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If you would like to donate needed items to the show, please contact us at 713-731-0251 or
You can make a pledge to KPFT on behalf of THE FIRST SEX at any time, not just during the fund-drives!
But management pays more attention during the pledge drives.
When you make your pledge, make sure you let KPFT know that they need to attract more women programmers, and increase the number of feminist women's programs. Did you know that the Pacifica mission statement doesn't even include gender justice? No wonder they didn't give us the WEEKLY show we requested. So, even in this bastian of progressive politics, there's still an oversight of the oppression and limitations placed on women in our society. The many grave and significant issues affecting women's lives will continue to receive limited attention as will the many knowledgeble women who should be included in the political discouse that takes place on the Pacifica airwaves.

The two-hour weekly timeslot we requested would have gone a long way toward addressing this, but the station manager, Duane Bradley, and his programming director, Otis Maclay, initially only gave us one hour once a month! They changed their mind almost a week later and gave us one-hour twice a month. So, is two hours of feminist programming enough for you? THE FIRST SEX, WHOLE MOTHER, and WOMEN MAKING TIME account for only 1.5 hours of programming for women out of a 168 hour week! (Approximately 6 hours women's programming per month!) If you agree that KPFT owes the women of Houston more access to the radio waves, TELL THEM SO!

Computer to do audio editing outside of the station
Blank recordable CDs
Mini-disc recorders
Microphones (we need at least one cordless mic)
Feminist/Goddess music and poetry
Donate a subscription to a feminist magazine

We need all the help we can get! So, give us a call at 713-731-0251 or email us at

If you'd like to make a monetary donation to enable us to purchase any of the items listed above, please make your check payable to The Amazon Xociety and write "TFS" on the memo line. Please mail to The Amazon Xociety at 4617 Edfield Street #3, Houston, Texas 77033.