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Here it is folks!!! The highly anticipated (though far from complete) TAMMYLAND!!!!!!!!!! ::applause in back ground:: sorry though.... it didn't upload all that pretty ::sniff sniff:: I have Tammyland updated on my computer... but i lack the time to upload that.. it will be done soon though... Never fear, The Islands of Fiction and Harmony and Peace, will be added soon enough!

UPDATE! WOO! (though just a small one)

We have a new member!!!!!!

::applause ensues!::

HoneyBee22790 has asked to join the ranks of us INSANE and has requested to reside on the eastern coast of Illusion. So, of course, there's is now automatically the perfect house in the perfect place for her, exactly where she wants it.

Unfortunately for the moment, the map itself doesn't want to be updated (glares at map) But it's not that intelligible anyway, and a map doesn't control what is really there. So CONGRATULATIONS Honey Bee!

You have now joined the ranks of us INSANE.......

Also, you've requested a lovely summer home on the "curly-q" thing on the west side (which is a very accurate description!) And you were even thinking ahead to give me a name for it (YAY! Because I was going to ask you anyway) I'm going to go with Mulish, just becasue I like the sound of it! So congrats, you now have two lovely residences.. and the tip, by the way was a very good choice. very private and secluded complete with water and the such! Good choice!!

Since the Key cannot be read (::grumble::)........


Firedrake's Home is the Green diamond smack in the middle of Insanity and Dismay

Melissa's Home is the Orange one between Sarcasm and Disaster

My home (Sarah's home, since I'm Sarah) is the Yellow diamond In nothern Insanity

Kathleen's home is the Purple diamond at the exact place where Confusion, Delusion, and Insanity meet

Prongspotter's Home is the Light blue diamond between Prissiness and Boredom

Lia's Home is the Pink diamond in southwestern Insanity

Kyukidokid's Home is the Blue diamond in Despair.. It is her "Lair in Despair"

Christine's Home is the Purple diamond in Despair, and her summer Home is the Red mini-diamond on the Isle of Muse

Henri's home is the Pinkish-Purpleish diamond on the largest Island of Fistion (yes it's the capital)

font color=orange>Honey Bee's home is on the east coast of Illusion... No mark there for now.. but believe me.. It's there!

Summer Home's

Henri's Summer Home is the White mini-diamond on Svalbard (By the way the name Svalbard is really copyrighted to Philip Pullman! Read his Dark Materials series and see!)

Firedrake's Summer "Villa" is the Gray mini-diamond on Writer's Nook

My "Summer Escape to Partial Sanity" (Sarah's summer house... [like even partial sanity will ever come to me! Ha!]) is the Light Blue mini-diamond on Creator's Corner

Honey Bee's Summer Home is on the tip of the curly-q thing on the west side. The state that it is in is now newly named Mulish. Land Features and Hard-to-Read states


The Bay Labeled "2" (Behind Shark Bait Isle) is called Shipwreck Bay

Mind's Own Bay, is the bay between: Sorrow, Thought, and unnamed territory.

Mountains and Mountain Ranges

The Snowcaps (creative name, no?) are the white-capped-mountains in Northern-ish Tammyland (sort of above Pain)


Lake Devotion is the large lake in Insanity

The Twin Teardrop Lakes, are the two "mirror imaged" lakes in Sorrow (fitting isn't it?)


The Ísobel River is the river that begins in the Mountains of Disarray and ends in the ocean in Southern Tammyland


The Island's of Fiction, (the 4 islands near Illusion) is actually another country (a sister country) that is run by Henri. She's the Baroness/President of it.

The southern-most western Island is Writer's Nook

The Island slightly to the left and above Writer's nook is Creator's Corner

The Isle of Hope is directly Next to the Yellow diamond (my house) in Insanity

Svalbard is the Island above the Snowcaps

Shark Bait Isle is to the Rightish of the Snowcaps

The Isle of Muse is the Island in Mind's Own Bay

Other stuff

The Faery Walkway is the curvy land bridge that connects Tammyland to Illusion

Cape Penn is the Nothward protrusion in Northeastern Tammyland (it is directly sount of Illusion)


Nothingness is the state labeled "1". It is surrounded by Diaster, Delusion, Boredom, and Glee


The Capital of Tammyland is in the middle of Insanity (It's the Orange X)

The Capital of the Island's of Fiction is the Pinkish/Purpleish diamond (yes, also Henri's house)

If I forgot anything of anyone... PLEASE!!! tell me!!! i don't want ANYONE left out!!! Or if anything is still unreadable.. tell me that too!

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Check out a more detailed map of the State of Insanity here! If you're not here PLEASE.. I urge you!!.. Pick where you want to live ... email it to me right down there ::points down:: and join the ranks of us insane!!!
