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Leave Egypt Now

You have been set free!


My precious wife, Lila, and I wrote many articles about life in the Kingdom of Heaven, and several about the grievous spiritual condition of many of God’s people. Some of these articles have been published, some posted on the internet, but most were just handed out to friends.  In 1979 Lila and I together sought God’s call upon our lives. We prayed diligently, both in the Spirit and with our understanding. Then, in different rooms, we wrote on paper the words that we believed described our call by our Lord Jesus Christ.

These were the words that we both wrote:  “Lead My People out of Egypt/Bondage”. (In these words of knowledge, I received the word Egypt, she the word Bondage. The correspondence of the words shocked us, and we really didn’t know how to respond properly.

Our response to our call to “Lead My People out of Egypt/Bondage” wasn’t what it ought to have been. We knew that Egypt means black, or dark in the natural, and bondage in the spiritual, so it seemed that we had a both natural and spiritual message. At first it wasn’t easy for us to know God’s people were in bondage in Egypt, as were the Jews 3500 years ago. Our own spiritual eyes had been darkened and our belief systems were an ungodly mixture of the worldly and the heavenly. As time went by, it became easier and easier to see Egypt as it raises its ugly, horned head from the darkness to bind the people of God. It is clear that many of God’s people are blind to the Truth that their works have been found wanting, that their ‘churchianity’ is largely an abomination to the Lord whom they often just feign to worship. Almost no one around us talks about their Bride relationship with a holy Bridegroom.

Previous to 1979 Lila and I worked closely with and came to know personally many of the ordained ministerial and lay leaders of our community, the Quad Cities. Often when we called upon them privately, the leader’s hearts had been open to correction. Few brought the corrections that God wanted to their church councils or their pulpits, however. To remain in leadership roles without creating offense, many continued with significant error and subtle deception. We only told a few people about the “Egypt” message. No one seemed to want to be led out of their systems, however. Few seemed to know that they were spiritually in Egypt. Most of those whom we did try to lead out eventually turned on us, vigorously defending their existing walk with Jesus. After many years of attempting to build up any and all of the local ministries who would respond, my wife and I began to be treated like pariahs who were in rebellion to the ‘system’.

We were accused of harshness, rebellion and called false prophets - and when our Lord called us to leave the ‘camp,’ more than a few attacked us with the famous scripture from Hebrews 10:25. This scripture speaks of “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some”. At first we didn’t know that Paul was actually speaking directly to his fellow Jews in this verse, exhorting them to go back to their synagogues and call the unbelieving Jews to Christ. He wasn’t speaking about Gentile ‘church’ assemblies, nor did he or any of the Apostles ever call for the large group assemblies typical of modern ‘services’.

It was clear that few wished to have their eyes opened, or to have ears to hear what the Spirit was saying to the churches. When the Lord used us to call a gathering of the local ordained ministries and lay leaders to repentance, no ministers and few lay leaders answered the call.

Recently my wife went to be with the Lord. I am left to carry on the mission that we were given. Although earlier I had thought this to be only a local calling, it is now clear that our calling was to the world-wide body of Christ. World-wide, most modern Christians are subject to rule by political governments headed by cadres of leaders who often fail to seek God’s guidance as their first priority.

In Jonah’s time, Assyria was the world power and its King ruled from Nineveh. Most of the Jews were soon going to be exiled into this nation, so Jonah’s role was to call Assyria to make God a priority. Jonah didn’t want this assignment, and started off to Tarshish, the place of the world’s businessmen. Eventually, after suffering impossible trials while trying to get to Tarshish, Jonah repented and went to Nineveh. As a Jonah, I too attempted to go to Tarshish rather than warn God’s people, and have suffered accordingly. The belly of a big fish isn’t a pleasant place. My call remains to warn the kings of Nineveh, who today are called pastor, reverend, father, teacher… to tell them that God is displeased with their kingdoms, and will soon destroy their prideful works should they choose to not repent. The people of modern Nineveh, that great city of believers, are called to forsake any of the kings who do not repent. All of the rebellious are called to turn to the King of Kings for forgiveness, wherein there is peace and safety. You who have established prideful works, repent of your folly and sin, follow me out of Egypt and leave behind its false blessings and deceptive benefits. As you leave, you will get covered with our Redeemer’s blood from His cross of crucifixion, and your old nature will die.

