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Petting Zoo Four
End Game Report

This page contains the graphs for Education, Technology, Happiness, and Power for Bungy's "Petting Zoo Four" empire game.
Page Last Updated: 9pm 17Aug2005
EK receives the award for most consistent Educations, keeping it pegged at very close to '30'.  Dorsai gets the award for most wasted use of LCMs by peaking his Edu way up to 63. 
The Tech race had several leaders.  J.S.R. had the biggest lead of the whole game, by update 18 he had about a one-update lead over the next country, but that ended when Resvon haxored him.  Then Luna took over the tech lead, only to be outdone by the smaller and more efficient Partimers.
The happiness plot is pretty crazy.  Keeping or targeting a consistent happiness level is not a priority in empire, as shown by this chart.  Bordello's plot is the closest to looking like it was targeted for a consistent level, of '10'.
The power chart shows that Luna, Bordello, and Resvon were leaders on the power chart from update 16 and on.  Bordello's massive bridging project propelled his power score into record numbers from update #45 and on.
The normalized power graph gives a more linear view of country sizes versus the leader.