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"Hogwarts is where one sends their child if they wish their child to be taken care of,
Septi Standur is where one sends their child if they wish their child to learn to take care of themselves."  -
Belenus Daemis Adonis (Head of Staff)

Game Information



Student Council



    In The year 1127 a group of  3 witches and 4 wizard came together over a spot in Iceland and decided to found their own school of magic.    Septi Standur which roughly translates to Seven Columns  was founded on that spot.   Each of the Seven took on an important role in the school  and each of them donated and object of of their own posses some magical power (those most of them seems rather trivial.)

    Today the school is an international school of wizardy still based in Iceland above a valley of rock with a waterfall flowing into a river.  The Head Master oversees the school ultimately though the teaching staff is only required to see to the student's lessons, everything else in the school is run by the Student Council.

    Each member of the Student Council possesses one of the original objects left by founders.  They see to the school's and student's needs.  If food needs to be prepared or things need to be cleaned it's the job of the student council to get students assigned to do it or to do so themselves.   A head Master has only step in to correct the Student Council Once in the school's history.



original content of this site © Septi Standur please do not use without permission.   
HARRY POTTER and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © JK Rowling and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR 2004
This game takes place in the world created by JK Rowling's Harry Potter series, it's not our sandbox we just want to play in it.