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Asil Arabians

In the beginning, God gave Ishmael, son of Abraham, a gift, made of mist and dust as a reward for Ishmael's faith and dedication to the God of his father. Out of that mist and dust came the first Asil Arabian mare, who was at the time in foal, and produced a son. From these two gifts from God came the beginning of the Asil Arabian horse" When the old steed ends the tale he looks up to see who has gathered to listen.His forlock falls over his sky blue eyes.The only color his mother gave him.He has seen droughts,wars,quarrles,and much more.Amazingly it shows in his eyes.He bids you farewell then leaves you with the four horses of time.You will not meet him again untill the end of time. Amarna stays where she is.She has the gift of the old.The gift of mind transfusion.She knows your thoughts and communicate with you.But beware she may use this as a weapon.She still is at war.At war with a seceret.A seceret that could change time.but yet it it not.For all know of it.So it isn't really is it? She speaks of her lands.The lands of the mountains.For only the bravest equines dare to enter and live there.All supernaturals live there.Good and bad.Tis she that communicated with the old.Her chestnut coat gradually fades till only her hazel eyes are left.Then they stare through you.And disappear. The good king Ramses side-swipes where she stood.The good's are forever scared of her.She has ht epowere to reenquish them.He is of a differant nature.His coat is a gleaming red.And his eyes are browner the a hickory nut.He smiles faintly and introduces himself.He comes from a long prospering land of good kings.He intends to live up to his fathers expectations of him.Journy with him if you want adventure and to fight the evilst of the lands Alydar.Then he leaves.Hopping you will follow. Last appears the very late Alydar.Master of the dark.This young colt is eviler than you ever thought a living thing could be.There is not one oz. of good in him.He seeks the book of time and to conquer all and revenge the death of his three great for-fathers in wich Amarna has a lot to do with.Then his gleaming red eyes to the talking.They glare at you.He is in form almost like his distant relation Anxor,but he is smokey black with eyes as red as the blood the runs in his veins.Beware of him. And last the young two year old of the heavens, Skye.She has more knowledge than could ever be thought.She is cunning and has a brian to die for.But she is the goddess of the heavens after all.Go with her if you seek peace.And to find the Book of Time. Now is your choice.Choose your journy wisely.Be true to your heart.For there still is a chance.........

The Lands

The Mountains
The Vally
The Desert
The Heavens
The Faeries
The legend&royal family tree
