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~Lady September Desiderius~


(THE STORY OF THE HANDLE)....A Young gal called ~September~ entered a place called the "Chathouse"...
one day and was very attracted to the "CASTLE". In the castle there was a family of vampires called the Desiderius's
...~September~ befriended the head of this hellish clan, soon her fate was to join them and take on the family name and the title of Lady...and too hang out in the rafters of this old castle with her family of vampires...but her motto was.."never bite without the invite".... so you are safe...*flashes dimples*....This was only a character..from many years ago when the internet was young and character chatting was fun..She no longer exists or hangs out in the Chathouse...every begining has a end..Now only the real person remains...and the real person can be found below....*she smiles and waves*.....The End.


NAME: Starlene but please call me Star....:)
SIGN: Virgo
STATIS: Married with two sons..*S*
LOCATION: Canada name is Star...and I am going to take a few moments to tell you a bit about myself....My passions in life are My family, my friends, and being outdoors and doing crafts in my spare time.....I have been working full time for over 20 years with people whom have disabilities have worked with them institutionally, residentially, as a life skills instructor at our local college and vocationally....I even hate to use the term disabled as it is a label.. I am currently working at the local High School teaching life skills and pre vocational training.....truly loved this.....*huge smiles*..I also like to you can see I am a very busy lady...*smiles*

~My Family Pictures!~

~Me and Hubby...*S*!~

~Our Two Handsome Sons~



~Just Me 2005~

Star is also a Wiccan...or Witch...whatever you want to call it...*she smiles*....I follow one rule and have posted it for you to better understand what we believe..(see below)..My wiccan name is J@de... she is a psychic side of me....I actually worked part time as a psychic but currently not active in this rhelm.....I love to collect anything spirtual or mystical in nature...and have got quite a collection now...and like all witches I keep a broom at my door...and have a cute siamese cat named Simon...Merry Meet and Merry Part...*S*

~Star & Simon~



Everyone has a angel....this is mine....*she smiles*

*Twinkle...Twinkle...little star...Wish I may...Wish I might...get this wish..I wish tonight!

"Make a wish"...I am a Star...*she smiles*

The Simpsons- have given my family and me hours of enjoyment..too them this is my tribute....too Willie my fave....your too sexy for the show...*giggles*


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