Welcome to K-Dawg® Country
Your now standing on the patch of grass where I toss around lip and voice concerns on stuff that deserves respect and things that get disrespected. I will educate you about hot sites and shat we are brewing up for you respecting viewers, silver platter style. Innovation and artistic talent are going to thump your head with this disturbing mind candy.

So continue to feed off this delicious pie that I will be baking. Stay tuned for daily additions. It's almost like same bat channel same bat time, but we's better than that. And remember the site that has been dubbed "The dance sensation that has been sweeping the nation" Tell your friends !

Sell-Out Stew Hotter Than Ever !
This week's main ingredient in the Sell-Out Stew is:
1/2 cup of Sell
1/2 cup of Out
3 cups of Water
1 pinch of excuse

Nothing gets my blood boiling hotter than a Sell-Out Stew. Consider those that have a party and go to great lengths to make it the best bash ever. They estimate a number in mind for the amount of people that have confirmed that they will be attending. Here is where you apply the "Rule of 3". Simply take the estimated number of confirmed attendants and divide it by 3. The result will be the actual number of people that will attend your fiesta. It is a very accurate algorithm because it seems many people find something better to do with their time than attend your party. This is a very unacceptable act and is considered disrespectful. In conclusion, this adds another chapter to the epic article, "Stewing with K-Dawg".

Food Advisory:
Save the Cheetos, Stop genetically engineered corn!

I was searching on the net for my favorite party time snack and I surfed right on to an article that CNN did. I felt that I should inform cheetos lovers everywhere that there might be a potential drought. This is what the following article was about.

Cheetos lovers, prepare for a crunch. Supplies of the cheese-flavored snack are down by as much as 10 percent as maker Frito-Lay Inc. attempts to keep genetically engineered corn from the recipe. "We've required all cornmeal to meet all tests, and that's slowed things down," company spokeswoman Lynn Markley said. Frito-Lay is running thousands of tests a month to make sure its supplies don't contain the StarLink variety of bio-engineered corn. The Cheetos supply problem is expected to be fixed in two weeks, company officials said. StarLink, which was genetically modified to produce its own pesticide, is not approved for human consumption because of unresolved questions about its potential to cause allergic reactions.

We looooove CheetosThis couple didn't take the news well. The man on the left began buying up cheetos and just started filling his yap with the cheesy snacks, the girl on the right went into shock soon after hearing the news bulletin, and I maintained a chester cheeto like composure. Cause Mamma knows every party needs a cheesy snack pack of cheetos and some jolt cola. Booyah !!

K-Dawg's Karma Meter

You see I felt it was my duty to enlighten you viewers on a little concept I like to refer to as K-Dawg's Karma. I have had many experiences with different kinds of karma, some good and some bad. The good karma is the range you want to be in.

You gotta rise above it, you gotta harvest the good energy and block out the bad. Harvest energy, block bad. Feel the flow, feel it, it's circular. Its like a carousel. You pay the quarter, you get on the horse, and you go up and down and around...in a circular circle with the music, the flow, all good things.

To the rewards of good karma you must be able to go outside your every day schedule and do something nice for the people around you. For example, hold the door for someone, work some extra hours at work, tell a girl she is lookin like down home cookin, and just keep a good head on your shoulders. Because if you are nice to others they will feed on that and you in return will receive some rewarding treatment. Maybe not in the same respect but you will come into good things. If you need money one day down the road, you got to spend a little. For example, you pay for your food with a fin and you get some change back, well take the change and put it into a tip jar or a charity jar. There are usually things like that at McDonalds and other fast food restaurants. Then when you are short on cash one day down the road, you will suddently come into money. It's a beautiful thing but you must be consistent or the outcomes may be dissapointing. This has been a K-Dawg® perspective on the Karma so you know what to do.

