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Blackthorne Castle

Blackthorne Castle’s décor is credited to ancient Japanese architecture. You will find the castle is not only attractive but a functional fortress. Blackthorne is renowned not only for its beauty but also for its hospitality. Whether vampire, human, pixie, demon, or just plain crazy your welcome to Blackthorne. Please appreciate our hospitality and give respect to those residing within, and if you find that you must fight to defend your honor. Take it to the Dojo. Here the battle shall be supervised by either Thunder of Blackthorne or another member of the castle staff. On rare occasions the Queen her majesty may monitor the feud.

Blackthorne Dojo

This is a place for the knowledge hungry, and occasional battles of honor. Battle tactics, spells, and techniques may not be the only thing shared here. Sparing is encouraged in the Dojo, but nowhere else in the kingdom. Feel free to use any entity in the vast arsenal to expand your knowledge of the arts. You will find that there is not much to desire.

Blackthorne Lake

The sparkling waters hold a bounty of fish to the experienced angler. Feel free to use the lake to your pleasure. Whether you seek the raw beauty of nature. Or the serenity of sitting under a great willow, and watching the wind swirl the grand waters.

Forsaken Forest

Reports tell of faceless fiends ravaging any man how shall try to pass through. Embarking here shall be at your own risk. For there is none of the kingdom except maybe Cerberus. That will offer any aid in this place. Blackthorne can not be held accountable for any attempts on your life.

Enchanted Garden

A collection of the finest flowers, ferns, bushes, and flowering trees of all the world. First developed for the royal family. The garden is open to the visitors of Blackthorne under strict conditions. The precious plants shall not be removed for any reason unless permitted by the Queen her majesty. Fighting within the garden will end in your permanent departure from Blackthorne.

House of Worship

You will find that all of Blackthorne’s architecture is Japanese based. The House of Worship is no different. Here you can pray to whom ever or what ever may be your higher being. We do not exile anyone for their religious beliefs. Feel free to use this house as a medium to express yourself.

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