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No Way Out. Who thought of the name of it? Pure genius. Who would've thought that No Way Out would be a part of wOw's vocabulary? Everyone's saying it now.. "No Way Out" this.. "No Way Out" that. But you wanna know what's true? It's gonna be No.. Way.. Out for 7 men as they take part in wOw's first ever Elimination Chamber! With only one man being the winner.. One Man Beast!

the scene

From where we last left off, it was RhYno, Christian, and Vince McMahon in a wrestling store looking around as RhYno seemed to be in a trance, talking to himself, then talking to Vince about his match at No Way Out. Christian got bombarded with fans while speaking to Vince, then as soon as they left the store, RhYno's hands are full with merchandise. Now, the scene opens up at a hotel room in England. It seems pretty expensive, equipped with a king size bed, and lavished with expensive furniture; But it's very messy. The camera scans around the room showing Vince and RhYno who are sitting at the coffee table talking quietly as Christian is sitting on the floor in front of a telly (lmao) playing Smackdown! He grunts and groans as he tries to do his special. He's Christian and he's facing Edge.

" tha awesomest one in wow " c h r i s t i a n : Take that, Edge-Miester! Whoo! Un-Prettier! Bam! 1.. 2.. 3! Ding ding ding! Whoo! This game is so totally awesome!

" tha creator of wow " v i n c e   m c m a h o n : Dammit, Christian! [ Turns over to look at Christian. ] Would you just stop playing that video game? It's driving me crazy right now! I just can't take it! I'm gonna go for a walk.. And when I come back, you better have this room all tidy! I didn't pay £2,000 a night for this!

" tha awesomest one in wow " c h r i s t i a n : But Vinnie.. That's what the maid is for!

" tha creator of wow " v i n c e   m c m a h o n : "But Vinnie" nothing! You clean this up, Christian! Or suffer the consequences! [ Turns back to RhYno. ] You make sure he does.. Or it's your ass too!

the scene

Vince glares at both men before getting his coat and slamming the door behind him as he leaves. RhYno and Christian look at eachother for a minute before bursting out with laughter. The laughter continues for a few moments until RhYno speaks.l

" tha man beast of wow " r h Y n o : Ha ha.. Did you hear him? "Suffer the consequences.." Ha ha! Blah blah blah!

" tha awesomest one in wow " c h r i s t i a n : Yah.. Vinnie totally needs some chill pills! He needs to relax! Hey.. Terr.. Look what I made.

the scene

Christian turns around and presses some buttons on his Playstation which then a screen opens up, showing a C.A.W. which Christian made. It's RhYno! RhYno's eyes light up because he's wearing his in-ring attire, long hair soaking wet on his head, arms in a relaxed position, and not only that.. But he has the World Championship Title around his waist.

" tha awesomest one in wow " c h r i s t i a n : Isn't that awesome?! And check this out.. [ Presses some buttons. ] It has your music and everything. Here.. Listen up.

the scene

Christian presses some more buttons, selects a character and who comes out? None other than "Tha Man Beast" himself.. RhYno! But not only that.. But "E.. Cee.. Dubyah.. This.. is.. EXTREME!!!" blasts on the speakers. RhYno's eys light up even more and now he has a huge smile on his face. He grabs the second controller and has a seat next to Christian. Christian comes out, wearing his gold tights and black see-through shirt, parting his hands out and smiling as Gold streamers fall from the titantron's railings. Christian hears the next music playing.. It's Shawn Michaels and rolls his eyes, quickly exiting HBK's entrance. Next out is Kurt Angle! "You Suck!" plays on the speakers as out walks The Olympic DORK! RhYno's eyes grow dark as he stares at the screen blankly. RhYno presses some buttons himself as the match begins. It's a Tornado Tag. A few minutes pass as they play the game.

" tha man beast of wow " r h Y n o : Whoo! GORE.. GORE.. GORE!!! It's all over for these mutha' fuckah's! Whoo! Damn straight! Broken in half! Pin! 1, 2, 3! It's all fuckin' over! C'mon, Christian! Let's go get some pizza and celebrate! Just like we're gonna celebrate after No Way Out when I do the exact same thing to these guys.

" tha awesomest one in wow " c h r i s t i a n : Yay! But, Terr.. Don't'cha think I should keep my stomach empty? 'Cause when you win the World title, I'mma buy you dinner.. At the best place in the world: Hometown Buffet! Ha ha.. Yup.. Now you're gonna really EARN this title! Against what, 7 other reek-a-zoids? Dude, they don't stand a chance! I mean, c'mon, it's just sad how they wanna face you.. You're tha' Man Beast! You totally reek of awesomeness! Just like myself!

" tha man beast of wow " r h Y n o : Yah damn right, Christian.. Tha' Man Beast.. RhYno.. Terry Gerin.. But all in all, I gotta admit, thanks to JC, I finally understand that the Hardcore title ain't nothin'.. Compared to this.. [ Points to fake title in corner. ] To the World title..

" tha awesomest one in wow " c h r i s t i a n : Yah.. That's true, Terr.. But yah also gotta admit, the Hardcore title was cool! I mean you could be able to wreak havoc on anyone who challenges you.. Anytime, any place. Ha ha.. That's such an awesome rush. I wish I could be able to do that..

" tha man beast of wow " r h Y n o : I'm sure you will, Chris.. But first thing's first.. You're in my corner, right?

" tha awesomest one in wow " c h r i s t i a n : Totally! I'm gonna be first row to see you kick these chumpstain's asses! Like I said before.. This is so totally gonna be awesome! And I can't wait for the dinner!

" tha man beast of wow " r h Y n o : Neither can I.. But what's on my mind is the title.. The one single thing that I hold dearest.. Yah see, Chris.. I've been through Hell to get to this title.. Won my share of matches, and lost a couple.. Well, just one.. And that's the reason, you see? I am the only one who truly DESERVES this title.. And like that Olympic Fag says.. "It's True, God dammit!" Who else cares about the title? [ Raises an eyebrow. ] I didn't think so. NO ONE! So who else deserves it? No one.. So let's just go see how it'll go down..

the scene

RhYno gets up from the floor as Christian shuts off the Ps2. Both men then walk to the door and leave.