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Litter One

Litter Two


||AUGUST 11, 5:37 AM EST||
Neptune: I fixed up Judas' and Casper's pages a bit. Castor drew the nicest picture of Casper, so I put that on his page. I would LOVE bobbin art, by the way. It would be great if all of the bobbins could have at least one pic of themselves! On top of that, I finished all the first litter male Bobbins' pages! YAY ME!
Myuu: Yes, yay you. Now maybe you should work on the rest of the Bobbins? Only 105 more pages to go!
Neptune: 105... Gah... Later... So much work... But the rest of the first litter should be done soon, really... @.@

||JUNE 30, 10:53 PM EST||
Neptune: Welcome to The Bobbin Daycare Center! I'm Neptune, and I help take care of the Bobbins, along with their mother, Myuu, and their fathers, the boy bobs! There are 113 Bobbins in all, counting both litters. The first litter was of 13, and the second was of 100. And then I added them together...
Myuu: Did you need a calculator?
Neptune: NO!*glare* Anywayz, I should note that right now, this is nothing except a glorified listing of all the Bobbins, so none of the lists are clickable yet. But they all will be soon! It'll just take time, because I'm only one person with a lot of creatures running around in my head! The list of people who named the Bobbins can be clicked on, though, ^_^

I made sections for Judas, Casper, Lark, and Schala! You can click on them now! ^_^ I suppose I should be getting to bed, but I wanna keep going!
Myuu:Go to bed, it's almost 11 PM! If you must work on something, grab a notebook and write down what the Bobbins tell you about themselves while they're wide awake and hyper!
Neptune: They're still excited about their new brothers and sisters and their website. But I suppose Myuu's right. G'night!

Bobbins With Sections

‡ First Litter MALES
‡ Lark\\Schala
Contents of this page, except where otherwise noted, are © 2003 Neptune.
The Bobs are © Lin