own shp#  shiptype eff build(new) value
1 17 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 21 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 29 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 49 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 50 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 55 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 58 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 59 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 71 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 72 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 73 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 74 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 82 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 83 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 84 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 85 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 86 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 87 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 122 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 123 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 124 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 126 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 127 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
1 5 dd destroyer 88% 600 528
1 16 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
1 125 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
1 30 ft fishing tra 100% 300 300
1 40 hc heavy cruis 100% 1200 1200
1 28 lc light cruis 67% 800 536
1 54 ms minesweeper 100% 400 400
1 60 ms minesweeper 55% 400 220
1 78 ms minesweeper 68% 400 272
1 79 ms minesweeper 72% 400 288
1 162 od oil derrick 20% 1500 300
1 163 od oil derrick 20% 1500 300
1 164 od oil derrick 20% 1500 300
1 165 od oil derrick 20% 1500 300
1 166 od oil derrick 20% 1500 300
1 167 od oil derrick 20% 1500 300
1 168 od oil derrick 20% 1500 300
              Doorbell  :  18544
2 41 cs cargo ship 43% 500 215
2 43 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
2 44 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
2 25 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
2 26 dd destroyer 33% 600 198
2 27 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
2 0 sb submarine 100% 650 650
2 2 sb submarine 100% 650 650
2 3 sb submarine 100% 650 650
2 18 sb submarine 48% 650 312
2 19 sb submarine 97% 650 630.5
            harmless  :  5505.5

3 77 bb battleship 32% 1800 576
3 143 bb battleship 100% 1800 1800
3 144 bb battleship 100% 1800 1800
3 12 cal light carri 50% 2700 1350
3 145 cal light carri 100% 2700 2700
3 169 cal light carri 100% 2700 2700
3 13 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
3 24 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
3 36 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
3 37 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
3 42 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
3 45 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
3 48 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
3 52 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
3 53 cs cargo ship 53% 500 265
3 10 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
3 23 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
3 38 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
3 51 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
3 56 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
3 75 dd destroyer 93% 600 558
3 76 dd destroyer 93% 600 558
3 89 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
3 90 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
3 92 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
3 11 ms minesweeper 100% 400 400
3 91 ms minesweeper 86% 400 344
3 31 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
3 35 pt patrol boat 65% 300 195
3 146 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
3 147 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
3 148 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
3 88 sb submarine 100% 650 650
3 142 sb submarine 100% 650 650
              Gormania  :  24546

4 1 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 6 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 7 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 8 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 9 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 14 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 15 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 20 cs cargo ship 77% 500 385
4 22 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 32 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 33 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 34 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 39 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 66 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 67 cs cargo ship 37% 500 185
4 115 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 116 cs cargo ship 100% 500 500
4 117 cs cargo ship 53% 500 265
4 118 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 119 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 120 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 121 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 128 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 129 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 130 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 131 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 132 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 133 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 134 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 135 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 136 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 137 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 138 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 149 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 150 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 151 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 152 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 153 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 154 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 155 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 156 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 157 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 158 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 159 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 160 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 161 cs cargo ship 20% 500 100
4 46 dd destroyer 36% 600 216
4 47 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
4 57 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
4 64 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
4 65 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
4 68 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
4 69 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
4 70 dd destroyer 100% 600 600
4 61 frg frigate 100% 600 600
4 62 frg frigate 100% 600 600
4 63 frg frigate 100% 600 600
4 4 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 93 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 94 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 95 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 96 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 97 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 98 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 99 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 100 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 101 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 102 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 103 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 104 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 105 pt patrol boat 37% 300 111
4 106 pt patrol boat 88% 300 264
4 107 pt patrol boat 88% 300 264
4 108 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 109 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 110 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 111 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 112 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 139 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 140 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 141 pt patrol boat 100% 300 300
4 80 sb submarine 100% 650 650
4 81 sb submarine 100% 650 650
4 113 sb submarine 100% 650 650
4 114 sb submarine 100% 650 650
           Mithrilien  :  26890
Intro to the Petting Zoo
Game Summary
This page contains the Game Summary info for Bungy's "Intro to the Petting Zoo" empire game.
The game was run by Bungholio, using 4.2.13 code.
EMPIREHOST: sheepfarm.game-host.org
Update Schedule: 1 Update / 12 hours (at 8am/8pm EST)
Game Opened: Friday, March 19th, 2004
First Update: 8pm, Sunday March 21st, 2004.
Game Ended: After Update #18, 9pm Monday March 29, 2004

Players started on Uniform Start Islands, each with plains "as protective beaches" surrounding the majority of the coastline and 6 coastal wilderness sectors for harbors.  Start Islands had approx 35 wilderness sectors with uniform resources.

