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Petting Zoo Four
End Game Report
Snapshots of Maps, Power, and Tech Levels
(every 5 updates)
Page Last Updated: 8pm 17Aug2005
Everyone breaks, and explores their start continents.  Variances in tech initially are due to the tech bonuses for start continent types.
Initial expansion and tech.  [most] Players are meeting terminator.
Expansion continues, players meet their neighbors.  By now it is clear who has not made sufficient tech and who are the fodders.  Some small squabbling over expansion islands is occurring.
Early fodders (Chitzerlake and Portugal) are overrun.  The first big confrontation between players occurred on Chitzerlake, as Blackbox went in first, only to have Lunachicks come in and take his claim.  J.S.R. is running a very hot tech engine, with almost a one-update lead at this point.
WildForest is overrun by Partimers.  J.S.R, who overextended himself in tech and into nuke_em, is overrun by Resvon.  Outland is overrun by BlackBox.  Snark is overrun by Bordello and Plundaria.  Luna takes over the power and tech leads.
Raistmiche is being overrun by BlackBox and Bordello.  Luna continues the tech and power lead.  Luna completes the first intercontinental bridge project.
Nova is being overrun by Luna, LightCahill, and Resvon.  Dorsai! is overrun by Bordello and BlackBox.  EK's neighbors begin their invasion.  Bordello is making ground on the power charts.  Luna maintains the tech lead, but Partimers and beep are hot on her heels.  Luna links another continent in the bridge projects..
LightCahill is attacked by Bordello.  EK continues to beat off his aggressors, but it is costly on his economy.  The tech race continues to be close.  Resvon begins the intercontinental bridge.
Unemployed is overrun by BlackBox and Partimers.  EK, who received the first PettingZoo nuke from Plundaria, is eliminated by Plundaria and Bordello (who swooped in on Partimers' claim).  Nuke_em is killed off by Resvon and Luna.  Dorsai! changes his name to Lazarus?  Partimers has taken the tech lead.
Beep is killed by Luna and Resvon.  Bordello begins his bridging project.
Luna and Resvon declare victory, but Bordello contests.  Bordello's bridging project turns into a massive effort, gaining him the top spot in the power chart.
Luna and Resvon declare victory, but Bordello contests it.  However, due to strange N/A,s neither party initiates any attacks (they are building up, for nukes?)  Bordello's bridge project is out of control.  His civ count crosses 1M civs, over twice any other country.
Luna and Resvon cancel the N/A with Bordello, and the following update nuke, attack, assault, paradrop, bomb, etc.  Bordello submits, and no one else contests the Luna / Resvon victory.