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: n : e : w : s :

12/09/02 - VOE_MindStorm
Here are some recent news from VOE. First, BAK is quite gone. Not officially of course but none of their players show up anymore with exception of BAK_Bjcool. IceeFire10 and Bjcool had a 1v1 clan war. IceeFire won the match. VOE_Peon formed a sister clan called VOA. It's specialization is mostly DM but they often play RM too. As you noticed from the message below we have a new site moderator VOE_StarZ (previously known as Ele, Jihad, etc). I quit SK so I will have more time to update and play on the zone.

09/09/02 - VOE_StarZ
Wassup ya'll! Just testing out some of this funny stuff haha... I'll start updatin this site on Tuesday. It's when my cable comes so.. I don't have to f-in wait no more on this gay 56k. I'll just look around the site and see what MindStorm did.. Peace out bOyZ n gUhZ

06/08/02 - VOE_MindStorm
Wow, I have been really sucking up latelly. I bet most members alrady forgot about me. Blame Icee for showing me StarKingdoms game. It has really been pulling me away from Age of Empires. Anyways I reccomend you all sign up to StarKingdoms when game 12 starts and join my allience. What am I talking about? No, don't go to StarKingdoms site, I will make you an addict........................................................
















































Clan created by VOE_IceeFire10
Website made by VOE_MindStorm