    . . . . . . . . .  
   . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ . . .
  . . ~ - - - - - ~ . .
   . ~ - ^ - - ^ - ~ .
  . ~ - - - ^ - - - ~ .
   . - ^ - s s - ^ - .
  . ~ - - - - - - - ~ .
   . ~ - ^ - - ^ - ~ .
  . . ~ - - ^ - - ~ . .
   . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ . . .
    . . . . . . . . .  

                    Figure 1: Typical Start Island
Game Info/Setup:
Page Last Updated: 31March2004
     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
       as of Mon Mar 29 20:05:00 2004

           sects  eff civ  mil  shell gun pet  iron dust oil  pln ship unit money   POWER
   Doorbell 169   91%  93K 1.9K 2.0K 117  5.0K  20K 182  6.5K  41   40   30  4.4K  3144.56
  Mithrilie 117   99% 103K 3.3K 1.9K 268  5.2K  11K  76  7.9K  15   85   31  6.8K  3023.54
   Gormania 102   95%  64K 1.9K 2.2K 305  4.4K  11K  84  1.5K  53   34   30  3.3K  2331.98
   harmless  24   83%  16K 821  350   92    0  6.4K   0   95    0   11    0  365   538.67
            ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  worldwide 410   94% 275K 7.9K 6.5K 780   15K  48K 350   16K 110  170   90   15K

Mon Mar 29 20:05:09 2004
#      name             tech      research   education   happiness capital
1     Doorbell         101.46       0.00        10.89        0.00    18,8
2     harmless          96.36       0.00         4.00        3.01   -20,-4
3     Gormania         102.92       0.00        12.43        5.46    -9,-15
4     Mithrilien        98.90       0.00        12.55        0.00    42,-14
End Game Results:
The following 2 graphs show each country's Power vs Update # for the game, the first being on a log based "Y", the second having a linear scale.  All the players in this game were very closely rated throughout the first 12 or so updates, and it was even pretty close till the end when Mith surrendered.
Game Graphs
This graph shows the tech progression of the countries.  Harmless attempted to take a tech lead strategy, but his efforts were sullied by Doorbell haxoring him in the 10th.
Players cranked education pretty hard in the beginning, but once they realized that at tech log base 10, not much tech was to be made so they let their education levels decay.
The game started off well, with all players having empire experience, so they all started CM production immediately.  Harmless focussed the most on tech.  Mith went for a relaxed tech approach while focussing on expansion and growth.  Gormania, being the most rookie player in the game, played a balanced game of tech and expansion.  Doorbell, had some tech growth, but used the element of surprise at update 10, and scored a sack on harmless who was so focussed on his tech that he didn't have any decent defenses ready. With Doorbell and Gormania allied, Mith felt he was doomed, and conceeded the win to Doorbell.  Congrats to Doorbell for an impressive early raid with scored him the win!
Yellow = harmless         Pink = Doorbell          Brown = Mithrilien          Orange = Gormania
Final Bmap *
Ships Score: Mithrilien

