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Stellar Crisis Club Index to Informative Posts
Compiled by LifeIncarnate Aug 7, 1999
Post #1663 and 1664


#21 (Charlie6713) Troopships
#22 (KungLao339) "
#23 (Masque) "
#27 (ShamenCave) Pop Trick
#63 ( " ) " " vs Terreforming
#72 (Masque) Breaking Alliance
#77 (DeathIncarnate) Tips for Newbies
#79 ( " ) Breaking Alliance
#81 (Charlie6713) " "
#113 (DeathIncarnate) 2 players colonizing same system
#146 ( " ) v3.0 ship types
#151 (ShamenCave) Stargates
#280 (Bolotomus) Cutthroat
#285 (Lugdunum) "
#288 (Bolotomus) Philosophy
#289 (DeathIncarnate) Thoughts on Gooseberry
#296 ( " ) " " "
#297 ( " ) " " "
#298 (Lugdunum) " " "
#305 (Bolotomus) " " "
#306 (Bolotomus) Origin of Goose's name
#329 (SC Petroni) " " " " (spoof)
#359 (DeathIncarnate) " " DI's "
#364 (Sgt Slaughter) cloakers and gates
#366 (Bolotomus) " " backstabbing
#390 (ericjr77) "taking over the remains"
#395 (Bolotomus) Honkan, (Goose's native language)
#432 (MutatisMutandis)Builders
#433 (Lugdunum) "
#435 (Bolotomus) "
#436 (k_fidler) "
#438 (ericjr77) "
#453 (Bolotomus) Tips for Newbies
#479 (Lugdunum) 2.8 & 2.9 differences
#510 (BoP999) Initial tech
#514 (Bolotomus) " "
#517 (Arstyl) " "
#523 (Lugdunum) " "
#525 (Sgt Slaughter) Nuke and invade
#529 (DarkSphinx06) " " "
#533 (k_fidler) " " "
#535 (Lugdunum) Initial tech
#537 ( " ) Nuke and invade
#538 (Arstyl) Intial tech
#539 (DelHart) Trade-ins
#542 (ericjr77) "
#543 (NUKEBB) Nuke and invade
#546 (Arstyl) " " "
#552 (ericjr77) Annihilate riddle
#563 (Lugdunum) " "
#568 (ShamenCave) Troopships
#573 (NUKEBB) Nuke and invade
#575 (DelHart) Troopships
#581 (ericjr77) Annihilate riddle answer
#582 ( " ) " " "
#585 (Lugdunum) Carriers
#589 ( " ) Troopships
#595 (Arstyl) "
#599 (ericjr77) Carriers
#600 ( " ) "
#601 (Lugdunum) Troopships
#603 ( " ) Carriers
#604 ( " ) Negative Population
#605 ( " ) " "
#611 ( " ) " "
#612 ( " ) Carriers and minefeilds
#615 (Sgt Slaughter) Stationary ships in opponent's systems
#616 (DelHart) " " "
" " and invisable morphers
#618 (Lugdunum) Morphers
#626 ( " ) SC history
#627 ( " ) " "
#638 (DelHart) Jumpgate range
#639 (Lugdunum) " "
#649 (ericjr77) Morphers
#656 (Arstyl) Morphed minefields
#657 (DelHart) " "
#660 (ericjr77) Morphers
#663 ( " ) Jumpgate range
#665 (SirDragonet) Clan Wars
#673 (Berg sc) ICQ
#677 (Lugdunum) Useing your icon on your homepage
#683 ( " ) Tribal Wars
#688 (Gnostic Heretic) " "
#721 (DelHart) Sending maps via e-mail
#726 (The Sizm) " " " "
#771 (Arstyl) Finding out all the games available
#803 (ericjr77) Ship naming trick
#804 (Sgt Slaughter) " " "
#813 (ericjr77) " " "
#815 (Sgt Slaughter) " " "
#817 (Lugdunum) " " "
#822 (Bolotomus) " " "
#823 (Sgt Slaughter) " " "
#831 (DeathIncarnate) " " "
#834 (ericjr77) Optimal BR for colonization
#835 ( " ) " " " "
#837 (DelHart) " " " "
#842 (ShamenCave) Ship naming trick
#848 (Lugdunum) 2 on 1s
#851 (ericjr77) Cuckoo's Nest
#865 (Masque) Message trick
#868 (DelHart) Shared information tool kit
#870 ( " ) " " " "
#878 (Lugdunum) Cuckoo's Nest
#879 (ShamenCave) Dissertation
#883 (goth) MK II
#890 (Lugdunum) " "
#891 (Arstyl) " "
#896 (ericjr77) Mad Scientist
#931 (DeathIncarnate) Ship descriptions
#933 (k fidler) The builder's trick
#936 (DeathIncarnate) E.D.D. (the engineer trick)
#937 (The Sizm) The "nuke" hack
#940 (DelHart) Morphers
#943 (ericjr77) Morphers
#944 (Bolotomus) New ship type ideas
#947 (DelHart) New ship type ideas
#949 (NUKEBB) New ship type ideas
#950 (Bolotomus) New ship type ideas
#951 (Sgt Slaughter) New ship type ideas
#956 (STELLARWORLD) Almonster
#958 (Bolotomus) New ship type ideas
#978 (Arstyl) Pop-tricking at Cuckoo's?
