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Admist the ruins of the once thriving underwater city of Maraqua is a new place, a new civilization. Here, all neopians, poor or rich are equal, all neopets are accepted, where everyone has a voice. No one is invisible. No one is ignored. Everyone who's anyone can clearly see that we are the start of a new generation.

Generation Xtreme.

Cheeseroller Cheeses
I thought it would be nice to put a few cheeses down here. Just go to Meridell and you'll find Cheeseroller, where you can try these cheeses:

Spicy Juppie Cheese - 150np
Smoked Snorkle Cheese - 300np
Triple Mustard Cheese - 400np
Honey Cheese - 600np
Big Beefy Cheese - 750np
Purple Spotted Cheese - 900np
Brain Cheese - 1050np
Alkenore Cheese - 1200np
Mutated Cheese - 1350np
Bubbling Blueberry Cheese - 1500np
Tyrannian Dung Cheese - 1650np
Quadruple Fudge Cheese 1800np

Want to become an affiliate?
If you own a guild or neopets fan site, and you would like to be listed under "affiliates", then please let luvstruck_2007 know (go to the "Contact Us" page and send me a neomail or email) You must have a button (88 x 31) and you must in turn, put our button on your site. To choose a button (they are all 88 x 31), go to the "Banners" section and select one from the bottom. Thanks!

Our one year anniversary was a great success! See what happened here.

Our researcher has come up with a few good ideas for the guild, so expect more information on "Find a Friend Friday" and a new newbie post board.

I have been pondering newbie packs...should we have them? Will they be too expensive? Will our donation shop be able to support them (especially after it was emptied on the noticeboard ad)? Post or neomail your opinions...

Team points...yes, when our teams are improved, full, and running well, we may start a point system - team members rack up points for their team and the winning team gets gifts! Tell us what you think!

I do believe that lucious_lips02, sleepinprincess13, avp2guy, and innocentx0xdevil are our Birthday Committee Members? Well, anyone who is new to this guild please notify each of them and me of your birthdate. We will then see to it that you get a customized "card" and a small gift.

Battledome Tournament
Yes, that's right, our very first official battledome tournament. However, we will not have the tournament until we have reached 100 members, so if you are eager, refer! (this is so that we have plenty of active people willing to battle)

Welcome to the new site! Generation Xtreme - Year 2! We had a great first year, and year 2 is going to be twice that. This is the updates section...every time something new has happened, or I'm just plain bored, I'll add something, so you can keep update with what's going on. Be sure to sign the guestbook on your way out...Oh, and if you want to be a part of the staff be sure to check out the "Staff" section to the left. Lotsa Luv ~

WOOHOO! NOTICEBOARD AD IS UP! And on the front page...

Whoa! Haven't updated in a while. Well, about five of our active members quit, so we are down to 66 please, advertisement managers and other members advertise us. IMPORTANT. On July 30, our noticeboard ad is going up. If you have a shop you want linked from it or any ideas for it neomail me A.S.A.P.

Besides discovering how to make an onion/cheese/green pepper/mushroom omelette, I added some awesome flash buttons to the front page. Much thanks to via_purifico for the awesome flash work! Also, We are pondering the thought of a birthday commitee...have any suggestions? Let us know!

I had to remove several members because they were frozen, so in case you were wondering what the sudden lack of members was, there ya go.

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! I had a little barbecue and fireworks show but that's all...I decorated though! I'll keep up the decorations all weekend.

I updated a bit more, and changed the layout. Like it? We lost a member :( I woke up at 5 pm today. I guess I am becoming nocturnal or something. Well, that's about it for today, nothing out of the ordinary has happened. Later!

*ZZZzzzzzz* I am very tired, I had a big day shopping for food (hehe). I added some more pictures to the Galleria and we have reached 68 members! Welcome to all the newcomers! I hope everyone is posting, I created a easy copy-paste message on the guild for you, because we are becoming much more active and I am VERY happy to see that. More updates later, I'm Out~

The new site's finally up, although I still have a few pages under construction. If you find any glitches please let me know. Also, I added a bunch more buttons and banner to the "Banners" section, please use one! The buttons are now 88 x 31, so if you make one for us, make sure it's that size.
Also, I would like to know if anyone would volunteer to make a battledome guide for the site. It must include the basics, a few tips, etc., and it must be original. If you would like to make one, let me know. Thanks! I'm out ~