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Lost in America

Kent and Lola

March 2006

  Here it is March already.  Time has a habit of flying by much faster than we'd like.  Seems like only yesterday we were preparing for the holidays.  Now we're into spring, a whole new set of challenges.

  In mid-January we loaded up the "U-Haul" and headed south to our new home in Apache Junction, Arizona.  We closed on the house the morning of January 20th, and by that night we'd moved in our meager possessions, leaving an awful lot of floor space yet to fill with something to sit on.

  The only furniture we brought was a bedroom set, which was nice, since otherwise we would have been sleeping on the floor.  Since then we've been scouring the furniture stores, consignment shops, flea markets for furniture, and now have at least something to sit on and a place to eat.  Now we can concentrate on picking up the little things like end tables, lamps, rugs, etc.

  We've already had lots of company.  A school friend of ours just happened to be down here from Canada and stopped in for a visit.  Amber and baby Kent came down for a week to help us with some painting and decorating.  My brother Brett and his wife, Jan, came down for 4 days.  And RVing friends from Colorado Springs have stopped in.  My, my, it's like Grand Central Station around here!  Guess we moved to the right part of the country to draw our friends and kin to visit! :-)  Of course, the REAL test will be to see who comes to visit in the SUMMER!  hehehehee

Actually, we are hoping to be able to find a "dirt cheap" little RV to purchase so we can continue to travel during the summer months.  In the meantime, though, we are both looking for part-time work.  We are hoping that whatever we find will be "seasonal" so we really can take off during the summer months.  As in most retirement communities, there are lots of businesses looking for help during "the season" so we just need to find something that pays us LOTS of money and asks very LITTLE in the way of effort.  Oh yeah, and it has to be fun.  Lola has an interview with a Natural Foods Brokerage tomorrow so we might be part-way there already!

I can't believe that I've gotten this far into the letter and haven't told you about our new car....... a 2006 Toyota Prius.  It has all the bells and whistles (including navigation system) and we absolutely love it.  When Lola drove it down to AZ from CO, shePrius_1.jpg (91801 bytes)

 averaged 52 mpg.  And since we've been driving all over this valley looking for furniture, we've continued to get an average of 50 mpg.  Gotta love it!

Well, that's the update.  Pictures follow...... (and please remember that the house is a "work in progress")....

NewLivRm1.jpg (72744 bytes) New_Kitchen1.jpg (62724 bytes)New_AZ_Rm1.jpg (76798 bytes)  Here are shots of the living room, kitchen, and Arizona room.  We'll send more pictures as the rooms get painted and decorated.  

Clubhouse_1.jpg (111340 bytes)Pool_1.jpg (102445 bytes)

  And then there's our 33,000 square foot clubhouse, complete with gym, library, pool room, craft rooms, movie theatre (just really a big screen TV with theatre seating), ball room, and of course the outdoor fun, the pool, tennis courts, shuffleboard courts, bocce ball courts, horse shoe pits, and putting green.

  So now all we have to do is settle in and get used to having a real home again.  Should be fun!

       You can always reach us via E-Mail.  Kent  and Lola or give us a call at 303-514-4533 or 480-789-1713.