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[Haxxorer by Werzion himself]
(this is just a share-file place at the moment)

[01:03:29] * Star-san changes topic to '"The heart of the path is quite easy. There's no need to explain anything at length. Let go of love and hate and let things be. That's all that I do in my own practice." '

[01:03:29] * omega|Werzion is headbanging his keyboard because of Star-san

[01:03:37] Star-san Bah, lamt omega|Werzion. :P

[01:03:55] omega|Werzion =)

[01:04:14] * Star-san changes topic to '"What happens within oneself when one integrates previously unconscious contents with the consciousness is something which can scarcely be described in words. It can only be experienced. It is a subjective affair quite beyond discussion." '

[01:04:14] * omega|Werzion is headbanging his keyboard because of Star-san

[01:04:16] Star-san Mwahaha

[01:04:19] omega|Werzion =)

[01:04:19] Star-san Nu snackar vi grejer. :P

[01:04:28] omega|Werzion jag va bara tvungen =D