So, I say to you believers in the camp who have ears to hear, come with me out of Nineveh (Egypt), and come with me into the Kingdom of God where Jesus Christ is truly Lord, where He is the undisputed ruler of the Heaven and Earth in your heart. Earth, that’s our natural selves, for our bodies are made from the elements of the ground, and they will return to the ground from which they came. This is not so for us in the heavenly kingdom. We are eternal spirits who shall live forever in the place that we have chosen - Heaven with Jesus Christ, or hell with satan. One doesn’t have to do anything bad to remain with satan, we’re all born in his domain. Spiritual Egypt represents satan’s domain on earth. There is no good thing that we might do to escape satan’s rule. God’s people are nearly all living in the thought patterns and ungodliness of unbelieving Egypt.

Today, America is in crisis. There is no more time to waste. With the U.S. now trying to force natural Israel to give up the land that God gave to them, judgment of great magnitude is certain - unless our nation repents of this sacrilege. Our premier place on the world stage is in jeopardy! We are sorely unprepared for the storms that will sweep across the world as this great superpower suffers and convulses in the agony that spiritual rebellion creates.

If you have been a good church member, you are still in Egypt if you haven’t personally come to Jesus Christ’s cross. If you were sprinkled on the head, dunked in the baptismal tank, laid hands upon by a minister… you are still in Egypt if you haven’t renounced the wicked ways of Egypt and made your personal, sorrowful, repentant trek to the heavenly altar where your old nature died. If you called upon the name of the Lord to save you, but your heart wasn’t turned to Him fully and your mind completely set on loving Him above all others, you are still in Egypt. If you are trusting in a religious organization or special group for your salvation from satan’s grasp, you are still in Egypt. If you think that you might become good enough to enter Heaven after you die, you are still in Egypt, and will remain in hell forever.

No one can choose your eternal residence for you. That is up to you. Your opportunity to enter Heaven is now, while you have the conscious ability to choose your own course, and before the soon-coming severe judgments. If you are following someone or some group that teaches other than this, you are following deceivers, and you will remain in hell with them. Many are those who claim to speak in Jesus’ name, who cast out demons in His name, who do mighty works in His name, yet will be told by Jesus that He never knew them (see Mat 7:21).

Why do you think that Jesus was warning others, not yourselves and your own leaders about your conduct? Why do you pridefully think that everyone else may be deceived, but surely your group has it right? Look at the fruit of your leaders. Is it to the glory of Jesus Christ? Do you all pray that all believers might be one, as Jesus did? Now is the time for believers to weep at the altar until ‘Christian’ divisions and enmity end. Do your leaders exhibit the powers of the Heavens in their daily lives? “O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you?” Cease your vain worship and social fellowship. It’s time to get real, and if you don’t you will certainly weep at the heavenly altar when you see others afar off being blessed by the glorious Bridegroom of our Age.

Open your eyes to see Jesus in His glory, and your ears and hear the solemn call of His glorious voice! Do your leaders reveal the glory of Christ living within them to the unbelieving world? If you lie to yourself and say that they do when it is obvious that they don’t, who will suffer? Yes, both leader and follower will suffer the same judgment, for God’s people have long loved to be deceived by false prophets and priests who rule by their own authority (Jer 5:31). In his day, Jeremiah could not find a single righteous man in Jerusalem, the most religious city in the world. One righteous man could have saved the whole city, yet there were none! Righteousness is not measured by the goodness of the flesh, it is a matter of the inner heart being set on the uncompromising righteous of Jesus, and on sharing His unconditional love.

America’s great judgment is right around the corner. Her wound has not been healed, and there is little balm from most pulpits. But where is the outcry from the pews, the demand for Truth, even when it is to the hurt of the members of the congregation? Many call for their ministries to speak only smooth things, words that will create no disturbance in the rebellious soul. The wrath of the Lamb is growing… is anyone taking note? Most believers are beginning to ask the mountains and rocks, God’s anointed leaders, “hide us from the wrath of the Lamb”. (Rev 6:16,7) No deceiver can keep the Lamb’s wrath from the people.

Come out of Egypt, out into the Kingdom of Heaven, out to the glory and holiness of the Lamb’s throne. Then you will not be caught in the wrath that is even now upon the deceivers and their followers. Unless national repentance comes very soon, Jesus wrath will certainly overtake the whole American nation. The United States will be known as the Babylon of Revelation 18, the abode of demons and merchants who trafficked in the souls of men.

