Harry Potter

HP Facts and Rumors

D/G Archive

Actor Bios

HP Websites at Risk?

Chamber of Keys(Kristin's art, not mine)

Harvest Moon
Harvest Moon 64

Harvest Moon:Save the Homeland PS2

Harvest Moon:Back to Nature

Harvest Moon Site of the Month

Welcome to Harry Potter and More! Still working on it. Hopefully everything will be accessable by the end of May. You can visit my live journal at http://www.livejournal.com/users/misty_mars

akaSailor Mars


I'm backing everything up on a disk so I don't lose anything. I'm also working on Actor Bios. HM stuff is done, it's just not accessable. I'm working on the page for the newest enstallment, A Wonderful Life for Game Cube. PoA Comes out June 4th!! Hurray!


Re-vamping my site. I have links to hints for HM 64 and HM PS2. These hints are from various sites. I got them from my friend who probably got them from cheat planet. As always, If you have anything you want to send me send it to lilyevans_1@lycos.com. Thanks!


The D/G archive link is finally up! There are only two links on it, so if you've written a D/G fic that you would like posted, please send me the link. Sportsgrl63@aol.com I'm working on getting the L/J and R/H archives up, too. So send those fics if you would like.

Also, we have a video game review page! It's under "Stuff."

The wonderful banner was made by Snorkle5444. The pictures on the banner are drawn by Kristin. She owns Chamber of Keys, which is on my site bar. It is a Harry Potter site and it has her wonderful gallery on it. I highly reccomend her picture of Lily, James and Sirius at Lily and James' wedding. Very good picture! Thanks Kristin and Snorkle5444!

akaSailor Mars

Email: lilyevans_1@lycos.com

Which HP Kid Are You?


Tamora Pierce

The Circle Opens

Protector of the Small

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