Planes Score: Doorbell

Units Score: Gormania

Most Bars in Home Bank:  Gormania

Tech Leader:  Gormania
own plan# plantyp eff build(new) value
1 70 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
1 71 f2 P-51 Mustan 72% 400 288
1 72 f2 P-51 Mustan 10% 400 40
1 15 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
1 16 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
1 60 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
1 61 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
1 62 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
1 63 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
1 64 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
1 65 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
1 66 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
1 4 lb TBD-1 Devas 88% 550 484
1 5 lb TBD-1 Devas 46% 550 253
1 6 lb TBD-1 Devas 61% 550 335.5
1 7 lb TBD-1 Devas 85% 550 467.5
1 12 lb TBD-1 Devas 78% 550 429
1 13 lb TBD-1 Devas 98% 550 539
1 14 lb TBD-1 Devas 73% 550 401.5
1 17 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
1 18 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
1 19 lb TBD-1 Devas 11% 550 60.5
1 20 lb TBD-1 Devas 10% 550 55
1 75 lb TBD-1 Devas 10% 550 55
1 8 mb medium bomb 100% 1000 1000
1 9 mb medium bomb 100% 1000 1000
1 45 mb medium bomb 100% 1000 1000
1 46 mb medium bomb 100% 1000 1000
1 47 mb medium bomb 100% 1000 1000
1 48 mb medium bomb 100% 1000 1000
1 0 tr C-56 Lodest 100% 1000 1000
1 1 tr C-56 Lodest 100% 1000 1000
1 2 tr C-56 Lodest 100% 1000 1000
1 3 tr C-56 Lodest 100% 1000 1000
1 67 tr C-56 Lodest 100% 1000 1000
1 68 tr C-56 Lodest 100% 1000 1000
1 69 tr C-56 Lodest 100% 1000 1000
1 73 tr C-56 Lodest 100% 1000 1000
1 74 tr C-56 Lodest 100% 1000 1000
1 10 zep Zeppelin 56% 1000 560
1 11 zep Zeppelin 65% 1000 650
            Doorbell  :   31018
3 35 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
3 57 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
3 58 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
3 59 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
3 80 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
3 81 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
3 82 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
3 83 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
3 91 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
3 92 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
3 93 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
3 94 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
3 95 f2 P-51 Mustan 73% 400 292
3 96 f2 P-51 Mustan 10% 400 40
3 30 hb B-26B Marau 92% 1100 1012
3 31 hb B-26B Marau 94% 1100 1034
3 84 hb B-26B Marau 15% 1100 165
3 85 hb B-26B Marau 10% 1100 110
3 86 hb B-26B Marau 10% 1100 110
3 88 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
3 89 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
3 90 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
3 97 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
3 98 hb B-26B Marau 100% 1100 1100
3 99 hb B-26B Marau 10% 1100 110
3 100 hb B-26B Marau 10% 1100 110
3 21 lb TBD-1 Devas 61% 550 335.5
3 22 lb TBD-1 Devas 65% 550 357.5
3 23 lb TBD-1 Devas 56% 550 308
3 24 lb TBD-1 Devas 66% 550 363
3 25 lb TBD-1 Devas 60% 550 330
3 32 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 33 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 34 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 36 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 37 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 50 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 51 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 52 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 53 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 54 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 55 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 56 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 101 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 102 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 103 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 104 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 105 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 106 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 107 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 108 lb TBD-1 Devas 100% 550 550
3 26 tr C-56 Lodest 100% 1000 1000
3 87 tr C-56 Lodest 100% 1000 1000
                Gormania  :  27977
4 27 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
4 28 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
4 42 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
4 43 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
