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Da Sheriff's Home Page Muahahahahaha !!!

Welcome, Talofa, Sup? Peeps ... How uuuu doin?

Well this is a Website to show everyone whats going on in and around my family.

Here are some stuff you might wanna check out ;) hehe

BRAND NEW STUFF !!!!!!! ametos 21st:

more of ametos 21st:

other stuff:


Bernies Weird pics:

Likas and Calems pics:

The Family pics:

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Simpler things in life 14/05/2018

I have decided to go back to work and work for much simpler things in life, buying a bigger home, keeping my little family happy, being healthier, financial freedom and contributing to society in some way. I am currently working for a small engineering firm in Blackhawk Tracking Systems where we create and manage GPS systems. Liz is still at PMA Global and Ray/Kobe are both at Papatoetoe North Primary. Last year I was the coach for their Under 7's rugby team - let me tell yah it was fun, tiring and very rewarding. The kids at times were a handful but in the end we made it all the way through to the final game in one piece. Just trying to do my little part for the community. This year though, I decided to mentor high school kids in pathways from learning, studying, to working and being financially independent. The program is called Laulotaha started by Valeti Finau apparently a family member of Patea my mother in law. The plan is to clear all debts first then save up and start trading/investing again. I have finally worked a decent strategy with clear objectives and with winners such as MRNS, HDMS I feel we can gain more by focusing on stocks that fit my criteria.

At a crossroads 04/07/2016

Such a long time since I've posted on this website. Really at a crossroads in life. Finally decided to put my money where my mouth is and start day trading but am really sick of working for others. Really want to be self-employed and give it a good hit out on my own. Tonnes of things have changed I am married now to Elizabeth Vaili and have two boys on my own Ray and Kobe. We own our own home in Papatoetoe and I'm a day trader hopefully will be a multi-millionaire soon.

Changing winds - different strokes for different folks 09/03/08 Sunday

What a change in the last two years. Well I like to think we live and learn and hopefully we don't make the same mistakes again. Got new things to look forward to and a new business venture to aim for. will be my new love and we'll put everything into it. And its a good thing being single because now I can focus on what I always wanted to accomplish and dream of doing, travelling ... so on and so forth. Planning to go to U.K. to visit my aunty haha... Currently working at Salesforce for Westpac selling credit card insurance. Not sure why I put that down, but I know I'm not going to be with WP CRC much longer. Also met new people as well at work and also playing a new game - WOW... almost level 30. Currently developed a new passion of reading on books about finance, goals, business and being successful & happy at the same time.

Just the Newest Entry 08/01/06 Sunday

My new Blog for Project Muskateer

Newest Input to me Wheels from Norms and Okiti

Well basically the xmas/new year period is finished, and its the beginning of another year. I really need to get out of New World :O I'll try my hardest to rest the biggest black eye in my working career. Opportunities just seemed to slip past me for no clear reasons, and at the end of the year instead of celebrating finally completing my degree I'm left thinking at the year that could of been. No doubt I'll make up for it this year - with more emphasis on my Project Muskateer we should start to see some big gains and the platform of a successful business emerging in the next two years. Currently we are in the stage of renovating my garage with a room extension - so that we can have cool summers/ warm winters. Making it easier to get up in the mornings and going to bed in the nights. I plugged in a CD-Player for me wheels, thanks to Okiti and Norman. And scored an awesome Age of Empires 3 game thanks to Ernaz ... hehehe! Looking for another Part-Time job won't be easy because there are many foul words I can describe for working at New World, just looking to get paid around $300 so that I can continue to focus on my Project Muskateer.

Hello Everyone again 27/7/05 Wednesday

Not sure who I'm writing for but I haven't written anything for three years now.. lol! Where to begin? lol Well I'm actually finishing my degree finally this year. And I've got my wheels in the workshop waiting to see if they fixed the oil pump, must get that WOF aye. I know I'm probably more or less still the same as I was when first created this Web diary.. lol! I have new dreams and goals to aim for. Thanks to my final year project - I am designing a Java GUI which helps users have some AutoCAD functionality on the Web - using X3D format! I'm currently part time at New World on friggen' $10.20/hr damn must improve on that ratio hehe. Must start somewhere after I get my WOF & registration. I'll buy a wireless modem, domain name and start programming.. Haven't yet decided what game to make but if you have any ideas you can leave them at the Guestbook!

One of those aims is to make my own software business, where I can make 3D games on the Web, and sell them online! Thats a long way from the dude who wanted to chase cars and girls more than three and a half years ago hehe. Hopefully in the next couple of years I can pull off another major goal.



What is up with me and staying home on Fridays??? Well almost 6 months since the last update! hehe. Lets see wat happened hmmm Gramps passed away (71 on Feb 6th RIP buddy - bye bye on da March 12th), another semester under the belt, turned 21, farked up my computer (great one) and still no car :( not surprisingly i juss managed to pay off that fine about 3 days before going to court - oh well! Oh yeah, I worked all over Aucks chasing cash and what do you know still got time to gamble hehe! What else - hmmm -Koven took out the

Arbalest Cup, Brazil won the world cup (oh no!), Crusaders took out the super 12, and Oh yeah wats up with everyone getting married - hardly anyone to hang wit now (dayum)???

Thats Agro, Blowoff, BeerHead and BenchWarmer.

This is my cous ratty (Polima) and four eyes hehe!

WHAT IS UP? 15/2/02 Friday

What a sucky day today was, drive, drive, drive, pick up, pick up, pick up! Well last two weeks been bummin' around thinking about the same thing all

the time - stupid Evo 3 or VR-4? Went to the drags last week man dayum! Out gunned the 4 car police road block, man that was cool - bah wannabe boyracer. Well I decided to enrol for engineering and can the BSC or MCSE. Oh man another two years what the hell? At this rate I'm gonna graduate the same time as my sister - argh! Hopefully I can get gifs animating working, instead of jpegs - lol.

30/1/02 Wednesday

Well another year is starting and it looks like everything is on the up. Yeah we just sold the mercedes (finally) and I cant wait to start selling computers, and go out out with some chick :P - well I finally did something this term apart from playing Age all day (and night long) muahahahaha - that is making this website if u dont know what I'm talking about (noooo! still on the fricken' computer -bah!). Went to Uni today things didn't go very well with my course advisor - he told me to look for another course - noooo! Well I have two options 1. Do engineering 2. Do Bsc in Computer Science. Actually no another I havent considered is dropping out of Uni and doing a MSCE or something like that.


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