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BABY SEALS are Evil!
WELCOME TO OUR SITE ABOTE THE DEER park Band called Tokyo Space Cadets??? I am Julie Stevens and Steph Wilkinson is my freind and we go to DEEr prAK hihg school where the 'Cadets go. WE ARE THERE BIGGIST FANS AND WE LOVE ALL OF THEM MORE THEN THE SKY AND THE MOON AND JOHN STAMOS (lol @ STEPH) LOOK at the rite side of the page here and yuou will see the picteir of my faVORITE CADET he is called OWEN BALLARD. Long have I wachedd him frum afar and I AM In love with him and wish he would father my babiez but that is a storie for for another day!!! Oh lol heir is steph to rite about R favorite band TSC.

HY!!! Thiis is STEPH. I totallt am in love with Chris Fuentez HE IS MT MAN LADIES. I like alll there songs. I can't get them out of mt head. I feel as thought mt head could explode at ant minute and the awesomw melodis of those hot guts would brek free of mt brain. I hope that thet make it bug.