4 44 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
4 76 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
4 77 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
4 78 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
4 79 f2 P-51 Mustan 100% 400 400
4 29 mb medium bomb 100% 1000 1000
4 38 mb medium bomb 100% 1000 1000
4 39 mb medium bomb 100% 1000 1000
4 40 mb medium bomb 100% 1000 1000
4 41 mb medium bomb 100% 1000 1000
4 49 tr C-56 Lodest 100% 1000 1000
              Mithrilien  :  9600
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own lnd# landtype x,y eff build(new) value
1 9 art artillery 18,8 100% 800 800
1 5 inf infantry -26,10 100% 500 500
1 7 inf infantry -27,7 93% 500 465
1 10 inf infantry -29,7 89% 500 445
1 16 inf infantry -30,10 100% 500 500
1 19 inf infantry -26,10 100% 500 500
1 20 inf infantry -29,5 60% 500 300
1 21 inf infantry 19,5 100% 500 500
1 22 inf infantry 18,8 100% 500 500
1 23 inf infantry -24,6 100% 500 500
1 33 inf infantry 19,11 82% 500 410
1 35 inf infantry -23,7 99% 500 495
1 50 inf infantry 16,8 100% 500 500
1 51 inf infantry 16,8 100% 500 500
1 73 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 74 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 75 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 76 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 77 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 78 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 79 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 80 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 81 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 82 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 83 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 84 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 85 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 86 inf infantry 22,10 10% 500 50
1 6 sup supply -27,11 100% 500 500
1 8 sup supply -38,8 100% 500 500
                Doorbell  :  8615
3 4 art artillery -10,-14 100% 800 800
3 48 art artillery 6,-4 100% 800 800
3 49 art artillery 6,-4 100% 800 800
3 34 hat hvy artill -4,-12 100% 1000 1000
3 44 hat hvy artill -4,-12 100% 1000 1000
3 88 hat hvy artill -9,-13 100% 1000 1000
3 89 hat hvy artill -9,-13 100% 1000 1000
3 90 hat hvy artill -9,-13 100% 1000 1000
3 45 inf infantry -9,-13 100% 500 500
3 52 inf infantry -9,-13 100% 500 500
3 53 inf infantry -4,-10 100% 500 500
3 54 inf infantry -3,-13 100% 500 500
3 55 inf infantry -3,-13 100% 500 500
3 69 inf infantry -9,-13 100% 500 500
3 70 inf infantry -9,-13 100% 500 500
3 87 inf infantry -9,-13 100% 500 500
3 13 lat lt artille -10,-14 100% 800 800
3 14 lat lt artille -4,-14 100% 800 800
3 0 lin f light infa -14,-16 100% 300 300
3 1 lin f light infa 1,-11 100% 300 300
3 2 lin f light infa -22,-22 100% 300 300
3 3 lin f light infa -5,-19 100% 300 300
3 11 lin f light infa -8,-16 100% 300 300
3 12 lin f light infa -8,-16 100% 300 300
3 42 lin f light infa 1,-11 100% 300 300
3 43 lin f light infa -3,-13 100% 300 300
3 46 lin f light infa -14,-16 100% 300 300
3 47 lin f light infa -14,-16 100% 300 300
3 56 sup supply -5,-15 100% 500 500
3 57 sup supply -9,-13 100% 500 500
                 Gormania  :  17000
4 36 cav cavalry 37,-13 100% 500 500
4 37 cav cavalry 37,-13 100% 500 500
4 38 cav cavalry 37,-13 100% 500 500
4 39 cav cavalry 37,-13 100% 500 500
4 15 inf infantry 37,-19 100% 500 500
4 17 inf infantry -44,20 100% 500 500
4 18 inf infantry 29,-5 98% 500 490
4 24 inf infantry 17,-9 88% 500 440
4 25 inf infantry 45,-13 100% 500 500
4 26 inf infantry 45,-19 100% 500 500
4 27 inf infantry -31,-9 100% 500 500
4 28 inf infantry 28,-16 100% 500 500
4 29 inf infantry -42,-16 100% 500 500
4 30 inf infantry 30,-4 92% 500 460
4 31 inf infantry 27,-3 92% 500 460
4 32 inf infantry 17,-9 100% 500 500
4 58 inf infantry 28,-4 95% 500 475
4 59 inf infantry 15,-9 54% 500 270
4 60 inf infantry 16,-10 50% 500 250
4 61 inf infantry 28,20 100% 500 500
4 62 inf infantry 29,21 100% 500 500
4 63 inf infantry 47,-17 100% 500 500
4 64 inf infantry 47,-17 100% 500 500
4 65 inf infantry 47,-17 100% 500 500
4 66 inf infantry -44,20 100% 500 500
4 67 inf infantry 31,19 100% 500 500
4 68 inf infantry 30,20 100% 500 500
4 71 inf infantry 47,-17 100% 500 500
4 72 inf infantry 47,-17 100% 500 500
4 40 lin f light infa 19,-9 100% 300 300
4 41 lin f light infa 37,-13 100% 300 300
                 Mithrilien  :  14445
     sect      sgpidbolhr sgpidbolhr  sh gun  pet iron dust bar  oil  lcm  hcm rad
  4  44,-16  b .......... ....1.....   0   0    0    0   74 199    0    0    0   0
  3  -7,-15  b .......... ....9.....   0   0    0    0   73 212    0    0    0   0
  1  16,6    b .......... ....0.....   0   0    0    0   36 208    0    0    0   0