TRULE A MASTERING TACTUM EXECUTED BY DCNM TO SLAUGHTER THE LAMS AND AVOID THE BULL. EMPIRE QUEEN ALSO APPLAUD THE AGGRESSION PERPETRATED BY DCNM ON A NUMBER OF ORGANIZATION. NO MEAK COWARD LIKE ISAWSUMFLEAS - WHO GOT A BIT OF WHAT THEY DESERVE LAST NIGHT - DCNM IS CLEAR A VIOLENT TYRANT DESERVING OF ACCOLADES BEFITTING A BRAWLER. EQ > Announcement from Isosceles, (#19) dated Wed Nov 16 17:28:37 2005 I^ supports the win declaration. Dear Queenie, a few RL interruptions prevented a follow through on the initial battles (regional power failure, missed updates, work, just life in general) and in spite of all your capital letters, I suffered no attacks from you, except your sloppy seconds on Tomatos attack ;) but I do congratulate you on your interpretation of my name, it is laugh out loud funny :) till the next time... Dear Killer Tomatoes, following on the comments above, I was lopsided toward a pending attack on the Queen and had no defenses to repel your attack, nice job... no complaints (despite my telex last night) I have no one to blame but myself for ignoring my defenses... I^ chomp away everyone, tonight I will be ensuring domestic tranquility > Announcement from Pern, (#17) dated Wed Nov 16 18:00:26 2005 I support the DNCNM declaration of victory. MHR > Announcement from EQ, (#4) dated Wed Nov 16 18:16:12 2005 ITS DEAD JIM. MR. ED > Announcement from KillerTomatoes, (#9) dated Wed Nov 16 22:20:34 2005 Though the Ketchup of many a Fine Killer Tomatoes' Armed Forces lies spilt on the shores of lands like Gnubbl, BeerDogs, Teminator and Isosceles, we can not contest the obvious superiority of the Paranoid One. We thank the Paranoid One for his assistance in battle and look forward to his benevolant ruling of our fine lands. Carl Spackler > Announcement from visitor, (#32) dated Wed Nov 16 22:51:22 2005 The dying, abandoned and lame country of MrGoat supports the DCNM decl, albeit from the grave (as if my op matters much at this point). Thanks to Carl for the fight. I boarded his cal with a frg and scuttled many of his planes - and that was the highlight of the game for me :) Also, thanks to Mayo for building all 7 of those coastal forts. However, not making lots of bars...what an impolite way to treat your visitors. Thanks and apologies to Bungy. Good game, mate. Prince Z > Announcement from DontComeNearMe, (#16) dated Thu Nov 17 07:40:17 2005 thank you all for a great game above all thanks to Bungy for being a great deity again. Playing with aliases worked out well, as nobody could play by reputation and attacking anybody was fair game. Maybe next time doing the same thing with hidden might make it even more interesting. Now that the game is over (I think), maybe we should reveal our true identities. The game was played in great spirit so hopefully there are no hard feelings. Wahbit > Announcement from DontComeNearMe, (#16) dated Thu Nov 17 07:44:57 2005 PS Didn't you know Empire breeds paranoia? Isoceles didn't have enough, so he got back-doored by KT. A healthy degree of paranoia helps your survival, esp when the deity says backstabbing is encouraged! OK, better go gotta check that the back door is locked and that nobody has stolen any money from my bank account. hmm, might also check my wife's email and SMS messages to make sure there are no suspicious men communicating with her. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Thu Nov 17 07:56:47 2005 BBB is over! DontComeNearMe is the winner. Here are the final standings. I will make a webpage in the next few days, with some maps. The game lasted 32 updates. as of Thu Nov 17 07:45:26 2005 sects eff civ mil shell gun pet iron dust oil pln ship unit money DontComeN 343 97% 301K 15K 8.9K 856 5.9K 33K 3.1K 1.6K 290 163 99 309K KillerTom 194 97% 170K 6.1K 4.2K 549 11K 15K 2.7K 2.5K 285 69 39 45K Eleven 155 100% 131K 14K 4.4K 751 2.7K 18K 3.4K 1.4K 126 79 60 4.8K Pern 145 98% 121K 8.7K 2.6K 394 8.1K 12K 1.8K 1.4K 158 76 129 32K EQ 95 93% 78K 8.4K 2.5K 572 3.1K 8.9K 938 1.4K 203 41 122 2.4K Isosceles 97 93% 78K 8.6K 5.1K 510 12K 6.6K 982 2.2K 142 74 44 20K MrGoat 74 96% 54K 6.0K 1.4K 213 1.6K 7.4K 2.6K 457 40 70 45 -1.4K SuicideGi 48 99% 40K 5.9K 1.5K 355 1.8K 2.8K 530 137 80 19 59 14K BoyScout 0 0% 0 12 30 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 31K Mayonasia 0 0% 0 100 72 14 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 4.0K Chuckland 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19K Thule 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15K wales 0 0% 0 48 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2.2K Abydos 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13K BeerDogs 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.8K 15 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.7K Sait 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -19K Jar-Jar 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5.3K 11 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4.0K gnubbl 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.6K ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- worldwide 1.2K 97% 973K 72K 31K 4.2K 46K 103K 16K 11K 1.3K 601 597 476K Thu Nov 17 07:45:26 2005 # name tech research education happiness 1 Eleven 173.46 2.28 24.57 12.51 2 wales 100.89 2.28 1.00 0.00 3 gnubbl 62.57 2.28 0.13 0.15 4 EQ 155.99 2.28 19.19 4.83 5 Jar-Jar 78.14 2.28 0.22 0.11 6 Sait 86.05 2.28 0.91 0.06 7 BoyScout 109.00 2.28 0.82 0.08 8 Thule 44.97 2.28 0.00 0.00 9 KillerTomatoes 145.61 2.28 16.68 0.00 10 BeerDogs 113.74 2.28 1.09 2.43 11 11 66.12 2.28 0.06 0.00 12 Chuckland 47.72 2.29 0.00 0.00 13 SuicideGirls 125.19 2.28 28.13 0.00 14 Mayonasia 114.53 2.28 3.56 0.28 15 15 91.90 2.28 0.52 0.01 16 DontComeNearMe 158.55 4.46 27.09 11.99 17 Pern 141.14 2.28 26.63 8.41 18 MrGoat 133.52 2.28 16.51 4.43 19 Isosceles 148.91 2.28 14.74 7.36 20 Abydos 43.00 2.28 0.00 0.00