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Alison, Mary,Samuel, Amber, Steve, Thomas,Jonathon, Jacob, Joshua


We are the Benedict family, missionaries to Jerez de Garcia, Mexico. We are being sent out of our home church, Talking Rock Road Baptist Church, in Branson West, Missouri.

Our pastor is Delbert Davis.

We are currently on deputation, raising support for the ministry. We will be helping to start an independant, fundamental Baptist church, an orphanage, a street feeding program for the homeless children (a major plight in the surrounding cities of Zacetecas and Fresnillo), working with the many surrounding rancho's(villages), and too many other things to mention.

Please pray for us as we strive to do our part of carrying out Jesus' Great Commission to the people of Mexico. If you would like to support this ministry with your tax deductible gift, either a one time donation, or a monthly contribution please view contact information.

In Christ, Steve, Amber and Kids

Please bookmark this site so that you will remember to pray for us...prayer is a POWERFUL instrument.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.