#980 (STELLARWORLD) Pop-tricking at Cuckoo's?
#986 (ShamenCave) "Embargo"
#988 (DelHart) "Embargo"
#1001 (Masque) Web TV and IRC
#1002 (The Sizm) Web TV and IRC
#1026 (STELLARWORLD) Pop-tricking
#1027 (The Sizm) Pop-tricking
#1028 (DeathIncarnate) Pop-tricking
#1037 (STELLARWORLD) Tribal Wars
#1074 (Lugdunum) TCBOO
#1140 (STELLARWORLD) Tips for Newbies
#1199 (ShamenCave) Web page tips
#1201 (BoP999) Web page tips
#1202 (DelHart) Alliances
#1203 (Feste SC) Alliances
#1204 (Arstyl) Web page tips
#1212 (DelHart) Shared info tool kit
#1231 (DeathIncarnate) "Map" messages
#1232 (DeathIncarnate) "Map" messages
#1234 (ericjr77) "Map" messages
#1274 (Bolotomus) New game ideas
#1277 (lionhart) Jumpgate defense
#1282 (Bolotomus) Jumpgate defense
#1292 (DelHart) Jumpgate defense
#1293 (Lugdunum) Jumpgate defense
#1297 (DeathIncarnate) Jumpgate defense
#1304 (DeathIncarnate) A lesson in humility
#1312 (goth) Jumpgates
#1316 (SirDragonet) Jumpgates
#1317 (STELLARWORLD) Jumpgates
#1320 (Lugdunum) Jumpgates
#1326 (Lugdunum) Jumpgates
#1357 (ShamenCave) Build hack
#1359 (BoP999) "Name" cheat
#1362 (Lugdunum) "Name" cheat & build hack
#1363 (Lugdunum Build hack
#1366 (DelHart) "Name" cheat
#1367 (BoP999) "Name" cheat
#1368 (Lugdunum) "Name" cheat
#1370 (Lugdunum) "Name" cheat
#1371 (Bolotomus) Build hack
#1372 (BoP999) Build hack
#1374 (lionhart) "Name" cheat
#1376 (Bolotomus) Another "name" cheat
#1399 (Lugdunum) Another "name" cheat
#1406 (STELLARWORLD) New game idea
#1409 (Bolotomus) Cuckoo Desert Blitz
#1410 (lionhart) "Wormholes"
#1427 (Lugdunum) 2.8 vs 2.9 vs 3.0
#1529 (lifeincarnate) Mirrored layout games
#1530 (Arstyl) Mirrored layout games
#1531 (DelHart) Mirrored layout games
#1541 (DelHart) Web TV
#1543 (Masque) Web TV
#1545 (Masque) Web TV
#1570 (Masque) Ship type descriptions
#1576 (The Sizm) "Name" cheat
#1581 (BoP999) "Name" cheat
#1582 (yac sc) "Name" cheat
#1583 (yac sc) "Name" cheat
#1584 (lifeincarnate) v3.0 ship descriptions
#1588 (The Sizm) "Name" cheat
#1590 (Conglomerate Z) Ship type descriptions
#1595 (Lugdunum) Links and ship type notes
#1596 (Lugdunum) The build hack
#1600 (DelHart) v3.0 ships
#1610 (Bolotomus) The cheats
#1613 (night0eagle) Making alliances
#1614 (Bolotomus) Breaking alliances
#1617 (Lugdunum) Breaking alliances
#1620 (SirDragonet) Breaking alliances
#1621 (STELLARWORLD) Breaking alliances
#1622 (ShamenCave) Alliance and trade differences
#1623 (lifeincarnate) Alliance and trade diff.
#1624 (Masque) Alliance and trade differences
#1625 (junjun26.geo) Alliance and trade diff.
#1626 (Arstyl) Alliance and trade differences
#1627 (Bolotomus) Alliance and trade breaking
#1628 (yac sc) Opening moves
#1629 (BoP999) Trade to war trick
#1634 (damascussc) Alliance, trade breaking
#1635 (richard e tyson) Alliance, trade breaking
#1638 (KungLao339) Opening moves
#1640 (Conglomerate Z) Alliance, trade breaking
#1644 (Arstyl) Where to find the good players
#1646 (Lugdunum) Alliance, trade breaking
#1647 (Bolotomus) Alliance, trade breaking
#1648 (Bolotomus) Opening moves
#1649 (Arstyl) Opening