A-K's Networking Philosophy:

  • Constantly make connections with people you meet
  • A part of your daily rounds, not just something that happens at events
  • Word of Mouf: spreading the word about you and your bidness
  • Give & Take... sharing information or contacts with people and making the hook-ups
  • Talking about what gets you amped
  • Listening to what is brewing in their minds
  • Expansion is the bread and butta of a thriving network
  • Finally coming to a conclusion, Andy and I decided to make this a year we would never forget. Taking out limits, and knocking down boundaries, we decided to formulate a plan. The plan is this, hit the streets and spread the word that the big bird is in town and its time to just wing it. Our goal is to add fuel to the network and make it into a fully functional bomb fire. We have one message and the message is this, fun on a bun, so wrap your mind around the good times and join the A-K network. This "Cream Show" airs Monday to Sunday and can be found everywhere. Our fun bus is el grande and our flava will spice up your life, what more could you ask for. Tune in and absorb the delicious dish that we are basting. You won't be dissapointed as we are always ready to bring da A game.

    This years Oktoberfest ist wunderbar

    The second largest Oktoberfest location in the world next to Germany, the city of Kitchener/Waterloo is a must if you feel the need to see a bunch of drunk people in tight threads. This year I was asked to join the Adams and Adams duo of father and son, and that is what I did. The night was full of laughs, beer, games, eats, and chanting. We were hooked up with some real german food and beer. The concordia plater consisting of pig tails, sour kraut, weiner shnitzel and some potatoes were like a party in my mouf. Many a good time had by all as always.
    Family Dinning
    How drunk is The Doc ? Andy Konan and The Doc

    Boarding in a Winter Wonderland
    A trip to the Horseshoe Heights was on the agenda for the weekend and we couldn't of gone on a better day. The snow was cold, our wood was stiff, and the hills were naked. A most excellent place to snowboard and I would recommend it if you are apart of the Heights Elite, since it requires a membership and some style.

    What the Cluck do you want ?
    Butterballz mean bidness !

    Andy and I devoured the Western Pie this weekend in London. Our host with the most Dan the Man showed us the highlights of the campus and told us about some history within his residence. We are eating it with a fork and spoon. He begins to tell us about a delicious idea that someone had in previous years and the idea is this. They grab a pile of chickens and put them in the elevator at the residence on a higher floor. Then when the elevator is full of omega 3, they sent it down to the lobby and ultimately caused a "running of the clucker" The door opened on the main floor and out spewed the chickens running around going buck buck buckaw. People were feared for their lives. Andy and I crashed to our knees as Dan was narrarating the story and finally got ourselves under control. But he says "Wait there's more." In the whole process of creating utter mayhem, one of the little butter balls perished. So they had it stuffed and from that point on they named the chicken, Duke and it became the mascot of the residence.

    K-Dawgs brews a Jack Astor Stew:

    This weekend was done up pretty nicely but the sunday night events of beer and burger bowl went bust. My hommies and I have these VIP passes which allow us to go to Jack Astors to watch da fooseball, and we all know fooseballs for the devil. But the main reason we were going is becasue they and have a half time buffet consisting of sausage on a bun, burgers and hotdogs. So I'm cruising down south for a night of entertainment and we grab our passes and head towards the Jack Astors in St Catherines. We get there for the 3rd game of the evening just around half time and we were famished. We strut in doing the Waynes World backstage pass routine and totally get no respect. Then we finally approach one of the vulnerable waitresses and say "Where's the burgers at biatch ?" and she is like "We ain't doin that for tonight". So I just about hit an all time fit and lose it. We storm around the restaurant a couple of times and proceeded for the door. In the corner there was a plant sitting on a ledge and we totally girate into it causing it to plummit to the floor. "Take that Jack, you Astor!" as we display our disgust for the establishment. Now I vow that I will never enter another Jack Astor's again that promotes this form of false advertising. I mean show some respect and let this be a lesson to you, dont funk with a hungry kid just lookin to get some grub and poohnub. Or your plants are going to get destroyed.

    K-Dawg® Stews about School house shenanigans:
    On Aug. 16, 2002. I was surfing the net seeking out ideas for the site that we are totally rocking the net, and I came across a site that disturbed me. Searching for some respect on the net I came across this address Students should show some respect. After reading this guy's f**king site I wanted to hunt this dude down and smack him in his grill. A professor screwed up in the middle of a lecture and some student took advantage of the rare opportunity and let everyone knew what an idiot the prof was. For this I respect the student and the guy needs to know his role and shut the hell up and not make a god damn website about it. If I ever saw the guy I would deliver a right cross just like the Champ would. Know that !

    This ends the K-Dawg's stew of the Dizay.