If you are one of God’s anointed leaders, stop deceiving the people, stop giving them what they want to hear. Join together with the others who have been anointed of God and seek the face of your God. If you speak the whole counsel of the word now, He may yet lift some of the judgments that He has proclaimed upon your land because of your wicked ways. Yes, you who lead are called to a higher accountability, and most of you have been found wanting.

You who are God-anointed, know by the Spirit that nearly all of God’s people in America remain firmly attached to Egypt. Know that as God’s watchmen you are called to blow the trumpet of warning when disaster approaches. To those who speak and publish prophesy. Which of you warned of the 911 judgment? If you did not warn, your are guilty of the blood of those who died. You who deliberately prophesy in part to avoid controversy, speak the whole truth, not just the encouragement that our Lord always gives to His people. Speak also His warnings and His corrections. Stop calling those who warn of Christ’s displeasure false prophets, harsh messengers or wounded soldiers who aren’t seeing the good in the system. If not, you too will soon be called to account for your failure to give the proper word in season.

All who have entered the Kingdom of Heaven have the same access to Jesus Christ on His throne. There will come a time soon when your very life will surely depend upon your ability to hear from Jesus in your own spirit. The believers who died on 911 didn’t wait in their closets until they heard from their Lord. They went like lambs to the slaughter, trusting in their institutions, their God-anointed (or man-anointed) leaders, their traditions… Did any leader warn?

This is the command of our Lord to all believers. Do not gather with others until you have a clear directive from the Spirit of Christ within. If you have no clear directive, wait in your closet until you hear from Him. Do not listen to husband, to wife, to minister, or to anyone else until you have heard His voice in your own spirit. If you say that you can’t hear His voice in your own spirit, humble yourself in your own closet to learn what wicked way is in you that has made you deaf in spirit. Turn from this way, and you will hear!

Do not the false prophets expect continued support? Support deceivers if you will, and suffer the consequences you surely will. Brothers and sisters, I call each and every one of you to examine your own heart, to look at your ways and see if they are in obedience to our God. This is the time to obey the Christ within, not man. I do not call you to obey me. I call you to obey Christ. Do not follow your own traditions, your parent’s mindset, your church’s doctrines… - this will only cause you to come to grief. Pray that Jesus Christ will open your mind to understand the scriptures. (Lk 24:45) When you know the true meaning of the scriptures, you will be in accord with all others whose understanding has been enlightened, who have remained humble before the Lord.

It’s time to humble ourselves, pray, and seek our Lord’s face - and turn from the wicked ways of Egypt, of trying to satisfy our flesh while claiming the authority to speak in His Holy Name. When we know our fleshly ‘good’ works as actually abominations to Him, we’re on the road to healing for our land. The Western World, and America in particular, need repentance and healing very soon, or total judgment will surely come.

Our inner heart’s desires are pure and holy because they are placed there by God, Himself (Ps 37:4) Their fulfillment brings glory to Jesus as He gives pleasure to us. He eagerly waits for us to discover the wondrous hopes and dreams that He has placed within our inner beings, and then sets about to change our circumstances so that they will be fulfilled. What pleasure it gives Him to fulfill our heart of heart’s desires - He causes us grow into the blessed men and women that we were created to be!!! Mutual delight is our reason for being and for gathering to Him.

Will anyone hear??  What about you?  Are you in Egypt?  Please answer that with the help of the Holy Spirit!

The Truth, Jesus Christ, has begun to withhold His warning messages from the rebellious and the lazy. Those who won’t listen at this time may decide to listen up later, after the next judgments, if they remain alive on the earth to repent of their willfulness. Unless there is great repentance among the Body of Christ, the next round of judgments in America will be much more severe than the last. His judgments will directly touch many more lives, and will be impossible for people to ignore. 

Did March come in like a Lion and go out like a Lamb?  Yes it did. Huge changes occurred in the spiritual and in the natural, but most believers knew little of it.

No one has yet responded to our “Lion and Lamb” posting. If you wish to know the truth about March, and when and where the next judgments of God may strike America, contact

Pray for His mercy and for His glorious judgments as they become necessary to awaken and correct God’s people. Leave Egypt with me. Today is the day of salvation, for you, for your nation, for our world. Salvation is free, but it must be claimed!!! May Jesus Christ be praised!!!

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