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Welcome to "!",

New and Improved

Today's News:


As commander and chief, it is my job to respond to the complaints of our members, conference with my lieutenants and bring members in question to trial. This responsibility has been excercised. Private Thrawn Aram has been dishonourably discharged upon being found guilty of Purposeful tk of a clan member during an official practice, and reiterated impropriety in regards to respect of officers. Proceedings and deliberations are available to the public:
Court Martial and Discharge of Private Thrawn Aram
I would note that these are being brought to you so that you may know justice will be served
I would also like to organize a naval duel, in the spirit of Shadow's Royal Navy :P. The clan will divide into teams and man a destroyer each. Teams will have to fire broadsides and board each other's ships in order to win. I will be working out rules. This looks to be fun!
We have good news to report! A domain of our very own, now up and running. Our deepest thanks to Shadow, without which we would have nothing in regards to a page. See you later angelfire!