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welcome to the third final Illest Papi layout i have to make the layout real big to fit all the Muzick in so this is a layout that's gona stay on for a long time don't jack my muzick cuz if i keep seeing people doing diz i will shut diz site down

iLLest Papi
My name is David im 15 and stay in da MIa i go to booker T Washington Senior

Yuh da navigation 
>> Me : everything you need to know about me
>> You : Shit to put in yo site to keep and other.
>> Muizck : ...Music pages
>> Holla : got questions about UM?
>> More Linkz : More linkzbr>

>> Request a song

  Dem Dailie Linkz
Mi Famila : Qban Gurl,
Other lovelies :Bianca,Bebz

Wana Be Added let me check it  beat me down :P

Note: this is for Famila an good linkz. don't send no wack azz site

Other Stuff
Qban "R" Us
Shout OUtz

Link me? Why thanks!

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