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Andrea Maxine de Lanoire

Age: 21
Eye Color: Pale Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Race: French Human
Ability: Master at Pi Qua Quan, fencing, opera singing, horseback riding/polo, foreign relations/foreign politics
Background: Born under a French aristocracy, she rebelliously fled from their strict way of life to become her own person out of the coattails of her parents. She lived in France for most of her life as a successful opera singer at the Paris Opera House, travelling abroad on trips to other foreign countries as her parents always had. Her father, a revered French foreign minister, inspired her to get involved in foreign affairs, which she does at times as a representative, spending her free time in the opera to sing.

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Arms Folded
Elegant Pose
Red Bikini
Looking at Locket
Against Wall
Blue Outfit
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