Who am I?

My name is Ed.
I weight 131lb and I'm 5'5" tall.
I am Salvadorean.br>
I am mature and very open-minded, sincere,
funny, confident, and romantic.

I like to play any sport you can think of.
I love to play soccer though. Hmm...what else?
Oh yes, I like to workout.
I like to play my guitar. I really like to draw,
and make poems. Sometimes, I just like to go out
butt naked, just to say hi to this two old ladies
(just kidding). Umm...I like to cook for fun,
specially when I'm hungry (Duh). I really like to
study; to learn anything that I can.
I play video games for fun, whenever I can and/or make websites.
I guess that's it. ::Thinking what else to put::